Hopefully my wife can come.
Gotta go eat......I Love food.
Hopefully my wife can come.
Gotta go eat......I Love food.
time to walk to work for the thrid time in the day. See ya in bout 30mins.
later, Voland
soooo yesterday i ran a fever of 100.5 and felt like shit as soon as i was done with my cardio. my appetite was non-existent. i felt better after skipping class and taking a nap. went and worked out. Did cardio again and then felt like shit and ran a fever again. also NO energy....should i discontinue the use of my clen. ive been @ 100mcg the last two days. today will be day #8
no bro. i just started a cycle of test C 700mg/wk (front load)
I hate personally hate clen.
If it was me, I'd drop it and just go with the test
10 egg whites, 1/2 cup oats, 1 scoop of ON....thats breakfast
I hate clen too, too much shaking
my handwriting goes from bad to nothing but unreadable squiggly lines on clen
Whats with all the clen haters??
sup kratos!
so your female picked up the phone huh? you goin to the aquarium? i love aquariums
im not a fan of clen either
rather do ECA
ya, well I didn't call her for a week
so then she didn't return my call on tuesday
KatsMeow told me how to think like a girl, and that she prolly thought I wasn't interested anymore or I had other ho's to choose from so she wasn't a big deal. So I called back again and she answered. KatsMeow is good at thinking like a girl.
hope I can hit it after we look at some fish
she has a dinner thing for work
I'm not good at thinking like a girl, I'm just a stupid boy.
Yeah, we're meeting at my place, I should be able to swing it.
I just won't crank tonight or in the morning, then I'll want it real bad. When I'm into it that's when my best moves come out. I'm on test so, yeah.
yea im putting the clen back in the safe.....maybe i can sell it to my neighbor.
i'm baaaack
i just had a donut
hey hey
fattie Dukki like donuts....
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