Now here is the routine:
Firday: Chest
5 Flat DB press
3 Sets
5 Incline DB press
3 Sets
5 Wide dips
3 Sets (Q:Are you doing weighted dips? If no, do them)
5 Flat DB flyes
3 Sets (swicth it up every week: one week flat and one week incline)
Saturday: Back
4 Lat pull downs
3 Sets
4 Bent-over rows
3 Sets
4 One hand DB rows
3 Sets
4 Close-reverse-grip pull downs
3 Sets(Drop this exercise and add in something like Seated Low-Row and your preferred grip, i.e. Close-Grip)
3 T-bar rows
Drop Exercise, you now have enough exercises for Lats!!
4 Deadlifts
3 Sets, and do them in the beginning of workout since they take a lot out of you. Stay in the 6-8 Reps range!
Sunday: Shoulders & Traps
5 Overhead DB press
3 Sets
3 Front laterals
Drop Front Laterals, Replace with i.e. Arnold Press
3 Side laterals
3 Behind the neck Military press
Do in the beginning, or after Overhead DB press
3 Reverse flyes
3 Barbell shrugs
3 DB shrugs
Monday: Quads/Hams/Calves
5 Squats
3 Sets, stay in 6-8(10 MAX!!) Reps Range...Go heavy!
5 Leg press
4 Sets Max
6 Sitting Ham-curls
3 Sets
5 Leg extensions (Quads)
3 Sets
4 Calf Machine(standing) SUPERSETTED 4 Calves on leg press machine
Tuesday: Biceps/Triceps/Forearms
18 Sets for Arms is OVERKILL
4 Standing DB curls
3 Sets
4 Hammer DB on preacher SUPERSETTED
3 Sets Babrell Curls
4 Standing hammer DB curls
Why do you do hammer curls twice?Drop it!
3 Cable curls
Drop exercise
3 Concentration curls
Drop Exercise
4 Close grip bench press
3 Sets
3 French Press(Skull Crushers)
4 Overhead DB tricep extension SUPERSETTED 4 Tricep pushdowns
3 Sets of Overhead Extension
4 Close grip dips
Drop either Tricep Pushdown, or Close-Grip Dips
3 Wrist curls (DB)
* Wednesday and Thursday: 30 min of cardio + Abs