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Thread: 1st cycle EVER! Detailed LOG!

  1. #1

    1st cycle EVER! Detailed LOG!

    Hello folks,
    This is my first AAS cycle of test only. Test e to be more specific. I'll be looking to drop some bodyfat and retain my mass and hopefully increase it a little.
    My current status:
    AAS experience: 1st cycle
    Height:176 cm
    Weight:197 lbs
    BF: 15-16%
    Training experience: 4 years natural bodybuilding

    Cycle contents:
    500 mg/wk of Test e(Thursday morning)
    1.25mg/.25 mg ED Proscar/Arimidex
    Nolva (on hand)
    PCT: Nolvadex/Clomid

    Cycle Duration:
    12 weeks

    3000 calories/day (500 below maint) (Maint:3500/day)
    40% Protein
    40% Carbs
    20% Fat
    I will be giving my detailed diet later.

    Fri: Chest
    Sat: Back
    Sun: Shoulders/Traps
    Mon: Quads/Hams/Calves
    Tues: Biceps/Triceps/Forearms
    Wed: 30 Min Cardio/Abs
    Thurs:30 Min Cardio/Abs

    The diet/program will officially start 2mrw..I injected myself for the first time with 500 mg last Thursday in my right glute and took the whole week off(dieting) as to prepare for this strict intense program. I just took my 500 mg shot in my right Quad..No pain what so ever, I'm using 1in 25 G for the injections. I've recorded all this wk's weights that I've used for strength reference.
    The Program begins as of 2mrw Firday 13th of March 09.
    Last edited by Muscleking89; 03-15-2009 at 06:55 AM. Reason: Updating Arimidex

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    why are you doing 250mg each week? That's a very low dose of test. You're just trying to prolong the cycle hey? I wouldn't run it for 16 weeks @ 250mg. Cut it to 10 - 12 weeks.

    I'd definitely bump it up to at least 400mg each week.

    You should be injecting twice a week as well. even if you are only going to run 250. it should be split 125mg monday, and 125 on thursday.

    IMO that frontload was kinda useless as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    100% agreed with above poster.

    Cycle contents:
    250 mg/wk of Test e (Thursday morning)
    Frontloaded with 500 mg (Last week)
    20mg/12.5mg/1.25mg ED Nolvadex/Clomid/Proscar
    PCT: Nolvadex/Clomid
    And i really hope youre not implying that youre using this on cycle?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    why are you doing 250mg each week? That's a very low dose of test. You're just trying to prolong the cycle hey? I wouldn't run it for 16 weeks @ 250mg. Cut it to 10 - 12 weeks.

    I'd definitely bump it up to at least 400mg each week.

    You should be injecting twice a week as well. even if you are only going to run 250. it should be split 125mg monday, and 125 on thursday.

    IMO that frontload was kinda useless as well.
    Well according to my Super long research before starting the cycle, 250 mg/wk is enough for cutting fat and preserving lean mass. I dont want to bump it to 500 unless I was bulking and looking for hardcore muscle building. Most people inject Test e twice/wk your abs right, but I personally don't want to be sticking a needle more the once per wk and it's pretty fine injecting Test e once per week a lot of ppl swear by its results. What I can do is; I could inject 500 mg/week for the first 7 weeks and then switch to 250mg/wk for the next 8 wks. This is exactly the amount of gear I have 22 amps, 14 for the first 7 wks and 8 for the last 8 wks..a total of 15 wks. That should do it. What you do you think?
    Last edited by Muscleking89; 03-12-2009 at 06:24 PM.

  5. #5
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    I think you should continue your research...

    If you had researched a 'super long time' then you would know that 20yrs old is WAY too young to begin AAS use. You will most likely permanatly damage your HPTA.

    You would also know that your BF% is entirely too high to begin a cycle. You are risking more estrogen related sides than normal.

    And finally, since your BF% and weight is off, your diet must be as well.

    Like i said, more research bro.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    I think you should continue your research...

    If you had researched a 'super long time' then you would know that 20yrs old is WAY too young to begin AAS use. You will most likely permanatly damage your HPTA.

    You would also know that your BF% is entirely too high to begin a cycle. You are risking more estrogen related sides than normal.

    And finally, since your BF% and weight is off, your diet must be as well.

