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Thread: new member seeking advice on all things bodybuilding!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Birmingham, UK

    new member seeking advice on all things bodybuilding!!


    Firstly – Hi!!

    This is my first forum and my first post! Iv finally come to my senses and realised that the best advice and information is from people with experience and not just from books and scouring the internet. Im not sure if its acceptable on here to start off with a really long post but il give it a shot, please bare with me!

    i have done this in microsoft word and then pasted it in to the forum bit so im not sure how this is going to look - iv used the tab key for spacing and it may just look shite... if it does i will try and re-post...

    I am 22, 215 pound, 16% bodyfat. Iv been training for 5 years or so with good results. My big downfall has always been to slack off in the winter months, put loads of fat on, then try to shape myself in the spring ready for the summer and autumn! I have turned a corner in my life and am now focused on reaching a potential for my body (this being 200 pound 6/7% bodyfat).

    I was once dead against steroids and all performance enhancing drugs… then I was introduced to the ECA stack… then onto clenbuterol… and after scouring forums, sites and books on the subject, realised that steroids, if used with respect can be safe and produce great results. Last spring I decided to try a 6 week cycle of anavar only @ 50mg ED alongside clenbuterol @ 160mcg ED (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on). This produced good results as I was eating a high protein, low carb and fat diet combined with 6 30 minute moderate intensity cardio sessions & 3 day split weights per week. Once completed I ran a week of nolva @ 20mg ED to kickstart my natural test levels (if they were at all affected). After this short cycle I felt as though the dosage of anavar wasn’t high enough for a man of my size, and also that the reviews were correct and this was a weak steroid…. Onto something more potent then!

    Guys, if you have stuck with me this far, thankyou! I will now jot down my proposals for the coming months – training, nutrition, supplements, steroids and PCT.
    Id just like to say that I am open to ALL comments, bad and good and appreciate your time to read all of this. Just so my current status is clear, I did my first jab of test enanthate (500mg) a week ago, as I am sure the test is a must.

    My goal for this cycle is to pack on as much muscle and as little fat as possible. Then, after a 12 week rest period I intent to run another cycle for cutting ready for the summer… not thought too much about this one yet so maybe for a future post!!

    Here goes…

    Steroids and PCT

    Weeks 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate @ 500mg EW
    Weeks 9-14 Winstrol oral tabs @ 50mg ED (to drain the possible water retention??)
    Weeks 11-14 HCG @ 3000IU every 5 days (for first 2 jabs) then
    HCG @ 1500IU every 5 days (for next 2 jabs)
    Week 15 Nolvadex @ 60mg ED
    Week 16 Nolvadex @ 40mg ED
    Week 17 Nolvadex @ 20mg ED

    Nutrition and supplements (typical day)

    06.30 CARDIO (see below)

    08.30 Protein shake (all with milk providing 200cals/40g protein)
    Porridge Oats + banana

    10.45 Protein shake

    13.30 2 tins tuna
    1 chicken breast
    Large bowl of vegetables and cous cous

    16.00 Protein shake

    18.45 Pre-workout meal
    Large bowl brown rice / pasta
    1 tin tuna
    10g creatine
    3x5g Branch Chain Amino Acid tablets

    19.30 Pre-workout drink
    3 teaspoons coffee / 40mg ephedrine / 320mg asprin

    19.45 WEIGHT TRAINING (see below)

    20.45 Post workout drink
    Protein shake
    3x5g Branch Chain Amino Acid tablets

    21.00 ½ full chicken
    Large bowl of vegetables and peppers
    150g cottage cheese
    Multi vitamin tablet
    ***** 3,6,9 soft gels
    3x Amino acid complex tablets

    22.45 150g cottage cheese

    Note - on non training days the nutrition in bold is removed and main meal is eaten earlier. Also, on these days an extra protein shake is included before bed


