Everyone says that I should start gear after I have dropped some BF since mine is 19%BF. Now will it actually work better or just see results faster and look better? More as in is it still working as good?
Everyone says that I should start gear after I have dropped some BF since mine is 19%BF. Now will it actually work better or just see results faster and look better? More as in is it still working as good?
Well, if your bf % is over 12 (what they say you should be to cycle), you probably need to work on diet.
the side effects that you'll experience will be worse with higher bf % too.
Last edited by hotpink; 08-11-2008 at 12:23 AM.
Will it still work as good as having low BF%? I assumed that it would work the same but you would just not look as good or see better results. I was like Almost 24% to begin with and I'm 19 now so I'm slowly droping.
Having a bad diet hinders gains.
Oh no I don't want to stay the same, thats why I'm glad at least for now I've droped 4%BF. I was just wondering since I'm already on juice, if it was working just as good as if I had 12%BF or less. Does it and you just don't see results as good or is it not properly working?
I do have a bad diet...lol but I need to step up and get on a better one.
had 2 lean hamburger patties 30g protein each.
2 cheese enchaladas, rice and beans
turkey sandwich on wheat
string cheese
V8 juice and a bunch of water.
That was pretty much my take in today but it was a rush around today so I just got whatever I could.
Last edited by HDRIDER925; 08-11-2008 at 12:34 AM.
Personally, I have never been at 12% before, lowest is 13% but that was 'close enough' for me.
I still have never seen my abs, because my entire life I enjoy food more than I do great results (which is my own stupid downfall)
I look great with clothes on, they hang off me beautifully. But I have a mini gut which keeps the abs i work my ass of on, hidden.
A huge % leaves you open to Gyno and other harsh sides I do beleive.
Please pay attention to that, as sides are no joke. They suck hard.
Other thanthat,you are just getting lower body fat from being on.
You will come off and continue eating sh!t, and you will gain it all back. Don't be dumb. Listen to what people have to say about proper diet.
I'm not the prime example, but I have a mediocre level of will power I guess.
Anyways... knowledge is power.
Oh I didn't realize you were already on since the thread title is "before use." Your side effects will be worse now than what they could be if you were at 12 %. And like I said, bad diet hinders gains. If you were at 24, or 19 now, it usually means that diet needs to be checked. I think you should post that up and get opinions. That way if it needs help, you could fix it immediately and that would help with gains. As far as not working properly, I'm pretty sure it works the same, you just aren't getting full advantage of what you could if you worked a little harder to drop the bf % beforehand. I'm not 100 % familiar with all of that since I'm a female though, hopefully someone will jump in and give you an exact answer.
Yeah, I don't know if you know what I mean by sides...I'm not sure how much you know but like New said, gyno...I'm sure you don't want man boobs. You should do all of this research before you cycle IMO. I like knowing what I put in my body and what the consequences could be. I hope you have a good PCT planned.
I'm droping BF% because of the gear? If so then won't I keep droping?
Ya I'm on Test 450, Tren E and Masteron. 1 week on almost. Was 4 weeks but got locked up for 2 weeks so I pretty much started over. Diet really does need to be in check big time.
Last edited by HDRIDER925; 08-11-2008 at 12:42 AM.
Suppose to get some Nolv and I think I was told Clomid but I will be getting it soon. I should of had it before I know, but I can get anything I want anytime. Only thing is I got to figure out when to take it after a cycle and how long. Also can I go on another 10-12 week cycle after this one or PCT first and then another?
Oh no. Please do some serious research before you hurt yourself. Get that diet in check immediately. Its stupid to juice and eat like shit, its pointless really. You're just sabotaging yourself big time.
Do a lot of reading here
Did you go to the link I left you? Go there, read, and then if you have questions ask. I hope I'm not coming off mean, but there is so much information here already for you, if you just take the time to inform yourself. Here is the link again
I've got a little stronger and my arms have gotten a little bigger but ya my diet=bad. For sides I'm already getting anger issues, irritation and sex drive went up.
I got it ya. Ya I have a friend who is juicing and he eats I would say worse than me. He is big and strong and got the big ol shoulders but isn't cut at all.
Wanted to get big and alot stronger, but now I'm thinking alot more about getting cut and looking great.
You know I am 217-218lbs right now and I started at 230. About a year or so ago I was 185lbs with alot less BF. Problem is I started drinking alot...parting hard. Got alot of fat from BEERDon't drink anymore so I'm slowly losing the beer belly I have...finally!!!
See I thought I would get big and strong but not be cut. Now I want that and to be cut. Usally a day I take in 250-300g's of protein a day if thats any good, just not today.
yeah man it is said that you need to drop your bf% down to 12 before starting a cycle...but some people decide to start a cycle before getting that low...its definately safer at lower bf% but nobody can tell you no if you have your mind set on it...i would say definately get your diet in check to make sure you get the best gains you can while on cycle..and yes check out the pct threads
Just a ? How do you diet? I know good diets but I was wondering if people had they're own from what I've read on here. I ask because I have a friend who I get the stuff from and he's used it for awhile and does competitions. He is huge and very cut. He told me to just get some protein shakes down and pile up on chicken breats and yams.
DIET-CLICK HERE -> http://forums.steroid.com/forumdisplay.php?f=6
PCT-CLICK HERE -> http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=354573
Never got it but I know what a good diet consist of. I don't get the best foods but for protein I do take in 250-300g's a day.
I see it!!!
yay, good luck.
Can I just ask how it will hinder gains from a bad diet? I thought you would still grow muscle but not look very good? Just asking because I'm curious of what causes you to not gain as much.
Your 19, your diet sucks, Your asking if you can do back to back cycles, you have a high bf%, you dont have your PCT in hand, your first cycle consists of to many compounds, youve been on this forum for a while and have asked a 100 questions all of which were answered but yet you still have the same diet, PCT, and cycle questions you ask. I'm not trying to be mean but showing you how far off you are from where you should be. Your first cycle you have the benefit I didnt have of having all these people here to help and answer questions, take advantage of what everyone tells you. I know your already on cycle and prob not gonna get off so just be carefull and READ.
i have a headache just reading all of these threads this is the first time ive given up helping something
why the hell do you open 5 threads a day if you NEVER LISTEN to anything anyone replies????????
I'm 26 not 19. I do listen to replies. I like to ask ???'s I get bored so if you don't like it then don't read or comment.
sorry about the age. Its good to ask questions just take in what people tell you. dont ask the same questions because your bored im sure theres lots of thread to read when your bored.
you ask the same question like 20 times.. you seem ignorant to the fact that you won't get anywhere with that terrible diet. you can run 10g of test and tren a week and get no where.. learn how to eat and workout some before jumping on the juice
I'm not on a diet like you guys....YET! But I do eat better than I use to and I've changed in the past 2 months from what I was. I got on a scale this morning and it said 215, so I'm 15lbs lighter than 3-4 weeks ago. My arms are a little bigger and I can put up alot more weight. I am going to start to strict diet, but I was just wondering what makes you hold back gains, from not having a excellent diet?
Ya my workouts are very intense but I don't have the best diet around.
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