ok fellas.....here is my situation.....and dont laugh....i met this chick on the net about 8 months ago....we talked for about a month(really got to know eachother to a certain point) and when i went to check out culinary schools i made it a point to go meet her....well we met and clicked right off the bat....it was like we were friends for years....well everything went great and i wound up staying with her the whole week i was down......about a month later i visited again...and yet again things were awesome......well i couldent due the whole long distanc ething anymore cause i had certain insecurities about some things do to a past relationship...so i broke it off with her......well the school i happened to pic is about an hr and 1/2 away from her.....(yes she had something to do with it and so did a lot of other factors as to why i moved 10 hrs away from home but its an awesome school and it is priority)......so with hopes and a lot of confidence we would get back together i picked my place to live halfway between her and school.....well things worked out as planned we got back together and everything was good....she said she didnt want to rush into things and i said hey school is my main deal and im not gonna say no to when you want to see me....well next thing i know im staying with her thursday through sunday.....i have no prollems with it at all....she did things for my homework, helped me study, and "took care" of me when i needed or she wanted to......well we started arguing about dumb little shit and it started to carry over to the next week and then it jsut escalated.....and when someone yells at me i yell back....and 99% of the time its louder(plus when i dont have any down time from it and it just builds up...and i happend to shatter my windshield like an idiot for the first time in 6 years....all because i needed a release and it aint gonna be on her cause i wount do that shit)...well she aint used to that cause she is loud herself.....well shes about to start goin back to school and she wants to slow things down between us.....and i have no prollem with that at all...i respect it.....cause she aint happy with herself and of course she aint gonna be happy with anything if thats the case......but the way she went about doing it is crazy....she literally cut me off to a certain point because all we did was argue and i told her several times im done.....im tired of it...i dont want to argue anymore and lets just drop it cause it aint even worth argueing about.....but whatever...if thats her way of avoiding it so be it.....bottem line is...the only reason why i think she is doing this is because shit got bad .....slowing things down for school is one thing but doing it because of arguing......shouldent you try and work though things before you make a decision like that......i dont know....all i do know is that we both ****ed up and made mistakes......and ive learned from them....but i dont think that she sees that........shes and awesome chick.....smart, sexy, shes got the same goals in life that i do and she wants them at about the same time.........shes talked about marrage and children and stuff with me to the point where i got a lil freaked out.....but if it made her happy talking about it i would listen and talk about it with her......
so what do you guys think....hahaha after ready all that bs im sure none even read it all......but if you did...do you think shes taking it to an extreme because of the arguing and she is just and emotional cluster **** or is that just womans way of slowing things down....i dont know i need some input......if you have any questions ill ask cause there is plenty i left out.....thanx guys any help would be great