Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
i dont think she is taking it to far. She was yelling (she was wrong) you yelled louder (wrong) Then you shattered your windshield. You freaked and she is probably scared. Maybe next time you will hit her. I don't know many girls that would stick around after that.
When I was dating my (now) wife one time when we were driving and arguing about something I got really upset and yelled really really loud at her. Like I screamed at her. We were dating about a year and I was very much in love with her. The 15 years before that I was a man whore banging random chicks and never having a girlfriend. Anyway she told me to pull over the car and kept telling me to pull over so I did. She told me she was getting out and I told her let me just drive you home. She said no I want to get out. I put my hand on her shoulder gently, not preventing her from leaving, but apologizing and asking her to not get out. She told me she did not want to talk to me anymore and to please let her leave. I wasn't preventing her but took my hand off of her anyway and she left and walked away. I felt terrible. I really had no practice at relationships and don't think I screamed at anyone like that in probably 20 years before that day.

I called her to apologize a cpl days later and she still told me to leave her alone. I talked to a confidante about this as I felt like shit about myself and he told me that if there is love there she will call you. After about a week she did.

I was pretty freaked and she was very scared of me when it happened. I couldn't really grasp that at the time (and still kinda have a hard time doing so fully) but I guess a man doing that to a woman is really scary, different than a guy yelling at another guy...if your friends already. Your really not gonna feel scared even if he is 3x your size b/c you know he's not gonna whale on you but it's different for girls I guess. They start to imagine the worst after that and if your gonna escalate next time and do something worse. And it's really messed up because your in a relationship so it's kinda like you take your little neice or nephew into a room and get right in their face and start screaming at them. They will friggin freak and be scared as hell of you. Same thing (or worse) if you physically act out and break something while yelling at them. They get scared next time it's gonna be their head.