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Thread: Started my first cycle, advice?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    I like that you are taking such an interest in my thread, so I'll try to write down my training sessions the way you wanted
    I'm having some problems sticking to the diet, due to insulin spikes, my theory is that it is caused by mixing sweetener with lactose, but the overeating is all clean anyways so I hope to get it under control soon, and I think that upping cals on low & mod days will help me stay disciplined :/


    Chest session today:
    Incline bench 3x8 - 30 kgs
    Flat bench 3x8 - 30 kgs (high intensity)
    Pullovers 3x8 - 25 kgs
    Flies on bench 3x8 - 25 kgs

    Jammed down 4500 kcal today at a 60/30/10 ratio.. Had the most amazing pump in chest and arms today during the session, the pump in the pectoralis minor gives a nice shape to the chest so i'm sticking to this exercise for a while even though I get some snapping sounds and pains in my shoulder, might have gone a bit to heavy, so focusing on doing the exercise 100% correctly so 27.5 kgs on monday.. Also bumped up the weight on my incline bench by 5 kilos (!), felt just like 25 kg on each hand.. Noticing some fat gain, but also noticing gains on my biceps and triceps especially so im sticking with the nutrient increase for now.. Went for a lower rep-range (around 5-8) for both bi's and tri's this week..

    all those #'s for chest are RIDICULOUS.

    I know girls who can lift more then that!

    104 pounds on bench press? WTF.

    what is that... like 35 plates + the bar..
    Last edited by seriousmass; 02-27-2009 at 05:50 PM.

  2. #42
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.

  3. #43
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    **** me! i think you need to wait before you do a cycle mate! get you strengh and size up for a while first.

    When i first started i was about 9st well just under and my mate just gave me some oxys and said take some of these and you will grow so i started on half a day and went upto 1 i had no idea bout any steroids never heard of any types either so i just kept doing wot he said soon after i done some sust and deca no proper cycle just wot my mate said but i did put on size.

    I think i would have got there natrally if i had pushed hard and eaten right but before i tried the gear i never pushed as hard as i do when i am on the gear and i suppose i dont push as hard now really.

    these guys on here no wot there on about (even tho they are cocky gits lol) and you suld follow there instructions mate wot ever you think is best!

    I swear if you do wot they say you will get big!!!!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    phaha , why, why why...... ino u gota start sumwere but fek me, u need serious food.... ur gonna do damage, u are not developed even, u havent even started filling out

  5. #45
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    I doubt you ate 4500 calories...

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    I like that you are taking such an interest in my thread, so I'll try to write down my training sessions the way you wanted
    I'm having some problems sticking to the diet, due to insulin spikes, my theory is that it is caused by mixing sweetener with lactose, but the overeating is all clean anyways so I hope to get it under control soon, and I think that upping cals on low & mod days will help me stay disciplined :/


    Chest session today:
    Incline bench 3x8 - 30 kgs
    Flat bench 3x8 - 30 kgs (high intensity)
    Pullovers 3x8 - 25 kgs
    Flies on bench 3x8 - 25 kgs

    Jammed down 4500 kcal today at a 60/30/10 ratio.. Had the most amazing pump in chest and arms today during the session, the pump in the pectoralis minor gives a nice shape to the chest so i'm sticking to this exercise for a while even though I get some snapping sounds and pains in my shoulder, might have gone a bit to heavy, so focusing on doing the exercise 100% correctly so 27.5 kgs on monday.. Also bumped up the weight on my incline bench by 5 kilos (!), felt just like 25 kg on each hand.. Noticing some fat gain, but also noticing gains on my biceps and triceps especially so im sticking with the nutrient increase for now.. Went for a lower rep-range (around 5-8) for both bi's and tri's this week..

    Are we sure that we are using dumbbells???..... I can't see you pressing the 60s or 70s its ok that you got a 105lbs bench press..... I can see that in the way you're built... what about leg day.... i want to see you write that day out

    You may start running it to joint and tendon issues while on juice since you never developed or started properly and actually became accustomed to the weights..... Another reason why you wait.... Your muscles will become stronger but your joints won't.... becareful

    Also I see no reason to rotate carbs in your diet.... go to the diet section and look in the bulking diet and work it out for you......

  8. #48
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.

  9. #49
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer View Post
    What 30kg on bench...I did that in the 7th grade. WOW...
    I hope he means 30kg on each hand doing dumbbell bench.

    I have a bad feeling I'm wrong.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Eat more.

    Lift heavier.


  12. #52
    thumbs up

  13. #53
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  14. #54
    angelina jolie might adopt you if you lived in africa..... pick up a fork and eat

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    aiming for 2800 - 3500 cals a day what a waste of good gear, personally on a bulking cycle if consider it a wasted day if i didnt get over 4500 cals a day but thats just me, and thats without steroids..

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    hey konateh, don't let some of the really nasty comments pull you down. However, i'm going to be completely honest with you man, you're extremely skinny. Look, I used to be like you, just as skinny with no muscle because I didn't eat anything pretty much and didn't go to gym or do any sports. Over the course of 4 years I started eating alot of junk food, I filled out alot, even developed a stomach.

    After a year and a half of gym, I started juice prematurely, but I don't regret it. However I gotta say that man you're extremely skinny, and going on juice won't really make things better for you/improve your physique unless you put on that weight.

    You seriously need to eat man, even if you feel like you're going to vomit because you can't eat anymore, just need to focus on your goals and cram that food down.

    In terms of the juice, I won't tell you not to because then i'd be contradicting, but be careful and I hope you get the best results possible.

