last night at the gym doing squats i realized something....I'm the strongest man alive
last night at the gym doing squats i realized something....I'm the strongest man alive
i think im going to start a website on how to meet, talk to, please and hustle women.
yeah that would be hard not to eat them, i use to work at a gas station when i was a kid and the krispy creme guy comes to pick up the donuts you don't sell every night and well they throw them away which means i get free donuts, booo i don't think it helped my figure much
you would think that, but some people can't get laid out of a paper bag no matter how much money they have. He teaches them how to dress, what not to talk about, it's a whole program. He charges a lot more than a personal trainer, cause nerds with money want one thing, sex.
whatever you want to call it, promise a guy who can't get laid you'll get him laid and the wallet opens. He has more clients then he knows what to do with. For awhile he was trying to recruit my friend to take on some clients. If I were a pimp like that, I'd totally do it.
I think the key is you have to have an eye like you're a chick and look at the guy and figure out all the reasons you wouldn't date him and fix everything.
I'll get them laid. I know some call girls. We'll plant them at the bar and they can pretend to buy the nerds game and screw him.
Kratos i just woke up from about 8 hours of sleep and your still whoring WTF???
I'll give them some real help. They have to believe the girl is buying their new, improved game. If I get them laid they'll tell all their friends and the next thing I know I'll be rolling in dough. It's not like I totally scammed 'em. They got a piece. It just increases my turnover rate which increases my $.
I don't think you understand the game, it's like a long project to transform them. Keep em' coming back for more, they pay by the hour. You can even go live in this dude's house with him for a weekend if you pay enough. It's not just get em' laid and slam em' out the door. Same with personal training, you keep em' coming back every week.
no ill do the real deal. ill help em
it will be a challenge to get them to a level of prowess close to mine
they're usually very satisfied customers, you give them the one thing they can't get.
Think of how fast ruhl would sign over his bronco to you if you got him a gf.
Seriously Rühl, broncobilly and a hot girl are both hanging over a pit of lava, choose one. You don't have time to save them both.
getting tired of my diet, chicken is starting to blow, im cutting so i dont really wanna switch over to ground beef so might have to de thaw some london broil i have in the freezer tonight
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