    Like i said, more research bro.
    Honestly I've been researching for 2 years now, and I pretty know what I'm doing. I know it's a bit early to start AAS but I've been at a plateau for quite some time. I've always been a hard/strict dieter. 15 %BF is an estimate with calipers it is a little high but I can clearly see the top 4 packs. I'm running Nolvadex on cycle just for the bloating/estrogenic problems your talking about to minimize them if ANY. One last thing, this is my first and last cycle I'll be doing..I just need a slight push out of my FREAKIN plateau. I'm running Clomid on cycle just to be on the safe side and keep my HPTA from totally shutting down. Anyways thanks for the info and the reply m8.
    Appreciate it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Alright bro, i guess you know what youre doing...

    Best of Luck!

  8. #8
    My detailed Diet

    2 Tuna chunks
    225 gm banana

    200gm brown rice
    176gm chicken

    Protein bar (PWO)
    30 gm Whey Portein(PWO)

    200gm brown rice
    176 chicken
    140 gm broccli

    200gm brown rice
    176 chicken

    400gm lowfat Yoghurt

    Totals: 3000 Calories, 300 gm protein, 250 gm carbs, 62.8 gm fat

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    the clomid will be useless on cycle.. will not keep you from shutting down.
    instead of nolvadex on cycle might consider an AI like adex to keeep the water off.
    have the nolvadex on hand incase gyno symptoms still pop up..

    ill let it ride on the dosing.. you were told the corrrect way to run it but if you want to run it your way thats your call

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    the clomid will be useless on cycle.. will not keep you from shutting down.
    instead of nolvadex on cycle might consider an AI like adex to keeep the water off.
    have the nolvadex on hand incase gyno symptoms still pop up..

    ill let it ride on the dosing.. you were told the corrrect way to run it but if you want to run it your way thats your call
    I know that the clomid idea is not that productive but I've read it in lots of places. I'll just run it, what do I got to lose.
    Concerning the estrogen sides, I personally don't want to give them any room to start to appear in the first place, so I'll be running it on cycle and through the pct. Excuse me for being a "Chicken" but try to understand this is my first cycle and I've trained natty for 4 years and I really can't stand the thought of having any estrogenic side effects! Thanks in Advance

    Regarding the dosing, what you think I should do? The current plan is to run 500 mg/wk for the first 7 wks and then taper off 250 mg/wk for the last 8 wks. What do you want to add/remove? Feel free to say anything!
    Thanks for the support anyways m8

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    well the adex would limit the conversion of test to estrogen.. thus lowering the chance of estrogen related sides. now if elevated estrogen still becomes a factor you can start the nolvadex which will stop the circulating estrogen that is present from binding to the receptors in the breast. works quick.. no foolin.. lol

    as for the test dose.. id keep the dose at 500mg and run it 10-12 weeks.
    with 22 amps looks like will end up being a 10 weeker.. im figuring you may lose a couple..

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    well the adex would limit the conversion of test to estrogen.. thus lowering the chance of estrogen related sides. now if elevated estrogen still becomes a factor you can start the nolvadex which will stop the circulating estrogen that is present from binding to the receptors in the breast. works quick.. no foolin.. lol

    as for the test dose.. id keep the dose at 500mg and run it 10-12 weeks.
    with 22 amps looks like will end up being a 10 weeker.. im figuring you may lose a couple..
    haha I hope not lol..Alrighty then, 500mg for 12 weeks it is..
    And I'll be getting Adex in two days time..

    Thanks a lot m8, you're the man
    I really appreciate your help!
    Keep tracking me bro!
    Last edited by Muscleking89; 03-12-2009 at 07:52 PM.

  13. #13
    Ok first day in, I'll be hitting the gym in 3 hours
    Had my first meal and will have the 2nd one in an hour.
    To make sure every1 knows, my first injection was last thursday (500 mg glute) and the 2nd one was yesterday (500mg quad). All of last week I took it off, only in dieting just to have a diet break before I go into the cycle. As for training I started on the cycle training from last wk although my diet wasn't in check. I wrote down all the weights I've used with all the reps to refer to them later for strenght gains.

    I have started to notice that my skin is more oily than before, so I'll be showering 2 times per day rather than one. Other than that all is perfecto.
    2day I'll be doing chest and I'll post my routine right away.

