Hy-vee, Gerbs, Aldis Do you all not have Kroger?? Have you even heard of it
wow you fools all have wack stores.
cept for wall-mart
Yeah I thought kroger was a national grocery chain. They make there own products as well.
night chode boy and kratos catch you guys later.
What about you there fuzz I bet you shop at the piggely wiggly
i thought Hy-Vee was a national chain too but i guess not.
vons (or safeway) (used to work here when we went on strike. o the memories)
and henrys for your organic crap.
wow you guys are naming some odd sounding places.
Just looked it up and Hy Vee is midwestern states. And kroger is everywhere but the west coast.
Yep, but honestly sometimes when I'm cutting it I notice dark meat.
They make you pay for your cart and bags which I hate but their prices always make up for it. ($.25 for a cart, $.15 cents per paper bag)
we also have Schnuk's around here as well.
reed likes little boys.
too bad none of my cali boys are on here to back me up.
only one of those i have ever heard of is kroger.
Last edited by peachfuzz; 09-25-2008 at 12:29 AM.
well im not about to get into any " hood reppin" so i say new topic.
Kroger is the third largest general retailer in the country. Yours is the third largest grocery retailer behind kroger and wal mart. Differences in what I was saying. The profits of safeway were 40 billion as kroger was 70 billion last year. One more try Fuzz haha. Anyway......
man i was just about to edit my post after further review. damn it. anyway like i said kroger was the only one i recognized and wallmart is where i shop.
what about costco you guys have anything like that. its where you buy in bulk.
haha my girl is mad cuz "i like you guys more than i like her." i told her i didnt want to hang out cuz i was gonna go to the gym and that was about 5 hours ago.
there are a couple costco's in the big cities round here. also there is Sam's-Club.
You ain't gonna rep yo hood Fuzz
Shoot I will
Its all good fuzz we all wrong sometimes and type before we think. I did it today in fact. Twice
haha punked you and you dont even know it.
man im getting close to 900 finally.
Neither could I, just found it on photobucket and he was reppin the hood thats all I know
did you guys ever hear about the grocery store strike here a few years back?
wtf is up with gang signs? how stupid can people get.
What about my boy doin it to them
by the way reed the ralphs i mentioned ispart of kroger. deek.
your boy is ight. his touchdown last week was ight too.
for you oneshot....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Souther...e_of_2003-2004
Can't wait for the Georgia/Alabama game. Gonna be tiiiiiiight
i also nearly aced my "inactivity and disease" test today. didnt study at all for it and got a 20 out of 21. would have been a perfect score had i slowed down to read the question a second time
You know the KNOW is more than alright. HE is RIDIC!!!
well boys i better get my ass to the gym before i dont go at all. peace out suckas!
Too bad Tennessee sucks this year. Fulmer is destorying our brand. It will be like Alabama was for the past decade before Saban came through and hooked it up fat for them
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