How's it goin Smokey!
hey moo
hey rugger
hey rugger hey kats whats going on
buenos steas?
we we
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies
i may get thrown out of my gym rofl
well i did back today....and i was doin high cable rows upstairs did 3 sets with 345 for 8 and then on my last set with 345 i repped out 15 and i kinda dropped it and that annoying little black ****er came over and started doin the "please don't drop the weights" bullshit
he claimed the plates on the towers crack in half rofl
oh and this was while i was still too out of breath too talk
so then i went up to the little shit later and told him, there is no way in hell that those plates will crack from dropping if they didn't with what i just did
i dropped it hard....the 45 i had hooked up fell off and shit
and it was fine of course....and he started getting an attitude with me
so i told the moron that i'd be more than happy to go to a better gym if they can show me that my money they automatically take out is refunded
and he was like....blah blah join msa then you can vote on it and i was like huh?
he's as much of a dumb little bitch as you'd think from how he walks
so anyway....
they refund it i'll gladly go somewhere else but until then they need to deal with it...i lift hard....tough shit
Heck no,
I didn't even make it to the grocery store. I was talking with the neighbors and just said to hell with it.
I haven't had an appetite for anything so I really haven't been eating. Maybe like a bowl of cereal or something.
I made the dogs some chicken and rice with veggies.
I hear that, It's funny, some kinds of stress make me wanna eat non-stop like all day, and other times I won't have an appetite for a whole week.
Stress is good for me in a way though because I do way more cardio when I'm stressed out...
ok fine....i'll start my own thread then
LOL Sorry Ruhl, I laughed in my head...
I pictured the dude as a skinny little nerdy type...
Dude seriously, take the test:
haha i only got a 19!!!!!!! no therapy needed at this time
And so, the forum dies
LOL I dont think I ever saw so many threads above this one...
it's thurs night....apparently all the cool people go get drunk *snickers sarcastically*
Sup folks...just wanted to check in and say HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! And BYE!!!!
damn inky, you look bigger
dammit i love ice cream snickers bars
those are freakin good DSM, my mom use to buy them for me
I am going to eat an entire box of them this weekend, lol. I have had them on the brain for days .
i use to get those and two ball screw balls from the ice cream man
Good night whores....God love ya.............cause I sure DON"T!!!!!!!!!hahahaha
Man, why am I so good at basketball???
cuz ur 6'10? 7 ft in wrestling boots of course
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