See, I knew this would be perfect timing. In the next few hours, we should have a bunch more emails because about this time is when the single girls or the married "unhappy" ones start feeling gloomy because they aren't getting any cock and hit up Craigslist. Ruhl, we may get you set up for a girl for every night!![]()
Yeah Ruhl, don't be crying on their shoulders and sending them flowers and shit. Just go beat the hell out of the ***** and go the hell home. Don't call her ever again unless she tells you to.
I want one of them to post in here. THAT would be awesome. Both post now and after so we can verify what happened.
she looks hot yeah, jail bait? something smells of living with toothless morbidly obese parents in a trailer with flea-ridden dogs, eatin spam and pork rinds, teenage daughter screaming back and forth at her parents something about it's her life if she wants to hook up and not use birth control, then running to her room crying and slamming the door while dad scratches his ass and mom let's rip a loud one as the show case showdown breaks to a Mr. Clean commercial---
but then maybe i'm reading too much into the pic....
hit it RUHL!!!!!!!!!![]()
#4 replied:
If your cock is as big as your arm i might wanna marry you. So where do you live? How are we gonna meet up and when? Free tonight or this weekend? My name is Morgan btw.
Ruhl's response:
Sounds good. So me, you, and Vegas it is huh? Send me that myspace page link. I'm not that far from Columbia. Want to meet out at a club or something for a drink/dinner? It's your call.
i gotta go to bed soon.....may have to check back in the morn
Ok I just got a PIMP post up for him, I actually had to word it 5 different ways thanks to Elvis setting up spam blocks for me. (asshole =])
I'll also be doing all the initial screening to keep all the fugs at bay.
Alright. We have #5 but I'm not posting that pic because it will get me banned. Close up shot of a kitty. LOL
Oh snap, we got a 3some request:
Bisexual gurls here looking for a possible 3some. We are only looking for NSA and this guy better be cute. Do you have the pics yet? We looked at your forum. Lets see what he can do with two of us. Send us a pic if he's interested and we can set something up. We're both in Columbia.
#7? (I think) I'll let this one speak for itself:
does he like older women?
I want to hook him up with my best friend. She hasn't gotten laid in a long time either. Here is her picture. Send me his and we can hook them up if he's cute. Also tell him to quit being a *****. We're all watching him.
p.s. Any cute black guys on that forum with one of those body builder figures that you can hook me up with? Help a girl out!
WTF... this thread is gonna turn into a hook up thread![]()
you know i thought of a way while in the shower that this could easily backfire.......these girls only care about sex (at least that what you all tell me) so they wont be nice about things if they don't like me or if i'm small or something.....not that i think i am, but still, i'd be scarred for life and much worse off
Alright Ruhl, you got a decision to make. Which one? Let's close this deal by lunch tomorrow so you can meet with one of them tomorrow night or over the weekend.
I'm gonna send all of them my email address to update me on status should you chicken out, not be able to get a hard on, whatever. DON'T BE A BITCH!
Once you decide which one, we'll lock it all in for you and I'll send you a PM with the keys to the car. You have till the morning to decide.
Consent by legal implication of no written or voiced disconsent. (in 2 years)
1. To sex
2. The release of all personal information (derived or provided directly by ar lounge member "ruhlfreak55".
It was in the terms & conditions posted in this thread the day it was made.
Guess you didn't read them.
They were removed after 10 days and saved as an MSword document, also subject to editing by the author any time. (part of the terms)
#8 replies to Ruhls pic:
Awww damn, **** my friend. I'm gonna swallow up that white boy. Gimme his number.
i'm not even sure i'm capable of having one of these fling things though....
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