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Thread: Started my first cycle, advice?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    manchester uk
    I will be honest with you my friend

    i have seen numerous guys at the gym start steroids with no solid base, if you start of being skinny during the course you may bloat and add water giving you the impression its solid gains but a few weeks after the cycle they all return to their normal skinny structure,

    now you dont want to be doing this for the rest of your life bloating up and down, your body knows your thin and will do anything after your cycle to go back to its normal state being thin.

    If you could reach around 200lbs naturally through hard training and dieting and then you decide if you want to cycle because if you do then at least you have a solid base to start with

    If im honest i think you may be miscalculating with your calorie readings and getting to technical with the figures

  2. #82
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    Good comment

    Had my 11th injection yesterday (Sunday) into right thigh..
    Am suffering from some MAJOR bloating issues at the moment, have been keeping my kcal intake steady at 4500 kcals, and I'm gaining both fat, muscle and water rapidly.. but this is causing me to hold _a lot_ of water, especially in my feet, actally had to wear sandals today since I couldn't get any of my shoes on (!), tempting to start nolva (the pack is right in front of me) but saving this for PCT and considering adding some kind of aromatase inhibitor for the rest of the cycle, or simply lower my kcal intake drastically...

    350mg is like 5 or 6 times what i normally would produce, so I should really see some results.. as I said, I am gaining weight like crazy but it is to be expected solely from the caloric excess and muscle memory coming into play.

    The plan right now is to just try and gain as much lbm as possible the remaining 10 weeks of the cycle, and run some clen/t3 while doing PCT and then keep training and dieting natty for a while

    Have to eat aproximately 69kcal extra/day for each pound of mucle gained, isn't that about right reed? correct me if I'm wrong

    couldnt fit into your shoes!!?? hahah holy $hit dude... no offense... i mean thats just some funny $hit

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    watch the gyno man... it looks like u might be getting it a little... 10 mg of nolva/day should help

  5. #85
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  6. #86
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    are you really having gyno and water retention issues at your dose???

    when you say you are eating 4500-5000 kcals for your weight i would say that is too much..... how much protein, carbs, and fats you getting in now???

  7. #87
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    I have not been this thin for long.
    I started out at 110 kgs with bad diet and no training, started training summer 2005 and trained/dieted for until summer 2007, was at 90 kgs about 10% bf. Then i stopped training for one year (until autumn 2008) and i got really thin - about 78kgs, then I started training again some around christmas this year.. I was 83 kgs when I started the cycle - hoping to get back in the condition I was in before my pause from lifting and dieting

    What makes you say this??


    Yeah ok bro. You lost 12kgs in one year and gained 5% BF. Yeah sure, thats totally logical.

  9. #89
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    Gyno issues - no
    Diet related water retention - yes

    Been keeping the ratios from 40-40-20 to 45-45-10 .. you get the idea..

    Yes, it is to much.. think that is exactly what Narkissos would say also

    Calculated my BMR to be 1961
    According to the Harris Benedict formula - 1961 * 1,4 = 2745

    Now, for bulking I should stay at around 3000-3200 I guess
    Cutting I will just start at 2700 and see how it develops.:
    What do you think?

    Macros look good, get you some fish oil (0mega-3) and start mega dosing that. Use the Katch-McArdle formula:

    calculates BMR based on lean body weight. Which means you'll need to get a ACCURATE bodyfat test in order to use this

    BMR: basal metabolic rate
    TDEE: total daily energy expenditure
    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    Then, using the BMR, TDEE is calculated using the activity multiplier:

    Activity Multiplier:

    Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)

    I would never see a need for you to cut at the current moment.... what would you cut into ya know.... people get the idea around here and other places thinking if they cut they get a full physique with abs, chest etc or something for the beach when they have a very small muscle base to cut into which leads to less then stellar results

  11. #91
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  12. #92
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    bump for updated pictures.

  13. #93
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    Southern Jersey

    Stop your cycle, do the diet in the above thread for a while then judge where your at.

