Posted this on the earlier myostatin thread, but didn't want anyone interested to miss it. This kid is something else.
They say he'll have incredible muscle mass and strength.
At 2 days old he was standing and his legs supported his weight. At 19 months his abs are ripped and he can do the iron cross. He supposedly runs incredibly fast and is extremely powerful. They say he can lift furniture on his own -- at a year and a half old. Quote on the kid: "Jaw dropping strength. Breath-taking speed. Phenomenal agility. Olympian feats.â€
Now at 22 months he punches holes in walls when he has a tantrum. He does inverted sit-ups on his own while his parents hold him up in the air. Because his muscles are so big and are growing so fast his metabolism is crazy and he needs to eat every hour. Almost zilch body fat.
1 1/2 and he's on a trampoline, look at his balance and agility: