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Thread: Group Claims Near Required Signatures To Put Gay Marriage Ban On Calif. Ballot

  1. #1
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    Group Claims Near Required Signatures To Put Gay Marriage Ban On Calif. Ballot

    The organization collecting signatures for a proposed amendment banning same-sex marriage in California says it is close to meeting the requirement.

    Protect Marriage says it has collected 881,000 of the 1.1 million signatures needed. The deadline for turning in the petitions to county registrars is April 21.

    Registrars are then required to take a random sample of signatures to verify. If that sampling shows at least 10 percent more valid signatures than required the petitions will be certified and the measure will be placed on the November ballot.

    "The numbers are good, solid," Ron Prentice, a spokesperson for Protect Marriage told The Christian Examiner, a conservative Christian publication.

    "We are well toward our goal. There are thousands more yet to be counted with a steady stream still coming in."

    Among the major donors to Protect Marriage are a group of San Diego County businessmen. Developer Doug Manchester alone has contributed $125,000 prompting gays to urge a boycott of his properties. Manchester owns the Manchester Grand Hyatt and the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina.

    Mission Valley developer Terry Caster has donated $162,500, Carlsbad car dealer Robert Hoehn gave $25,000, and La Jolla businessman Roger Benson has given $50,000, according to state records.

    Equality for All, the group formed to fight the proposed amendment said the key to defeating the measure rests with the gay community to educate voters.

    "We have thousands of volunteers across the state talking to Californians about the harm that this amendment will cause, and our campaign is significantly reducing the effectiveness of this paid signature gathering effort, but we need to keep it going,” said Oscar De La O, Executive Director of BIENESTAR, a Latino LGBT rights group which is part of Equality for All.

    "This campaign will come down to the wire," said Kate Kendell, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

    "With the Supreme Court poised to rule on whether gay and lesbian couples can marry in California, there’s never been another moment quite like this one with so much hanging in the balance. We need everyone who cares about marriage, justice and LGBT equality to be out there now so we can avoid a ballot measure in November."

    The National Center for Lesbian Rights was one of the groups arguing for same-sex marriage before the state high court. A ruling in the case could come at any time.

    In addition, the California legislature passed bills to allow same-sex marriage in 2005 and 2007. Both times the legislation was vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. (R)

    If the amendment were to be approved by voters it would nullify a pro-gay-marriage ruling from the California Supreme Court and bind the hands of the legislature from passing another marriage bill.

  2. #2
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    If you live in California and have not signed the petition, please do so now! Time is ticking and the voters should have the right to keep marriage legitimate. Do not let the liberal judges corrupt the sacrament of marriage! and

  3. #3
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    That's great...all the people supporting discrimination! AWESOME!


  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    That's great...all the people supporting discrimination! AWESOME!


    I am with you bro, lets worry about other deeper issues in this country, such as education, health care, social security, economy, etc just to mention a few and let people live their live, respect is a virtue.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peducho0113 View Post

    I am with you bro, lets worry about other deeper issues in this country, such as education, health care, social security, economy, etc just to mention a few and let people live their live, respect is a virtue.
    respect is a virtue and it's time to respect marriage. same-sex marriage, polygamy, men getting pregant, high divorce rates are not heping society and are leading to severe consequences and a breakdown in vaules.

  6. #6
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    A breakdown in your values Kfrost, not mine. Herterosexual marriage is responsible for high divorce rates, not gays. Whether or not I agree with same-sex marriage doesn't matter because who someone else has zero affect on my well-being. How does same sex marriage effect anyone's life but theirs? And don't give me the bullshit of equating same sex marriage to polygamy because its two completely different things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with marriage between two consenting adults. Only someones ridiculous religious beliefs can justify this level of discrimination.

    Question: Doesn't a ban on same-sex marriage violate the statute of the pursuit of happiness dictated in the constitution?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Question: Doesn't a ban on same-sex marriage violate the statute of the pursuit of happiness dictated in the constitution?
    NO! no where in the constitution does it say "pursuit of happiness" that is from the Declaration of Independence.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    NO! no where in the constitution does it say "pursuit of happiness" that is from the Declaration of Independence.
    I stand corrected.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    A breakdown in your values Kfrost, not mine. Herterosexual marriage is responsible for high divorce rates, not gays. Whether or not I agree with same-sex marriage doesn't matter because who someone else has zero affect on my well-being. How does same sex marriage effect anyone's life but theirs? And don't give me the bullshit of equating same sex marriage to polygamy because its two completely different things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with marriage between two consenting adults. Only someones ridiculous religious beliefs can justify this level of discrimination.

    Question: Doesn't a ban on same-sex marriage violate the statute of the pursuit of happiness dictated in the constitution?
    We have been through this before bgmc. Communist Russia, Communist China, Cuba where religion is illegal do not allow same sex marriage, the Romans where being gay and a pedophile were the norm, banned gay marriage, in fact no where ever in the history of mankind, even before mohammed, before Christ, before budda, etc has anyone regonized gay marriage, so why is it you and others want to villify Christians as the reason behind the fact that society (religious and non religious) do not want gay marriage?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    We have been through this before bgmc. Communist Russia, Communist China, Cuba where religion is illegal do not allow same sex marriage, the Romans where being gay and a pedophile were the norm, banned gay marriage, in fact no where ever in the history of mankind, even before mohammed, before Christ, before budda, etc has anyone regonized gay marriage, so why is it you and others want to villify Christians as the reason behind the fact that society (religious and non religious) do not want gay marriage?

    good point

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    We have been through this before bgmc. Communist Russia, Communist China, Cuba where religion is illegal do not allow same sex marriage, the Romans where being gay and a pedophile were the norm, banned gay marriage, in fact no where ever in the history of mankind, even before mohammed, before Christ, before budda, etc has anyone regonized gay marriage, so why is it you and others want to villify Christians as the reason behind the fact that society (religious and non religious) do not want gay marriage?
    Where did I mention Christianity? I just said religion in general. I think its a failing of all religions to not allow people to love who they want to love. Roman marriage was an arrangement more often than not so that's a bad example.

    But besides that, if homosexuality is permissable, then why not allow someone to solidify that bond with marriage? Who does it hurt? How does that contribute to the failing of society. Its simply discrimination with no basis.

  12. #12
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    This argument is ridiculous. Who cares what someone wants to do with their lives, it doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect you (unless he marries your brother). Give me a fvckin break, if two guys want to be with eachother let them, who the hell am I, or you to say they can't? Unless God himself comes down and says no, then for fvcks sake go for it. Oh and don't give me this bs about what He said in the Bible, that thing was written over 2 thousand years ago... It's a little outdated for me to take it word for word

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    This argument is ridiculous. Who cares what someone wants to do with their lives, it doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect you (unless he marries your brother). Give me a fvckin break, if two guys want to be with eachother let them, who the hell am I, or you to say they can't? Unless God himself comes down and says no, then for fvcks sake go for it. Oh and don't give me this bs about what He said in the Bible, that thing was written over 2 thousand years ago... It's a little outdated for me to take it word for word
    Who in the FVCK gave you BS about the Bible??? You brought the Bible up! Since you did not read my post here it is

    "We have been through this before bgmc. Communist Russia, Communist China, Cuba where religion is illegal do not allow same sex marriage, the Romans where being gay and a pedophile were the norm, banned gay marriage, in fact no where ever in the history of mankind, even before mohammed, before Christ, before budda, etc has anyone regonized gay marriage, so why is it you and others want to villify Christians as the reason behind the fact that society (religious and non religious) do not want gay marriage? "

    If you do NOT want to hear about the Bible then stop bringing it up, I sure in the hell didn't bring it up nor is anyone else other then YOU

  14. #14
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I'll ask the question again Kfrost. How does same sex marriage affect you and contribute to the decline of society?

  15. #15
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    Marriage is traditionally an institution of the CHURCH/RELIGION. The state only got involved in the process of marriage IN THE INTEREST OF PUBLIC HEALTH(requiring blood tests, etc). Morals and marriages "traditional integrity" or whatever other such nonsense you mentioned, HAS NO PLACE BEING LEGISLATED.

    This matter should be left to the Church/Religions to decide. It is not a state matter, and it is certainly not Constitutional to be involved in this. That there are 881,000 sick fu*ks that think it is ok to impose THEIR belief system on an entire population is ABSOLUTELY AND WITH NO QUESTION. . . SICKENING

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    respect is a virtue and it's time to respect marriage. same-sex marriage, polygamy, men getting pregant, high divorce rates are not heping society and are leading to severe consequences and a breakdown in vaules.

    I agree.

    Good post. The thing that people need to undestand is if gay marraige is allowed that just opens the flood gates to who knows what else.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    I agree.

    Good post. The thing that people need to undestand is if gay marraige is allowed that just opens the flood gates to who knows what else.
    How so? That's a ridiculously absurd argument. That's the same ridiculous argument they tried to use to disallow slaves to marry. Then again to prevent interracial marriage.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 04-02-2008 at 06:10 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    I agree.

    Good post. The thing that people need to undestand is if gay marraige is allowed that just opens the flood gates to who knows what else.
    Hahaha...the flood gates for what? Equality?

    Let me translate what you just said, and I'll bring it back 60 or so years...This is how you sound when you say the above-

    "Yeehaw...if we let them there coloreds get equal rights and they start drinkin at our damn water fountains, god knows what else them there blackies are gonna want....givin them suckers equal rights just opens the floodgates for who knows what else."

  19. #19
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    P.S.- i think that the creation of this thread was an obvious and intentional jab at the homosexual members on this board...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    P.S.- i think that the creation of this thread was an obvious and intentional jab at the homosexual members on this board...
    too bad nobody cares what you think

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Hahaha...the flood gates for what? Equality?

    Let me translate what you just said, and I'll bring it back 60 or so years...This is how you sound when you say the above-

    "Yeehaw...if we let them there coloreds get equal rights and they start drinkin at our damn water fountains, god knows what else them there blackies are gonna want....givin them suckers equal rights just opens the floodgates for who knows what else."
    it's comical when a white guy plays the race card and indicative of a low IQ. First interracial marriage has nothing to do with samesex marriage. Same sex marriage is an attempt to redefine the definition of marriage. Interracial marriage never caused a re-definition and has been going on since marriage itself. It's a very poor aurgument and making personal attacks on someone for there opinion and actually calling them a racist is a sure fire way to get the thread locked. If your unable to handle someone having a different opinion then you then stay off the thread.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    I agree.

    Good post. The thing that people need to undestand is if gay marraige is allowed that just opens the flood gates to who knows what else.
    Don't sweat them Deputy, the same ones that cry about personal rights and liberties are the same ones that will launch all out attacks on anyone that dares to have a different opinion them. Anyone with any intelligence knows your statement had nothing to do with being a racist. Playing the race card has worked so well for liberals they play every hand dealt them, even if that means a white guy playing it when race is not an issue. Very shameful and eliminates having open and an important discussion about a current topic that WILL be an issue in the up coming presidential race.

  23. #23
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    Kfrost, I'll ask again, for the 3rd time, how does same sex marriage affect you personally and how does it contribute to the downward spiral or society?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I'll ask the question again Kfrost. How does same sex marriage affect you and contribute to the decline of society?
    I think thats a good question but my emotions are high considering the way godfather responded to someone that dared to have an opinion different then his. I'll have to step away and cool down so I don't look like a fool in my response. I know the topic can get emotional espically for those with a personal stake in the matter but regardless it is a topic and this topic could be "the" topic of the presidential race, up there with Iraq and the economy. Hopefully we can discus it with out name calling as you and I and others have done in the past.

  25. #25
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    I totally understand as I occasionally feel the same when it comes to the issue of race. That is why I decided to stop posting on the 'obama is a joke' thread. Sometimes its like beating your head against the wall and no matter how hard you try to post factual data, sometimes you can't change people's minds.

    Godfather seems to be a really intelligent guy. I respect his past posts even in threads in which we don't agree. But we have all been guilty of losing our cool in the past and I'm sure we can go on with a lively debate on this important topic without getting too personal.

    So, with that said, I eagerly await your response to my question.

  26. #26
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    Let me answer at least from a 2nd hand observational position. My brother who is gay, and all his friends that i have met, all say that they do not want legalized marriage on one hand because of all the financial issues.

    However, they do want to be able to get medical coverage for someone under a group plan as a spouse otherwise, someone with HIV or AIDS has got to go on Medicaid (welfare medical) in order to get treatment.

    Where as if the partner has a job with medical provided by the employer, the spouse is covered without qualifying for coverage, thus the cost of the group plan simply gets rated higher and higher.. But that's just a group of gays in the atlanta area.. By the way, i've met personally 2 of the longest surviving persons with AIDS. ONe has complete medical coverage, the other is on Medicaid and makes his money by selling excess GH and additional prescriptions he has access to..

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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    it's comical when a white guy plays the race card and indicative of a low IQ. First interracial marriage has nothing to do with samesex marriage. Same sex marriage is an attempt to redefine the definition of marriage. Interracial marriage never caused a re-definition and has been going on since marriage itself. It's a very poor aurgument and making personal attacks on someone for there opinion and actually calling them a racist is a sure fire way to get the thread locked. If your unable to handle someone having a different opinion then you then stay off the thread.
    I understand you have a different opinion... Even if it's a dumb one

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    We have been through this before bgmc. Communist Russia, Communist China, Cuba where religion is illegal do not allow same sex marriage, the Romans where being gay and a pedophile were the norm, banned gay marriage, in fact no where ever in the history of mankind, even before mohammed, before Christ, before budda, etc has anyone regonized gay marriage, so why is it you and others want to villify Christians as the reason behind the fact that society (religious and non religious) do not want gay marriage?
    South Africa
    + a few dozen countries that recognize civil unions

    As far as I know, these societies haven't fallen apart yet.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    I think thats a good question but my emotions are high considering the way godfather responded to someone that dared to have an opinion different then his. I'll have to step away and cool down so I don't look like a fool in my response. I know the topic can get emotional espically for those with a personal stake in the matter but regardless it is a topic and this topic could be "the" topic of the presidential race, up there with Iraq and the economy. Hopefully we can discus it with out name calling as you and I and others have done in the past.
    Seriously, I don't understand why people (heterosexuals at least) get so worked up over this stupid issue. It doesn't even affect you.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Marriage is traditionally an institution of the CHURCH/RELIGION. The state only got involved in the process of marriage IN THE INTEREST OF PUBLIC HEALTH(requiring blood tests, etc). Morals and marriages "traditional integrity" or whatever other such nonsense you mentioned, HAS NO PLACE BEING LEGISLATED.

    This matter should be left to the Church/Religions to decide. It is not a state matter, and it is certainly not Constitutional to be involved in this. That there are 881,000 sick fu*ks that think it is ok to impose THEIR belief system on an entire population is ABSOLUTELY AND WITH NO QUESTION. . . SICKENING

    Well I apologize for offending you Kfrost...My analogy was actually motivated by my emotions as well. I get quite upset when I see people attempting to dictate to other people how to live their lives based on their own personal, religious, or moral values. So, instead of letting my emotions get the best of me, I will simply re-state what I have posted above. an institution of the Church. Therefore, this issue should be decided by......the Church. The states only interest in marriage was for the benefit of public health, in order that those people might get blood tested, etc.

    This seems to be a very "MORAL" issue at hand. The problem is, there is absolutely no circumstance in which MORALS, should EVER be legislated. Morality is a personal issue for the individual, not for the government. Just because the religious right can make a consensus on a particular issue, does not mean you have the right to impose this on the entire population. It is disturbing to me that people still feel the need to tell other people how to live their lives. I suppose it disturbs me even more in this case since a homosexual couple seeking marriage has absolutely no deleterious effects on society. If, however, you could name some with peer reviewed documented research, I will gladly eat those words.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Marriage is traditionally an institution of the CHURCH/RELIGION. The state only got involved in the process of marriage IN THE INTEREST OF PUBLIC HEALTH(requiring blood tests, etc). Morals and marriages "traditional integrity" or whatever other such nonsense you mentioned, HAS NO PLACE BEING LEGISLATED.

    This matter should be left to the Church/Religions to decide. It is not a state matter, and it is certainly not Constitutional to be involved in this.[/B]
    We have a winner!

