Tanning is a 20 and 21st century trend. And now i want a fokin cake bc i'm pale! hahaha
Tanning is a 20 and 21st century trend. And now i want a fokin cake bc i'm pale! hahaha
Wooow Endstille's last album some good stuff. Pure darkness and hatred. Black metal rules so much.![]()
i didn't say it was......doesn't mean i can stop, and she called me the other day......and i really really really wanna call her back because i was in class at the time and didn't get to answer but i'm scared that maybe it was an accident or something
i'm not tanning till next contest season
yea we've been together before......and it is a LONG way...it's like in Europe where all ur countries are the size of my state........she's almost 900 miles away.....neither of us can afford to do even once a month trips like that
WTF ruhl...call her back...even if it was an accident, wouldn't you want to know if you really care about her that much?
How long has it been since you were together or had a long conversation?
Honestly, to me it sounds like a first girl platonic crush. That happens to romantic people. You want that feeling, that abstraction. And you think she is the only one that can provide that feeling to you. Find a girl "take your mind off the old one "
why do you think i keep thinking about it? and i dunno......if i get reminded for sure how much she cares for me back how will i ever get over her....i already can't.....it would just make it worse cuz we can't see a way to be together.
i dunno....6 months maybe
thoughts of her wont let me......i think.....i don't want anyone but her. Or Katie, but she wont have me
man ruhl i dont know how you can keep obsessing over her. hell, ive had my problems with getting over girls but the amount of pain you're holding onto scares even me.
dude, that is some hardcore obsession.
Don't pay attention to what your brain says "she's the only one". Thats false.
She was one, in one time. Now is over. You move on and live the present or think about a future (a good one). If you're going to fool yourself at least fool yourself with nice and positive thing like next month i'll be kicking some serious ass, girls are gonna worship me and i'll have such a hard time picking just 3 a time. That doesn't hurt anyone, specially not yourself.
Theres better more logical ways to hurt yourself.
At least try a new way..
ruhl needs to do some reading...
A blue sleeping pill has my name on it...
US open is never ending! Its almost 23:30 and those dudes are still playing. I want to see it but still in the 3rd set...fff
edit: wrong read lol
well maybe i'll watch the secret tonight.....i was trying to be positive....thinking bout getting together with Katie (different girl than kate if anyone is still confused) but that i kinda lost hope in
well i used to pierce things for fun when i was little.....
This would be a good read for ruhl:
Its better to read it than get to the lessons part. But the 3 lessons are this:
1) Don't talk about girls to your friends, because you'll mind**** yourself
into thinking that they're special (even if they are, you don't want to be
thinking that way until AFTER you laid her.. in this particular case I believe
I could, but that's not always the case).
2) Don't think about girls in your head.
But not too much. Just enough. Stimulating stuff. Read the classics. We don't want books to be an imaginary refuge.
oh. and please, do yourself another favour. Don't read romantic stuff now, no Stendal, no Flaubert, no Goethe, no. Ofcourse no chick crap romance novels, its just bad literature, poor written, full of emptyness and they portray a reality thats not real.
Bo, thats the kind of stuff some guys get trapped with. They end up devouring all this how to, what to, when to...they end up with a ton of infomration on their hands and heads and never apply it.
If going for that stuff....per each 10 mins you read you practice in real life, not in book life or imagination, ONE hour.
Night all!
I'd personally recommend "Sperm Wars", after I read that book a few years ago it literally changed the entire way I thought about sex, women & mating.
It actually would be real relevant too for the kate thing. Loaded with biological/*********ary facts and really cool book as well.
Couldn't agree more.
For guys really interested in that "how to" stuff I actually tell them to read 3 different books (nothing from any online forums) than never read anything again untill they start producing real life results.
It does happen a lot, the kj trap. But in actuality ruhl would be better in the kj trap than the one hes in now, a *million times better.
Ok heres a much better one.
Just don't forget people come to this site, see the "looking for steroids banner" and prob think "I don't like that site".
When theres nuggets of gold all over this place.
I would suggest maybe you read one article in it entirity before you made any generalizations.
And this article you may like.
LOL i've read through number three and they told me i wasn't a real man.......and i've never spent over 20 hours total with any girl cept kate and my mom and sister
hmm so overall that wasn't a bad post on that other board......i dunno there was the parts in there where he called any man that doesn't want random sex pathetic but whatever
whuddup fellow hoes
only thing i've done of consequence all day is re discover how much i love devicebondage.com
Yep and after learning your obsession and stalker behavior with the females I would think it would be dangerous for any overall nice female to be dating you. Thats some messed up stuff.
You need therapy.
whatever....it's all in good fun.....consensual.....very fun
i still might need therapy but not for my sexual tastes
I don't know how causing fear in a love making act can be consensual
I think love is just as healthy and natural as random sex.
I also think any healthy man or woman needs to go through absolute phases of each. Like a phase where you do nothing but go on romantic dates, and another phase where you do nothing but fvck random girls.
It just helps calibrate what feelings are coming from where, and what feelings should & shouldn't logically exist.
When I was in highschool I could screw a girl and than find myself thinking I might like her romantically the next day.
And it took me some time to realize there was absolutely no validation to feel that way for someone I just screwed.
It also taught me how to satisfy certain urges w/out feeling like I needed to commit to something with someone that I really didn't want to. And how to appreciate someone in a different way.
It just helps a lot with emotional self control.
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