  17. #57
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    DangerDan hearts this thread. Funny stuff.

  18. #58
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  19. #59
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  20. #60
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    lol do not restrict yourself from eating if i was you id eat as much as physically possible.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by lozza89 View Post
    lol do not restrict yourself from eating if i was you id eat as much as physically possible.
    big x2 on that one.

    OP, you best bet is to eat your butt off....just keeping eating clean food till it hurts.

  22. #62
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    between corn and soybeans
    you look like your pretty gyno-prone, better keep the AIs handy

  23. #63
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  24. #64
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  25. #65
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    sunny doncaster
    Seems like a bad idea to me pal. we are a similar height i think and im much heavier sure my bf% is higher too but im sure you could achieve much more naturally, people are gonna be nasty and take the piss because its people like you that give steroids a bad name when your body funks up and your health suffers. id quit now dont forget pct.

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    All i can say to this is

  27. #67
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    i dont know why so many people talk about it being so hard to get 4500 k down thats NOTHING im on the beginning of my test cycle eating 4-closer to 5000 cals a day and im still hungry, even thinking of upping my meals to about 9 a day at about 700 cals a day and maybe even further once the test kicks in full force... but anyway im 22 will b 23 soon and i just started on this stuff, im not gonna sit here and scould you but just be careful, i never got into this stuff previously b/c my bro started prohormones when he was 17 and started cycling when he was 19, all he does now is cycle, i mean he takes proper time off, etc, but whenever hes not on he gets fat as f**k b/c he has no idea what a proper diet means and eats waaaay to much, id say half being chicken, rice, good stuff and the other half being garbage. sure he gets huge and even cut up on cycle when he uses tren, winny, clen but as soon as its gone his crap diet comes into play and hes a fata** again.. that wont be your problem probably, you might gain while on cycle and lose everything b/c you dont eat enough. your skinny as sh*t dude, i mean just be careful is all im saying, once you get off cycle make sure to EAT and i mean a lot, if you want to gain thats the only way.

  28. #68
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  29. #69
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    well first when i said my bro its my actual brother im talking about not a friend, and i know your nothing like him you both have different issues one being eating too much and one being eating not enough. and second when did i say that half of my nutrition came from shakes i dont remember saying anything about my diet, i eat properly i just happen to enjoy eating and know how to put the calories in. all i was saying is you obviously dont eat that much with a body like you have now, and to make sure to continue to eat the way you are eating on cycle and keep the calories up to keep your gains. im just trying to help out.. im not perfect either and i could care less that your cycling at 20 years old im not your guardian, live your life the way you see fit, make your own educated decisions based upon research and proper knowledge, and when you fu*k up like we ALL do sometimes, know the consequences youll have to pay. no ones perfect. again i was only offering constructive critisism, after all your thread name is "started my first cycle, advice?"

  30. #70
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    lol tests will give u some understanding but its the damage ur doing that tests dont show. at ur age and stats ur gona do more wrong then good. u will regret this mark my words. maybe not soon but in years to come

  31. #71
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  32. #72
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    I think you hint everyone of these points of why you shouldn't cycle

  33. #73
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    sunny doncaster
    gears just what you need looking forward to seeing the results, when im ready im thinking of test e. feel better?

  34. #74
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post

    Yes Reed, that is the thread i was referring to. I'm going to finish this cycle now to set an example for other people in my situation wanting to try gear cause from the way it's looking I'm very likely to end up in worse shape than when I started the cycle- honest.

    Injection #10 - 125 mg enanthate + 25 mg propionate into right tigh, routine..
    This means I'm 30 days - more than 4 weeks in and the test has still not kicked in (!)

    And why do you feel this way.... What has happened????

    It doesn't just kick in all of the sudden.... it should build up. You are noticing some libido increases aren't you??? Thought I read that earlier. And 350mg of test is a real low dose. 500-750mg are considered a beginners cycle dose. Not saying you won't see results.

    Has long as you have your PCT in order and will need to increase your kcals in order to maintain any new gains you have made you should be alright.... Then just continue training for a year or two. Learn the basics, get your strength up naturally, diet down pat, learn your body better (ie what programs, diets, exercises work for you) then maybe consider another cycle. Your young and don't want to become reliant on drugs at your size and strength.

  36. #76
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  37. #77
    Why didn't you train the first 1 or 2 years naturel? It is stupid to take immideately steriods.. it is the easiest way offcourse.
    And eat more, double your food (5000kcal).

  38. #78
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    Ok i thought i was being rough on you a little before, despite you being dead wrong about the advice you give out, i assumed you had a little sense, but then i see your stats and knowledge level in your log here, and it confirms you should NOT giving out advice AT ALL!

    6 week anavar only cycle

  39. #79
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    I think that if you made a log like this with this much honesty and detail, most of the guys here would say the same to you.
    Bro ive been putting upwards of 100kgs (which you said youd be happy with if you ever got there) since i was 18 and weighed 79kgs.

    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    I'm not here to play doctor, but I give advice based on my knowledge(Which is limited at best, and dangerous at worst.), and if I do this or not is not dependent on you, but if you have any intellectual arguments/opinions about something, than I don't mind a discussion, but in that thread people start behaving like children - not something I'm wasting my time on
    If you had any knowledge in the least, you wouldve waited on this current cycle. As like everyone here has already said, youre nowhere near close enough to begin.

    So why dont you do everyone a favor and not had out advice to things you have no clue about. Like AAS, Dieting, working out, etc...

    Worry about yourself pal, and trust me, with what ive seen thus far, you should.

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