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Thread: self injections.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    self injections.

    hey guys.
    just a question for u all. how do you get over the mental block of injecting yourself, ive been doin it for my mate everytime he cycle's cos he just cant do it himself, is there anythin to help get through the mind block?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I don't know bro cos i never had that problem, never been afraid of pins. I did my first injection & thought nothing of it, i mean i was apprehensive bout drawing up the juice etc but the poking myself part was real easy.

    My best friend however says he could never use the juice cos he's shit scared of pins.

    Sorry i couldn't be of more help, i'm sure some of the vets here will be able to help you.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the basement
    Man......I just say man up, I think it maybe just the 1-3 times then it's a piece of cake.....tell him to just get over it. Not being a smart ass here just sayin that's my opinion.
    I mean really the more times you do the more you learn about what works and waht doesn't.....for instance, I won't shoot my quads......yes starnge but I can't handle it. I shoot literally everywhere else including traps....not recommended for novices with no traps.
    Last edited by 2bshredded; 03-28-2008 at 11:14 PM. Reason: more info

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Valac View Post
    hey guys.
    just a question for u all. how do you get over the mental block of injecting yourself, ive been doin it for my mate everytime he cycle's cos he just cant do it himself, is there anythin to help get through the mind block?
    after the first few it should be fine... i dunno i like to inject real slow... most will probably say to do it fast but i like to go in real slow, everyone is different i feel like i have more control... dont hurt at all i take my time.. you get use to it after awhile... first time i was scared now after doing test prop ED for a couple cycles its easy as anything.. i think shooting delts is the easiest maybe tell him to try that first and then see how it goes and move on... after a few i think he will be good to go

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You have to just man up and do it

  6. #6
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    Mar 2008
    i am a crazy needle phob myself and I am working through it slowly. I still have a hard time pinning myself. My advice would be to try reading about the process some to help get over it. I don't know how bad he is. Maybe look at s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m Just telling him to man it up won't work.

  7. #7
    i used to be afraid of needles. my answer - mindset. you have to be committed, otherwise its just a waste of time and money.

  8. #8
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    another thing I like to do it slow so i can feel it go into the muscle

  9. #9
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    My very fist stick, I had the syringe in hand ready to shoot and hesitated for a moment and just thought to myself, I have enough gear for two cycles, I can't blow it now, this is necessary if I went to achieve my goals, and before I even knew it the needle was deep in my quad. Ever since no hesitations or problems.

  10. #10
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    My first shot took about 15 minutes of just looking at the needle. When I finally did it i almost passed out, after that its been no problem. I started to even enjoy it on this last cycle.

  11. #11
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    My first was in my quad too. It took me a couple days actually lol. Everytime I tried I would pick myself alittle bit but stop could never do it. But when I finally did I also almost passed out. It only happened on the first time though. It is called a vasovagal reaction.

  12. #12
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    have him do it but u can monitor it. let him start wit the thighs. thats the only place i can self-inject. i need the use of both hands

  13. #13
    Its all in the mind bro.......My first self-injection was in my left bicep......i was kinda nervous ......but then thought to myself "**** it!" and jabbed that ****er into my bicep!

    After a few times, you get used to it and its not such a big deal.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by repoman247 View Post
    Its all in the mind bro.......My first self-injection was in my left bicep......i was kinda nervous ......but then thought to myself "**** it!" and jabbed that ****er into my bicep!

    After a few times, you get used to it and its not such a big deal.
    Your first stick was in the bicep? That's brutal bro! I don't even have enough balls to try that yet and I'm on my 4th cycle.

  15. #15
    Nothing to IM's. Now personally, I hate IV's. But in the muscle itself is nothing.

  16. #16
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    Feb 2008
    when you inject quads do you keep your leg straight so its tight or loose as possible?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacoby View Post
    when you inject quads do you keep your leg straight so its tight or loose as possible?
    Keep it as loose and relaxed as possible.

  18. #18
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    I actually practiced with a 25 gauge needle without anything in the plunger well before I had ever used gear. I found this worked well for me. I worked up from doing my glutes to the delts and quads. Then I used a 21 gauge also (just in the glutes) By the time I was ready to use gear it was a piece of cake. I was so excited I didnt hesitate at all. Most of my friends think it was weird that I practiced but I just diddnt want to mess up when it counted. Also most of the people who think its weird have never had to inject themselvs.

    If it is the pinching sensation that worries him he could ice the area first to numb it, or pinch/flick it just before the injection. Im sure once he gets over the initial hurdle he will actuall like it some what (I do).

    When it comes down to it its just a mental thing. Although it seems a little unnatural at first the needle is such a small instrument and we all expierence much greater discomfort on a daily baises. I found approaching it like this put things into perspective.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    "Just Do It"

  20. #20
    Regardless of wether you are injecting intramuscularly into the quad or any other still need to keep the muscle loose and relaxed - otherwise your gonna have complications injecting....... not to mention it'll be alot more painfull

  21. #21
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    Maybe try pinching himself a bit in another spot to take the focus off. He needs to ask himself why he can't. Would be nice for the threadstarter co comment on this and let us no more.

  22. #22
    after the first plunge everything is good to go!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    thanks for all the feedback guys. there is heaps of infomation i can pull outta this for him. Thanks again guys

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valac View Post
    hey guys.
    just a question for u all. how do you get over the mental block of injecting yourself, ive been doin it for my mate everytime he cycle's cos he just cant do it himself, is there anythin to help get through the mind block?
    I wear contacts. I didn't wear them when I first started pins. I also stared at the base of the needle till it hit my skin.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    "just do it"
    no, really, just say "F- it" . Also, I agree, do delts first, piece of cake!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I did a ton of reading on here then started injecting it was way easy I kinda look forward to it now. I also used this web site helped me out all kinds here it is **************.com

  27. #27
    h o w t o d o i n j e c t i o n s . c o m

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Valac View Post
    hey guys.
    just a question for u all. how do you get over the mental block of injecting yourself, ive been doin it for my mate everytime he cycle's cos he just cant do it himself, is there anythin to help get through the mind block?
    My girlfriend did my injections for a while. I was TERRIFIED of needles. Have him do a delt or quad injection. My first inject was delt. I said if you dont inject this, you will lose all your muscle.

    You have to just do it quick. if you stall the less likely you can do it. He needs to load the syringe, put it to the side, skye himself up, and do it fast.

  29. #29
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    he ended up doin his upper quad. said he just went slow and look forward and didnt feel it much. so hopefully now i dont have to drive over his place all the time now

  30. #30
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    Just go one steady movement. If you watch doctors give the Gluteal intramuscular shot aka "ass muscle shot" they practily throw that needle right in but its more difficult doing it your self that fast plus ur nerve is right there. Just practice and think mosquito bite lol

  31. #31
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    I agree its all about mindset. I doubt anyone was happy about giving themselves their first shot, but after the first one its a lot easier.

  32. #32
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    i asked my anestheseoligist uncle how doctors poke mofos fast as hell and they dont feel anything...he said

    "look at it this way...when a bitch waxes her legs, does she pull the wax off fast or slow? she pulls it pull that shit slow and itll hurt like a mofo...same with put it in slow, itll hurt more then if u put it in fast due to some sort of nerve receptors"

  33. #33
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    You just have to be committed, I was a huge sissy when it came to needles, I was shaking like a leaf, but I looked online and did some healthy research. It took about 30 min until I finally did it. You just have to either do it or not do, there is no in between.

  34. #34
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    Jan 2008
    Besides being a human pin cushion is actually pretty cool

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