I'm so using tren next!
I'm so using tren next!
yes sir it gets the job done thats for sure
I can sleep when my kidneys fail!
Sure, as long as it's not a pic of your limp dick!
I kid I kid
very true. it ain't has rough as superdrol thats 4 sure
Wow I was delayed with that comment.
Ps that's intense reed, looking big and scary. I love Tren it gives me crazy results even at low doses.
shit right now is having the opposite effect my sex drive is crazy i got the test above the tren too
shower time fools
Yeah I wanna hit a heavy tren/test cycle in the summer.
I have an urge to add an oral even though it's pointless cause those 2 alone will jack me up.
How heavy?
4.7 lbs.
That's heavy. When you just say to **** with milligrams, I'm going to do 4.7 pounds of gear.
Yeah buddy, I don't mess around with that shit I roll hard.
What you should do chode:
1200mg of test
750mg of tren a
150mg of anadrol I got drol for this cycle test/19nor/dht synergy
now if chode is a gangster
2000mg of test
1000mg of tren a
anadrol 150mg
halo 40mg
methlytren 1mg
gh 15iu
t3 25mg
slin 15iu pwo
cheque drops prior to workouts
run that for 10 weeks![]()
Reed you silly bitch that's almost 5.0 lbs of gear!
"How much gear you talking buddy"
"12 lbs"
How much test/tren you running
dude thats like 20lbs of gear really look at that cycle
cheque drops: do you know what that is guys....
take a looksee: http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=199810
Hi, I've never done steroids before, and I'm 6' 100lbs. My buddy recommended this...
I think lbs should be the new measuring stick of gear. Even if it's horribly inaccurate
Holy f*ck I had no idea those existed
I remember a long time ago Rühl talking about getting cheque drops... I wonder if he ever got his greasy little meathooks on some.
I pretty sure that cycle would fukk somebody up pretty bad. Maybe take out the methly tren cause you got four different 17a methyls and tren itself is pretty harsh. I mean the cycle is like bye bye body
Should I make a new thread in the lounge called the Bye Bye Body cycle.
I mean it might work who knows. 10 weeks probably wouldn't TRASH your liver but you need some heavy recovering helpers after words on all aspects, cholestrol, liver, the works
Who needs a body when you're JACKED!!!!!
Im off for a wee bit here suckers, I'll be back in awhile.
That guy from my drol thread pm'd me to see if they came from ----.![]()
I get people pming out of the blue asking for shit i don't respond to shit
Oddly, I don't get those... maybe 'cause I barely ever appear in the Q&A.
I don't either I got knowledge but it ain't all that I mean I could help someone but whatever there are plenty of others all over it so no point in repeating. now if i was a mod or whatever I'd clean up the place a bit cause people just constantly asking for shit everywhere. I mean look at the supplement section right now as of tonight someone first timer asking to run A steroid and for sources
yeah maybe if I win the State show this year they can zip me to Hall of Famer status!!!! hahah I won't hold my breath
I think they look for people who dutifully advise the people that flood the Q&A every day, don't they?
I personally have no desire to be a mod. Anything short of blue is powerless, and even then, what's the reward? Helping people? Blech.
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