    If anything, ALL governmental marriage should be abolished and left only to churches. If you can find a priest, captain, elvis impersonator or a cornflake shaped like Illinois that will marry you then fine. Now you're "married", have a party. The government has no right to step in and declare people married and to force other people to recognize them as the same.

    The only true solution to this is to get rid of "marriage" and have the government allow civil union registrations. This can be ANYONE (brother/sister, mom/daughter, male/male, chuck/larry, etc) that desires the tax benefits, health benefits and confidentiality privileges that come with marriage. There is no implication of love or sex, just a contractual agreement that can be terminated at any time by either party WITHOUT repercussion. If my church says gays can't marry, then I'm not going to recognize it. If my church says marrying your sister is ok, then that's cool too.

    The problem is that it is difficult to accommodate the gay people, who do have a right to their private lives and happiness, while not spitting in the races of the religious people. Remember, this country bends over backwards for other religious beliefs. Christians should be no different in receiving that ridiculously zealous protection. Somehow, religious freedom seems to be less of a right when you are talking about Christians in this Country since we've become a society that really only caters to minorities (whether religious or racial). You can't force Christians to marry a gay couple, you just can't. The only solution is to delete government involvement. This way no one is really screwed over and no one is really that happy with the result (i.e. compromise).

    To quote Doug Stanhope: If you want tax breaks, incorporate
    Last edited by Act of God; 04-03-2008 at 08:10 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Hahaha...the flood gates for what? Equality?

    Let me translate what you just said, and I'll bring it back 60 or so years...This is how you sound when you say the above-

    "Yeehaw...if we let them there coloreds get equal rights and they start drinkin at our damn water fountains, god knows what else them there blackies are gonna want....givin them suckers equal rights just opens the floodgates for who knows what else."

    I am not talking about equality. When I mentioned flood gates I meant that this is just another step in the degradation of society and whats next some guy wanting to marry his German Shepherd or a man wanting a boy as his partner as with NAMBLA...Seriously think about it.

    And I want it known that I am in NO way racist. I know people who are black, chinese, indian, white etc. and get along with them great I see nothing wrong with interacial marriage. So go ahead and bash if you want. This was not meant to attack any gay members of this board. I am expressing my opinion becasue this is America and I can.


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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post

    I am not talking about equality. When I mentioned flood gates I meant that this is just another step in the degradation of society and whats next some guy wanting to marry his German Shepherd or a man wanting a boy as his partner as with NAMBLA...Seriously think about it.

    And I want it known that I am in NO way racist. I know people who are black, chinese, indian, white etc. and get along with them great I see nothing wrong with interacial marriage. So go ahead and bash if you want. This was not meant to attack any gay members of this board. I am expressing my opinion becasue this is America and I can.

    What part of two consenting 'ADULTS' don't you understand? A dog nor a boy cannot enter into a contract. Marriage is a contract. Don't try to play that bullshit NAMBLA shit. That is a lame argument to further justify discrimination. Same sex marriage has zero negative effects on society at large. And there are no studies that prove otherwise. The only justification for disallowing same sex marriage is solely based on ideological religious morality. But YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY if has no negative affect on society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post

    I am not talking about equality. When I mentioned flood gates I meant that this is just another step in the degradation of society and whats next some guy wanting to marry his German Shepherd or a man wanting a boy as his partner as with NAMBLA...Seriously think about it.

    Please provide documented evidence of this "degradation of society" that you speak of. Dont make bold claims like that until you can back them up with evidence. If you have a problem with gay people being married, it would lead me to the next conclusion that you have a problem with gay people in general? If I am incorrect then I apologize, but I do not see how one could go without the other. Perhaps it is because they want in on your institution of marriage, but regardless you disagree with their lifestyle, otherwise you would have no logical reason to disagree with them being allowed to marry. Someone please make me eat my words and furnish us with documented evidence on the extreme degradation of society that gay people getting hitched can cause?............Any takers?.........................Alrighty then...

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Do not let the liberal judges corrupt the sacrament of marriage! and
    You straight people did a pretty good job of screwing that up on your own. Divorce anyone?
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    If you live in California and have not signed the petition, please do so now!
    Promote your agenda some where else.

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