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Thread: Please Help me out with cutting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Please Help me out with cutting

    I'm 18, 5'9, 195 pounds and at 15% bodyfat. My goal is to get to under 10%.

    I do cardio 6 days a week in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 - 60 minutes.

    I lift in the afternoon 6 days a week with the following schedule:
    tuesday: back
    Sunday:completely off

    I just started on some gear....test prop. 100mgs eod, and tren acetate 100 mgs eod.

    I usually eat around 4000- 4500 cals when im trying to put on lean mass(all very clean of course)

    Im really dont know how many cals i should be eating now that im cutting. I reduced my cals to 3000-3500 a day and ive gotten a little leaner but ive been gaining weight prolly because of the gear.(not that i dont want to, just dont know if i should be when cutting)And i dont have the same meals everyday so i cant exactly lay out a typical day of my diet.

    But i have 6 - 7 meals a day including my PWmeal. i have complex carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes) with lean protein for my first four meals. And veggies for my last two.
    I have 40 grams of whey and 80 grams of simple carbs postworkout.

    Critique all u want as this is my first cutting cycle. All help is apreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    post a diet this is the diet forum. even if it is a rough idea and some of your carb choices and lean protein choices vary at times, we aren't going to do all the work for you, here we know that diet is numero uno.

    shouldn't have started gear without having a proper diet to aid you in your progress. google the katch-mcardle formula and figure your own daily caloric needs. then post up a diet including your macros and calories for each meal as well as totals for the day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    iight man thx, heres the diet i made up

    30 - 45 minutes cardio
    meal 1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 16 oz(1 carton eggbeaters) = 390 cals, 3/30/53
    meal 2 - 3/4 cup brown rice, 8 oz. chicken breast - 350 cals 7/30/35
    meal 3 - 1 banana, 25 grams whey isolate - 220 cals 2/25/25
    PW - 50 grams wheyisolate,plainbagel OR 2scoopswaxymaize-480 cals 4/60/50
    meal 4 - 1 medium sweet potato, 8 oz. tilapia or flounder - 330cals 5/30/40
    meal 5 - 2 cups broccoli, 8 oz. lean beef or salmon - 320 cals 18/0/42
    meal 6 - 8 oz.1% cottage cheese, 1 tbs. NPB. - 280cals 11/15/28

    daily totals : 2370 calories, 50 fat/190 carbs/ 273 protein.

    I need 3410 cals to maintain my weight on workout days and 2300 on nonworkout days. (i workout 6 days a week)

    My goal is to drop my bodyfat from 15 to 9 percent without losing any mass and to possibly gain with the tren and prop im using.

    Tell me what you think thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i think your cals are still too high. go with right around 2000 cals to cut. keep all your meals the same on workout days and non workout days with your only difference being your pwo meal added in on workout days. your pre workout meal isn't really a meal it looks more like a snack. have a meal an hour or so before and keep them generally the same. your overall diet looks good my man. but just keep meals to meals and add a PWO offering after your workouts... then keep going with your meals about an hour or so afterward.

    it looks like you are dedicated to this fat loss so i will also add that using sweet potatoes as a carb source will only add to that effect. rice bloats the hell out of me and i don't use it, ever. honestly i had great success at your size about 3 years ago and i used sweet potatoes as my sole carb source outside of PWO, only to have great results in about 8-10 weeks naturally.

    i don't know where you are in your cycle, but i would honestly have you try a strict diet and cardio regime without the gear and see where you stand in a couple months. just stick to meals like 1,4, and 5 and stick to it hard with cardio every morning. put in the work and i can guarantee you will even surprise yourself. take plenty of before pics because the after pics will blow your mind.

  5. #5
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    p.s. stick around here and monitor your results closely. we need more guys in the diet section who get it, and it seems you are well on your way. welcome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by C2C7 View Post
    I'm 18, 5'9, 195 pounds and at 15% bodyfat. My goal is to get to under 10%.