  14. #14
    Now here is the routine:
    Firday: Chest
    5 Flat DB press
    5 Incline DB press
    5 Wide dips
    5 Flat DB flyes
    Saturday: Back
    4 Lat pull downs
    4 Bent-over rows
    4 One hand DB rows
    4 Close-reverse-grip pull downs
    3 T-bar rows
    4 Deadlifts
    Sunday: Shoulders & Traps
    5 Overhead DB press
    3 Front laterals
    3 Side laterals
    3 Behind the neck Military press
    3 Reverse flyes
    3 Barbell shrugs
    3 DB shrugs
    Monday: Quads/Hams/Calves
    5 Squats
    5 Leg press
    6 Sitting Ham-curls
    5 Leg extensions (Quads)
    4 Calf Machine(standing) SUPERSETTED 4 Calves on leg press machine
    Tuesday: Biceps/Triceps/Forearms
    4 Standing DB curls
    4 Hammer DB on preacher SUPERSETTED 4 Standing hammer DB curls
    3 Cable curls
    3 Concentration curls

    4 Close grip bench press
    4 Overhead DB tricep extension SUPERSETTED 4 Tricep pushdowns
    4 Close grip dips

    3 Wrist curls (DB)

    * Wednesday and Thursday: 30 min of cardio + Abs

  15. #15
    I'm heading to the gym right now,
    Am gonna BLAST my chest, I try not to stay in the gym for more than 75 min so my workouts are pretty pretty intense.
    I hope I can bump my weights up, I know its too early for strengh gains haha I'm just hoping & praying



  16. #16
    Training was great, intense and with a decent pump, not the full pump of test e ofcourse but a decent one though.
    Strengh was slightly slightly higher than last wk.
    Other than that all is normal.

  17. #17
    2day was a long tiring day! Extra long day at college.
    Meals were good, on time and satisfying.
    I hit my back 2day, it was a 1 hour SUPER intense workout and my back was screaming after it..

    Everything else is fine, no sides till now and my libidio is high in the sky!

    Can't wait for the test to kick in, I'll be posting pics later in the cycle.

    I hope that sum 1 other than me is benefiting form this log, any1 feel free to comment/criticize/give advice..


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleking89 View Post
    Honestly I've been researching for 2 years now, and I pretty know what I'm doing. I know it's a bit early to start AAS but I've been at a plateau for quite some time. I've always been a hard/strict dieter. 15 %BF is an estimate with calipers it is a little high but I can clearly see the top 4 packs. I'm running Nolvadex on cycle just for the bloating/estrogenic problems your talking about to minimize them if ANY. One last thing, this is my first and last cycle I'll be doing..I just need a slight push out of my FREAKIN plateau. I'm running Clomid on cycle just to be on the safe side and keep my HPTA from totally shutting down. Anyways thanks for the info and the reply m8.
    Appreciate it!
    Doesnt seem like u know what ur doing by saying ur taking 20mg ed of nolva throughout cycle. Whats that gonna do for u, oh thats right inhibit any possible gains making the cycle useless. Research more bro. U taking anything to cut or just diet and only usin aas to maintain what muscle u do have?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Doesnt seem like u know what ur doing by saying ur taking 20mg ed of nolva throughout cycle. Whats that gonna do for u, oh thats right inhibit any possible gains making the cycle useless. Research more bro. U taking anything to cut or just diet and only usin aas to maintain what muscle u do have?
    I'm using test to hold on to my muscles..and btw..I'm not takin Nolvadex everyday..I'm takin arimidex eod and keepin my nolva on hand..At the begining my only solution was to take Nolvadex because I couldn't find arimidex! But I managed to find it so I'm taking it eod and nolva is on hand. As for the fat loss..I'm just relying on a strict diet/cardio/super intense wokrouts and ofcourse aas. I will edit my first post so that it matches what I'm currenlty doing..
    Feel free to ask anythin else!

  20. #20
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    Hey muscleking, they should make you a moderator, seems like you know your sh*t!!!!!


