Allow me to introduce the newest AR retard. Enjoy.
I know, i just did. Duk is turning into a second post whore thread. those french fries should do the trick, dont forget some cheez wiz and bacon on top, I heard that really helps you get a nice pump, Cutting or Bulking duuuude, its doesnt matter, LMAO!!!!
Yeah, it just kept gettin better and better. Then he called Horse gay or some shiit, nice job guy. He has no idea that he got suspended yet, i think hes still back there tacking trash. He is the new Deen.
I think the beard guy was the best, That's the first time i read that one. Hilarious!
I love internet tough guys
internet tough guys are ****ing tough.
There the toughest I.R., which makes them tough!!!!
Don't even feed into him Emilio..... From what I have heard from some Mods, he has quite the reputation!!!
u know ive heard the same thing from a mod or two myself
this one is recent as of yesterday but 6 pages it went on for...freaking dumba$$
I had to add this, this guy wants to do a cycle to make his beard thcker.
Sorry had to bump this thread and this post. I've seen alot of stupid comments and dumb ideas but this has to take the cake. If anyone can find something dumber let me know I'd like to see. I'm continuing to go through this thread as this is some funny stuff
Pheww I'm glad my noob ass wasn't in here.
Last edited by Reed; 08-29-2008 at 04:08 PM.
Maybe my thoughts on this can be added to the hall of shame as I know absolutely nothing of surgical procedures but I would think this is worse than what valentino was trying to do.
Don't you have to completely take the nipple off and then put it back on? I'm pretty sure this was a probably a first for him and I can't believe you would try something like that on yourself.
Oh man the things I'm gonna find as I dig deeper.
But there is some classic comments on here
what a maniac.
that is just crazy!!
Man this thread is the greatest. I read up to page 11 and I think I have a few favorites.
S431M7 is a genius, unreal knowledge. lol
The guy asking what type of test the body makes was funny.
And besides the gyno surgery being just so unreal I think the kid that injected test into his ball sack and it turning blue was another shining moment in human achievement.
LMFAO at the Chuck Norris story. Newb cant cook rice. Sorry my friend, but I had to do it....You reminded me of my college roomate who's mom cooked all his meals his whole life. So first week of school he opens a can of soup and sets the can on the burner and turns the burner up as high as it will go. Then when we are falling over laughing at him he replies, "What, Im not a chef, I dont know how to cook." LOL!!!! Ohhhhh man.
OMFG LMFAO !! I've never ever laughed soo hard in the morning. That was fu*king priceless.Hey Yall,
Got in a fight last night kinda... Well this is what happened I usually ride my mountain bike to the local gas station for a late night beer run and to get my cardio hehe. I live in a good nieghborhood and i've been noticing these 15-20yr. old thug wannabe kids (dressed in red) bloods?, smoking weed by a bridge near my house or while they're walking or riding on their bikes down the streets cause I can smell it as I pass them.
Well last night on my way back home around 10pm. I noticed 2 of these thug fags heading my way down the street it's just a small normal street one block from my house. They where riding in the middle of the road so I road in the middle of the road too, just too see if they would move over to the side. They didn't move so the first one I passed got a left hook across his cheek throwing him to the ground. Next, I jump off my bike focused on the other guy so I rushed him he had a backpack on too, as he was bent over setting his bike down, I smash him in middle of his face with a left uppercut *Boom* laid out. I then jump on my mountain bike pick up my beer and ride off. I looked back and didn't see any movement from them one was on the street the other in a yard near the road, Man it was quite a rush...
I guess I can be a dick sometimes but I felt good about Fukcing up some blood thug wiggers whatever these punks are...
don't make fun of skinnykenney, his liver could kick your liver's ass. (the tale of super liver):
I haven't laughed like that in a while. Priceless.
wish they didnt delete that chicks post yesterday about her husband loving this site more then her
that would of been perfect for this thread
I'd be interested to find out exactly how old he is. Sounds kinda like a young-un on here tellin stories
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