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I'm 18, 5'9, 195 pounds and at 15% bodyfat. My goal is to get to under 10%.
I do cardio 6 days a week in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 - 60 minutes.
I lift in the afternoon 6 days a week with the following schedule:
tuesday: back
Sunday:completely off
I just started on some gear....test prop. 100mgs eod, and tren acetate 100 mgs eod.
I usually eat around 4000- 4500 cals when im trying to put on lean mass(all very clean of course)
Im really dont know how many cals i should be eating now that im cutting. I reduced my cals to 3000-3500 a day and ive gotten a little leaner but ive been gaining weight prolly because of the gear.(not that i dont want to, just dont know if i should be when cutting)And i dont have the same meals everyday so i cant exactly lay out a typical day of my diet.
But i have 6 - 7 meals a day including my PWmeal. i have complex carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes) with lean protein for my first four meals. And veggies for my last two.
I have 40 grams of whey and 80 grams of simple carbs postworkout.
Critique all u want as this is my first cutting cycle. All help is apreciated.