    I do cardio 6 days a week in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 - 60 minutes.

    I lift in the afternoon 6 days a week with the following schedule:
    tuesday: back
    Sunday:completely off

    I just started on some gear....test prop. 100mgs eod, and tren acetate 100 mgs eod.

    I usually eat around 4000- 4500 cals when im trying to put on lean mass(all very clean of course)

    Im really dont know how many cals i should be eating now that im cutting. I reduced my cals to 3000-3500 a day and ive gotten a little leaner but ive been gaining weight prolly because of the gear.(not that i dont want to, just dont know if i should be when cutting)And i dont have the same meals everyday so i cant exactly lay out a typical day of my diet.

    But i have 6 - 7 meals a day including my PWmeal. i have complex carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes) with lean protein for my first four meals. And veggies for my last two.
    I have 40 grams of whey and 80 grams of simple carbs postworkout.

    Critique all u want as this is my first cutting cycle. All help is apreciated.

    your 18 and taking steroids ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    post a diet this is the diet forum. even if it is a rough idea and some of your carb choices and lean protein choices vary at times, we aren't going to do all the work for you, here we know that diet is numero uno.

    shouldn't have started gear without having a proper diet to aid you in your progress. google the katch-mcardle formula and figure your own daily caloric needs. then post up a diet including your macros and calories for each meal as well as totals for the day.
    he should,nt have started the gear at all hes too young and is full of natural testosterone

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    thanks nova, im only about a week in, its actually my first cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Nova, your advising 2000 when this guy needs 3400 to maintain seems a bit low to me. Don't you think starting at 2900 and tapering calories off when fat loss slows down would be better? I'm just curious as i'm cutting myself...........

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Nova, your advising 2000 when this guy needs 3400 to maintain seems a bit low to me. Don't you think starting at 2900 and tapering calories off when fat loss slows down would be better? I'm just curious as i'm cutting myself...........
    i don't think 3400 is an accurate estimate. at his size he's carrying around 165 in lbm. and 2000 cals coming mostly from protein and carbs positioned throughout the day should allow him to hold that lbm. his diet allows him to keep glycgen at a relatively high percentage seeing as most of his expendable calories will come in the form of carbohydrates. it is in my opinion that if he follows his critiques and diet and cardio he will see progressive results. in about 6-8 weeks he may want to cycle carbs for a few weeks to finish off his fat loss, that in my opinion will be without a doubt, in the single digits.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by C2C7 View Post
    thanks nova, im only about a week in, its actually my first cycle
    you may want to reconsider your cycle. if you are hell-bent on finishing...

    do you have all your affairs in order?
    cycle length, supps, pct?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by torres9 View Post
    he should,nt have started the gear at all hes too young and is full of natural testosterone
    that is what i said.

    but if he's going to do it, i'll give him my .02 so he is doing it safely.

  13. #13
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    Jul 2008
    Im running the prop for 12 weeks and the tren for 6.

    I just ordered my clomid which should come pretty soon.

    The prop is at 50mgs EOD and the tren is at 100mgs eod.

    Yeah im gonna do what u suggested with the diet by lowering the cals to around 2000.(it comes out to like 2040).

    How would you suggest I cycle my carbs?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by C2C7 View Post
    Im running the prop for 12 weeks and the tren for 6.

    I just ordered my clomid which should come pretty soon.

    The prop is at 50mgs EOD and the tren is at 100mgs eod.

    Yeah im gonna do what u suggested with the diet by lowering the cals to around 2000.(it comes out to like 2040).

    How would you suggest I cycle my carbs?
    in my opinion that will totally depend on how well you shed fat with the proposed diet. we can hurdle that when we come to it, but for now just stick the cardio and diet. should handle it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    iight thx bro, ill update my stats in a couple weeks

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    that is what i said.

    but if he's going to do it, i'll give him my .02 so he is doing it safely.
    fair enough if he's going to do it anyway he need's to know how to do it right

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