    Day Morning Evening

    Monday ----------No activity---------- Tai Chi

    Tuesday 30 mins moderate intensity cardio Back / Biceps

    Wednesday ----------No activity---------- ----------No activity----------

    Thursday 30 mins moderate intensity cardio Shoulders / Legs

    Friday ----------No activity---------- Chest / Triceps

    Saturday 30 mins moderate intensity cardio ----------No activity----------

    Sunday ----------No activity---------- Biceps / Triceps

    That’s about all I can spit out at the minute, im bound to have missed some details so if you require any further info to be able to comment – please ask!!
    I haven’t managed to get any decent pictures sorted yet but will do ASAP.
    Thanks for your time in advance and look forward to your comments!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Baton Rouge
    Wow first of all i would like to congratulate you on that first post, and Welcome!
    You will receive a lot more help this way when you post this way vs. this typical newb who loses all respect after his 2nd or 3rd post.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Baton Rouge
    Ok a couple things... first cycle stick with test e only. Winny to drain water retention=NO. You will use an AI on cycle to combat the water retention and sides you do not want. Arimidex or Aromasin will be fine. You want to bring your body fat down to the 10% area or lower for less sides. Oh yea and how old are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Birmingham, UK
    thankyou for your quick response!! i am still trying to learn how to use the forum and all the bits involved so please bare with me if i bugger anything up!!
    iv finally figured this to be the best source for advice - very exciting times for me right now!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    uhh.... welcome... nice first post.

    its alot to read and get into.
    one thing i will just mention is,

    i would run the HCG the last 2 weeks of cycle. (weeks 13 and 14)
    and the first 2 weeks of PCT (weeks 15 and 16)
    i would also run the dose at 500iu's shot at 2 times a week.

    thats just how i run it, works for me. so i recommend that method. to much HCG isnt a good thing. plus your cycle is long, but the compounds arent too terribly suppressive at the doses your running.

    i would also get some Aromison to run with your Nolva during PCT. .

    your Nolva dose is a bit much at 60mgED. I would do 40mg ED for the first 2 weeks. then lower it to 20mg ED for the last 2 weeks of PCT

    i dont agree with running the Winny by itself like that those last few weeks. i know the test is still in your system. but why not run the winny at week 6-12. then stop both compounds on week 12, wait 2 weeks and start your PCT? i dont think your method is really necessary.

    take out your one protien shake... and make it real foods.
    keep your 2 post workout shakes (cardio and workout)

    also... it sounds like your shooting your Test E at 500mg in one shot? are you?
    break it up into 2 shots at 250mg. shoot monday and thurs.
    Last edited by Dukkit; 10-31-2008 at 09:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    Ok a couple things... first cycle stick with test e only. Winny to drain water retention=NO. You will use an AI on cycle to combat the water retention and sides you do not want. Arimidex or Aromasin will be fine. You want to bring your body fat down to the 10% area or lower for less sides. Oh yea and how old are you?
    ahh, i didnt realize its his first "real" cycle
    i agree with you. winny not needed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    [QUOTE=Flex-Appeal;4279185] You will use an AI on cycle to combat the water retention and sides you do not want. Arimidex or Aromasin will be fine. QUOTE]

    that works. but at a simple 500mg a week test cycle. sides shouldnt be too bad. i always prefer not to run an AI during cycle. i get more gains. estrogen is needed. too much is not good, we all know that. but with a simple cycle, the risk is low that he will get too high of estrogen. i just recommend keeping an AI on hand and just pay attention to your nips, acne, bloating... etc. if you see something you dont like or cant stand. hit up the AI

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Birmingham, UK
    thanks guys for your quick advice!

    winstrol point taken! sorry for my delayed response, just been busted skiving at work!! haha

    i will log on later!

    i know this is asked alot and its different for everyone but how long before i see mass / strength / libido increase etc?? just curious and excited

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sacrificial Steve View Post
    thanks guys for your quick advice!

    winstrol point taken! sorry for my delayed response, just been busted skiving at work!! haha

    i will log on later!

    i know this is asked alot and its different for everyone but how long before i see mass / strength / libido increase etc?? just curious and excited
    libido increase within a week or 2. strength can be shortly after that. and mass will be on after week 4.