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleking89 View Post
    I'm using test to hold on to my muscles..and btw..I'm not takin Nolvadex everyday..I'm takin arimidex eod and keepin my nolva on hand..At the begining my only solution was to take Nolvadex because I couldn't find arimidex! But I managed to find it so I'm taking it eod and nolva is on hand. As for the fat loss..I'm just relying on a strict diet/cardio/super intense wokrouts and ofcourse aas. I will edit my first post so that it matches what I'm currenlty doing..
    Feel free to ask anythin else!
    Yeah well i can assure you on 250mg test you wont have any bloat and will not need any kind of serm or ai on cycle. Really no reason to take the arimi on cycle eod like you are. Just wasting your ai and any test from doing what you want it to do. Again, its your first cycle so you dont know how you respond. How will you know if your taking all these precautions ahead of time? Also, its 250mg of test a week bro. Seriously!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleking89 View Post
    Now here is the routine:
    Firday: Chest
    5 Flat DB press 3 Sets
    5 Incline DB press 3 Sets
    5 Wide dips 3 Sets (Q:Are you doing weighted dips? If no, do them)
    5 Flat DB flyes 3 Sets (swicth it up every week: one week flat and one week incline)
    Saturday: Back
    4 Lat pull downs 3 Sets
    4 Bent-over rows 3 Sets
    4 One hand DB rows 3 Sets
    4 Close-reverse-grip pull downs 3 Sets(Drop this exercise and add in something like Seated Low-Row and your preferred grip, i.e. Close-Grip)
    3 T-bar rows Drop Exercise, you now have enough exercises for Lats!!
    4 Deadlifts 3 Sets, and do them in the beginning of workout since they take a lot out of you. Stay in the 6-8 Reps range!
    Sunday: Shoulders & Traps
    5 Overhead DB press 3 Sets
    3 Front laterals Drop Front Laterals, Replace with i.e. Arnold Press
    3 Side laterals Cable?
    3 Behind the neck Military press Do in the beginning, or after Overhead DB press
    3 Reverse flyes
    3 Barbell shrugs
    3 DB shrugs
    Monday: Quads/Hams/Calves
    5 Squats 3 Sets, stay in 6-8(10 MAX!!) Reps Range...Go heavy!
    5 Leg press 4 Sets Max
    6 Sitting Ham-curls 3 Sets
    5 Leg extensions (Quads) 3 Sets
    4 Calf Machine(standing) SUPERSETTED 4 Calves on leg press machine
    Tuesday: Biceps/Triceps/Forearms
    18 Sets for Arms is OVERKILL
    4 Standing DB curls 3 Sets
    4 Hammer DB on preacher SUPERSETTED 3 Sets Babrell Curls
    4 Standing hammer DB curls Why do you do hammer curls twice?Drop it!
    3 Cable curls Drop exercise
    3 Concentration curls Drop Exercise

    4 Close grip bench press 3 Sets
    3 French Press(Skull Crushers)
    4 Overhead DB tricep extension SUPERSETTED 4 Tricep pushdowns 3 Sets of Overhead Extension
    4 Close grip dips Drop either Tricep Pushdown, or Close-Grip Dips

    3 Wrist curls (DB)

    * Wednesday and Thursday: 30 min of cardio + Abs
    You're doing way too many sets bro. It's easy to overtrain, especially when on juice. Less is more bro. Hope this helps you, and keep us updated

    Last edited by Alphatier; 03-14-2009 at 07:32 PM.

  23. #23
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Yeah well i can assure you on 250mg test you wont have any bloat and will not need any kind of serm or ai on cycle. Really no reason to take the arimi on cycle eod like you are. Just wasting your ai and any test from doing what you want it to do. Again, its your first cycle so you dont know how you respond. How will you know if your taking all these precautions ahead of time? Also, its 250mg of test a week bro. Seriously!
    I agree 100%. I dunno why the hell you would be running the A.I... you don't even know if you are gyno prone yet. lol.

    ... I also noticed you edited your original post yesterday, and you say 500mg EW now... is that correct or what?

    ... you're overtraining as well. cut down the number of sets, and increase weight.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    I agree 100%. I dunno why the hell you would be running the A.I... you don't even know if you are gyno prone yet. lol.

    ... I also noticed you edited your original post yesterday, and you say 500mg EW now... is that correct or what?

    ... you're overtraining as well. cut down the number of sets, and increase weight.
    I know, seems like a big mess from someone with 2yrs of research.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Yeah well i can assure you on 250mg test you wont have any bloat and will not need any kind of serm or ai on cycle. Really no reason to take the arimi on cycle eod like you are. Just wasting your ai and any test from doing what you want it to do. Again, its your first cycle so you dont know how you respond. How will you know if your taking all these precautions ahead of time? Also, its 250mg of test a week bro. Seriously!
    Hey's 500mg E/w
    Read please!

