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Thread: Question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Alright guys, I'm 21, almost 22. I'm looking to gain speed and just speed alone. I've talked to people and they all have said that winstrol is the thing to take. I've never taken steroids and have no idea how or what to do. Can you guys just help me out and fill me in on Winstrol please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    [QUOTE=LDG;3965957] I've never taken steroids and have no idea how or what to do. QUOTE]

    the search button is your friend..
    you should not even concider doing steroids till you have alot of knowledge of what your taking

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ive never taken it myslef, i dont think it will really gain you speed. It will make you lose fat which may make you get faster, I dont think its the best choice though definatly not alone. What are your stats
    lifting exp

  4. #4
    speed for what??
    winstrol can dry your joints out so if it's for sports then you should shy away from it. "people" don't always know. spend some time on here just reading. you'll learn.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by slvrwrx View Post
    Ive never taken it myslef, i dont think it will really gain you speed. It will make you lose fat which may make you get faster, I dont think its the best choice though definatly not alone. What are your stats
    lifting exp
    winny doesn't cause you to lose fat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I've done the research buddy. Tired of reading all the medical blah blah. Trying to get some insight from some guys that know what they are talkin about and I can understand.

    And my stats are 6'2, 195, 21. I play a collegiate sport and I've been lifting since I was in 10th grade.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    I am using Winstrol right now.

    If you want, PM me and I can give you my experiences with it

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I tried to...It won't let me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    You have to have 25 posts to PM.

    But why not talk about it in this thread?

    Offers of PM are dubious.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    So can someone please help me out....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Yeah, Shifty_git you are right, I just never used the PM yet (dorkish I know).

    Anyways, Winny has been ok. I have only been using the oral kind with Andriol and clomid. My biggest thing is that it hasnt really added a lot of muscle size, as much as muscle hardness.

    It seems that if you are cut already, and want that hardness, then Winstrol would be the way to go.

    Ben Johnson used Winstrol to get those fast sprints.

    I have noticed (as posted in another thread) some back pains comparable to growing pains, and some hyperactivity, which may be good for your needs. But, it may have a different reaction with you.

    I know this isnt the greatest help or advice, but this is my experience with it.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by LDG View Post
    I've done the research buddy. Tired of reading all the medical blah blah. Trying to get some insight from some guys that know what they are talkin about and I can understand.

    And my stats are 6'2, 195, 21. I play a collegiate sport and I've been lifting since I was in 10th grade.
    why ask more questions if you have done the research "buddy?"
    since you have been lifting since 10th grade and play a collegiate sport you should know what to do.
    tell ya what, go ahead. take lots of it and let us know when you blow your knee out.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Why are you being a douche bag???? If you have no intentions of helping me out, don't post bro. I think I made it clear that I have done research and got the medical talk but wanted to hear from people that have taken it and have personal experience.

    Going4ripped....I appreciate the help bro. Considering my circumstances...Do you think it would be good for me to take. Like I said I only want to gain speed, not worried about adding any more muscle to my frame. I have 11% percent body fat so I'm not worried about getting cut up either. Everything I've done so far is natural....just a little nervous about going this route.
    Last edited by LDG; 05-07-2008 at 10:08 AM.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by LDG View Post
    Why are you being a douche bag???? If you have no intentions of helping me out, don't post bro. I think I made it clear that I have done research and got the medical talk but wanted to hear from people that have taken it and have personal experience.
    dont pay him attention, its his roid rage

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Ha...Kinda of figured that out. I'm torn what to do guys....Any advice or help is welcomed.

  16. #16

    Talking winny

    winny makes me crazy strong and I can push out more reps when on it. so if stamina and strenght is what you want thats what it will do I know I have used it twice. if you aren't worried about getting much heavier add about 400-500 ml of test enanthate or cypionate a week and do the winny 100milligrams every other day(eod)

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Quote Originally Posted by LDG View Post
    Going4ripped....I appreciate the help bro. Considering my circumstances...Do you think it would be good for me to take. Like I said I only want to gain speed, not worried about adding any more muscle to my frame. I have 11% percent body fat so I'm not worried about getting cut up either. Everything I've done so far is natural....just a little nervous about going this route.
    Well, hmmm, it's like this.... I hate to advocate it in the sense of saying "yeah, use AAS!".... but I do think Winstrol will give you what you are looking for.

    I don't know what your options are (as far as what you can get), but use injectables if available.

    Good luck, and sorry I couldn't have been more help.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thanks guys....It's just strange cuz I talked to quite a few guys and they all said that if I wanted to get faster that I should take Winstrol, but some of you guys are saying I shouldn't take it to get faster.

    If I get it, I'll be getting the injectible kind so it won't go through my liver on the first pass.

    Wasn't Winstrol created for race horses though?? That's what I've always heard anyway.

    O yea, and should I stack it with anything even though I'm only looking to gain speed....
    Last edited by LDG; 05-07-2008 at 12:09 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    winstrol is bad for your joints, they will dry them out... so if its for sports i wouldnt do it...
    truthfully, if you really wanted to go on a cycle, and actually do injectables, go on a short estered test... like test prop... or if u dont mind 2x day injections, then test susp...
    just taking a shot of something wont make you faster unless you do a good speed training program, and a good diet... and if you have a good training and diet, any steroid will help you, and since u prolly dont want bloat, short estered is best... so prop or susp...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008
    My position coach has a very good speed program. I'm going to get faster on that alone but so is everyone else....

    So everyone has pretty much said that Winny is bad for y our joints.....Any ideas why I heard that it improves your speed??

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    winstrol is bad for your joints, they will dry them out... so if its for sports i wouldnt do it...
    truthfully, if you really wanted to go on a cycle, and actually do injectables, go on a short estered test... like test prop... or if u dont mind 2x day injections, then test susp...
    just taking a shot of something wont make you faster unless you do a good speed training program, and a good diet... and if you have a good training and diet, any steroid will help you, and since u prolly dont want bloat, short estered is best... so prop or susp...
    i have tried to explain this to him already. the first attempt was suttle, the second was more fun.
    he didn't want to listen to me.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Well I'm so sorry for not just taking your word. I didn't realize you were the god of steriods. My bad bro.

  23. #23
    i'm not the god of steroids.. i am fairly new. but i know enough to tell you it may be a bad idea, you didn't want to hear it, you threw me off, and i laughed when another person said the same warning because of your all knowing attitude.

    and to think.... i even welcomed you to the board.

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