    at least thats how it works for me. everyones different.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    You will use an AI on cycle to combat the water retention and sides you do not want. Arimidex or Aromasin will be fine. QUOTE]

    that works. but at a simple 500mg a week test cycle. sides shouldnt be too bad. i always prefer not to run an AI during cycle. i get more gains. estrogen is needed. too much is not good, we all know that. but with a simple cycle, the risk is low that he will get too high of estrogen. i just recommend keeping an AI on hand and just pay attention to your nips, acne, bloating... etc. if you see something you dont like or cant stand. hit up the AI
    On second thought you are right, the test only dose is not high. Buttt if our OP happens to be gyno prone then maybe he should consider a dose at 1/2 .25 eod. Just to lower that aromatization some. But Dukkit is correct

  11. #11
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    Baton Rouge
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    libido increase within a week or 2. strength can be shortly after that. and mass will be on after week 4.

    at least thats how it works for me. everyones different.
    Im very similar to that at least with test enth.

  12. #12
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    Im very similar to that at least with test enth.
    yea with test e. and cyp. thats how and when i get the effects with those compounds.

  13. #13
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post

    On second thought you are right, the test only dose is not high. Buttt if our OP happens to be gyno prone then maybe he should consider a dose at 1/2 .25 eod. Just to lower that aromatization some. But Dukkit is correct
    and you are correct my friend. gyno prone or other factors can affect estrogen.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    if you continue that cardio workout on 500mgs a week for 12 weeks youll burn a shit load of fat

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Birmingham, UK
    guys, thanks so much for your responses - im shocked how fast you respond! brilliant!

    as far as the gyno goes, when i was 13 i had an op on my nipples because they were swollen and sore... had some tissue cut away... would this mean that i wont get gyno cus i had the op... or that im likely to?? hmmm...bit worried now... iv got my nolva on hand though.

    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post

    On second thought you are right, the test only dose is not high. Buttt if our OP happens to be gyno prone then maybe he should consider a dose at 1/2 .25 eod. Just to lower that aromatization some. But Dukkit is correct
    does this mean 25mg EOD if i get symptoms?

    chuckt12345, do you think this amount of cardio is ok then and wont burn any muscle?? i was worried that the cardio would be reversing my hard training session gains!!


  16. #16
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sacrificial Steve View Post
    as far as the gyno goes, when i was 13 i had an op on my nipples because they were swollen and sore... had some tissue cut away... would this mean that i wont get gyno cus i had the op... or that im likely to?? hmmm...bit worried now... iv got my nolva on hand though.

    does this mean 25mg EOD if i get symptoms?

    chuckt12345, do you think this amount of cardio is ok then and wont burn any muscle?? i was worried that the cardio would be reversing my hard training session gains!!

    well depends what AI you use. If its nolva then 20mg a day will do. if its arimidex then .25 mg will do (notice the POINT 25) and aromason is 25mg

  17. #17
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    Aug 2005
    that amount of cardio should be fine. it wont burn muscle to that much of a negative degree.

    and you had gyno surgery, so i wouldnt bother runnin an AI.

    you can still have other Estrogen sides... acne, bloating, and so on. but you wont have to worry about gyno in the nipples if you had the surgery

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Birmingham, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    Ok a couple things... first cycle stick with test e only. Winny to drain water retention=NO. You will use an AI on cycle to combat the water retention and sides you do not want. Arimidex or Aromasin will be fine. You want to bring your body fat down to the 10% area or lower for less sides. Oh yea and how old are you?
    sorry, totally missed this - im 22

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Birmingham, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    that amount of cardio should be fine. it wont burn muscle to that much of a negative degree.

    and you had gyno surgery, so i wouldnt bother runnin an AI.

    you can still have other Estrogen sides... acne, bloating, and so on. but you wont have to worry about gyno in the nipples if you had the surgery
    ahhh thats a relief!

    im not too worried about the acne to be honest, il just get cream - it will clear up. the bloating doesnt worry me too much either.

    so what gains do you all think i can reasonably expect taking into account all of the above?? (i know theres alot to take in! sorry!). iv read maybe a ball park figure of 20 pounds lean muscle mass with a good clean diet and good training?

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