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    You're doing way too many sets bro. It's easy to overtrain, especially when on juice. Less is more bro. Hope this helps you, and keep us updated

    Thanks for your awesome advice! I was really a fan of less is more in the past 4 years, but I guess the juice just fired me up I'm taking your advice to consideration and will def reduce my sets starting next wk! Your post was def. 100% helpful and awakening! I guess I was just fired up cuz of the gear!


  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    I agree 100%. I dunno why the hell you would be running the A.I... you don't even know if you are gyno prone yet. lol.

    ... I also noticed you edited your original post yesterday, and you say 500mg EW now... is that correct or what?

    ... you're overtraining as well. cut down the number of sets, and increase weight.
    It's 500mg EW yeah so I have to use an AI as I'm a bit gyno pro cuz I'm an ex-fatty and it runs through the family and I want to keep the water/bloat away as this is a cutting cycle. I'm gonna reduce my sets as of next wk I guess I was just carried away by the JUICE as its my first cycle.

    Thx bra!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    I know, seems like a big mess from someone with 2yrs of research.
    hahaha Where the hell is the big mess!? Instead of turning into a flame! For god's sake READ! You were assuming that I was doin 250 ew when I was doing 500!!!!

    You go ask any vetren on the forum and ask em if an AI culd/shuld be run in cycle of 500mg EW to keep bloat and estrogen related sides away while keeping Nolva on hand!!

    I can't F****** thank you for your info/support/opinion cuz u've posted 2 times without even ready the cycle plan correctly


  29. #29
    I Just ate my pre W.O meal and will be hittin my shoulders n traps in a cuple of hours.

    Everything is going normal and according to plan! No sides till now!


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleking89 View Post
    Well according to my Super long research before starting the cycle, 250 mg/wk is enough for cutting fat and preserving lean mass. I dont want to bump it to 500 unless I was bulking and looking for hardcore muscle building. Most people inject Test e twice/wk your abs right, but I personally don't want to be sticking a needle more the once per wk and it's pretty fine injecting Test e once per week a lot of ppl swear by its results. What I can do is; I could inject 500 mg/week for the first 7 weeks and then switch to 250mg/wk for the next 8 wks. This is exactly the amount of gear I have 22 amps, 14 for the first 7 wks and 8 for the last 8 wks..a total of 15 wks. That should do it. What you do you think?
    This is where i got the diea of 250mg week since YOU said thats what u wanted to do since u DONT want to run 500mg a week. Then u want to taper off? Anyways, youve changed ur mind too many times for anyone to try to keep up with a basic first cycle, Run it 500mg week for 12 weeks, get cut on ur diet and hard from the test, dont waste ur gains on an ai if u DONT need it! Keep it simple. More you over think it the less youll get out of it. Really not that hard bro. If u run past 12 weeks at 500mg week id run hcg 1000iu last 5 weeks leading to pct just to help with recover. Thats up to u but thats what id do. Good luck!

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    This is where i got the diea of 250mg week since YOU said thats what u wanted to do since u DONT want to run 500mg a week. Then u want to taper off? Anyways, youve changed ur mind too many times for anyone to try to keep up with a basic first cycle, Run it 500mg week for 12 weeks, get cut on ur diet and hard from the test, dont waste ur gains on an ai if u DONT need it! Keep it simple. More you over think it the less youll get out of it. Really not that hard bro. If u run past 12 weeks at 500mg week id run hcg 1000iu last 5 weeks leading to pct just to help with recover. Thats up to u but thats what id do. Good luck!
    Now you're talkin , I'll be running at 500 mg for 12 wks just as in the plan, just 12 wks as the amount of gear I have is exactly for a 12 wk cycle. btw I didnt change my mind too many times, I was goin for the longer cycle with 250mg but discovered that my amps are gonna expire by then so I decided to shorten it, thats all. Thanks m8!


  32. #32
    Did my shoulders/traps workout! It was pretty intense and I felt just a little up in strenght than last wk, but I don't think its related to the test just yet..maybe a placebo effect or sumthin!

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Following along. Look forward to seeing your progress.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR View Post
    Following along. Look forward to seeing your progress.
    Great to hear that, and feel free to ask me anythin'!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    just checking in to see how things wee going.. good to see you took the advice.
    you should do well with this.
    gonna have to check in here and there..

  36. #36


    too bad I didnt get to finish my first and last steroid cycle..I guess I'm not meant to use aas

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