I have one friend who averages making his gf cry maybe 2 x per week and she loves him like crazy. I wouldn't change who I am, it's just amazing to me.
I have one friend who averages making his gf cry maybe 2 x per week and she loves him like crazy. I wouldn't change who I am, it's just amazing to me.
whats up my whore brotha's
take a doggie bag from math chicks fridge
fukkin Gixxer... is that a sausage egg and cheese bagel?
We are having a conference call later at work. I think they are talknig about the lay offs and changes
you're all whores and i only love you for it.
ordered a large turkey blt sub mmm
I like watching chicks use the hip adductor/abductor machines
yes i love watching chicks dead lift, especially if they know there being sexy and over exaggerate the sticking out of the ass and arch of the back
i like to watch girls have sex with dogs
wait.. did i just say that out loud?
well dukkit against your better advise I txted golf chick on monday...it had been about a week since I tried to called her. Nothing back, she is dead to me now. Stupid chunky bald bf.
already...... cut the porn straight talking..... you have entered the twisted zone.... now that I am here lol....
I know what she's thinking "he's an a-hole, I love it, I bet I can tame the beast and change him." Same thing all girls think about a-holes.
What can i sustitue squats with? I really get knocked out for days after doing those damn squats...
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