  14. #94
    dude you need to stop roids and eat and train better. You look like Christian Bale in The Machinist. please eat. when i saw your pics i ran straight to the kitchen to eat my dam self. if your goals are self esteem then u are in for a sad day when the roids start coming off and u loose the motivation u lacked before this premature cycle. if u cant bench your body weight at least ten times then you need to improve alot before thinking of cycling. your confidence will go up with your dedication and discipline before cycle and you might find that steroids might not be the answer for what goals you are trying to achieve. honestly you looked a lil better pre cycle pics in 07' (thats my opinion). keeep training hard and you will make your goals. you will not make much growth and u deminish nattie test production for nada at your level and age bro. good day and good luck to you.

  15. #95
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    OK people I think he gets the point by now.... You aren't going to tell him anything that hasn't already been said 1,000x

    No point in bashing him over and over. I think this board is a no flame board correct me if I'm wrong.

    He started his cycle and it is HIS choice in the end.
    Last edited by Reed; 03-25-2009 at 06:01 PM.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    Will do, used to go through an udo's choice bottle like nothing back in the day - should get some.. Am currently taking *****3 capsules with every meal.. each capsule has 1000mg of fish oil.. how much should I be taking - keep macros the same or add fat/cut carbs?

    They don't have this at my gym :/ Friend of mine (who is a personal trainer) made a rough estimate at 15%, I'm currently 88 kgs..

    What is your take on digital weights measuring body composition?

    Hehe.. I can see that Not planning on cutting now anyways, want to get huge - leaning more towards Flex Wheeler than Tyler Durden if you know what i mean :P

    I'd say get in around 30 grams of fish oil a day. Have that replace part of the fat intake you have now... I cannot stress how important fats are for muscle growth. I experienced this first hand, can eat all the carbs and protein I want but if I don't get in enough fat then I'm spinning my wheels

    Depends on the digital machine.... Look up the bodpod. If you live near a university I'm willing to bet they might have one. It'll cost you a few bucks but you'll get the most accurate measurement that way...

    Well you got a long way to go with Flex Wheeler Tyler Durden status wouldn't be that far off.... he was small IMO in the movie.

    keep logs of your weights you move and each week you go back MAKE SURE you at least do 1 more rep then the week before or more weight, thats how you know you'll be gaining in the gym.... the rest will be diet

  17. #97
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  18. #98
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    Way too much protein and not enough carbs

  19. #99
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    Is this for real?

  20. #100
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewJuice View Post
    Is this for real?

    im afraid so , we've tryed telling this fool...... url regret this one day.

  22. #102
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    hows your cycle goin?

  23. #103
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  24. #104
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    good things are picking up.. how long did u wait to see strength gains? mine came pretty quick, I'd say 3rd week or so, and going up steady

  25. #105
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    Um hey, WTF happened to the updates. Confidence left or what?

  26. #106
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  27. #107
    why not? gains or what?
    im 41, 218lbs,6ft 1" on TRT. i pop myself once a week with 1CC (200mg) test cyp ( all i use, thats it), got my weight pile/dumbells and bench/machine today...YAY!...

    I went out and threw some up for about 1/2 hour or so, and pumped up two inches in my arms....... now just curious how long it will, when i was younger ( in my 20s) i should have started weight training. ive always pumped up fast and hard. i should do real well i hope. wasnt really into lifting, but since ive got to pop the test cyp anyway, i should take advantage of it i guess....LOL.....
    Last edited by testiman; 12-03-2009 at 04:42 PM.

  28. #108
    Join Date
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    Land of Bulk
    did you finish the cycle?
    post some pics. im eager to see them.
    Im glad i ran into this thread because it made me think.. I have to get my diet and workout routine established before gearing up again.

  29. #109
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  30. #110
    Join Date
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    You can definatley see the results in your arms and traps. Chest is lagging, but you did mention that was your weekest point. A few questions for you.
    What are the final results of your cycle? I take it you only ran one.
    How long has it been since your pct?
    Any gains since the end of your pct?

  31. #111
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    good results bro. keep working the chest. hows the legs??

  32. #112
    Join Date
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    If u could get your chest to hang out like a rack u would be just about perfect or what i would like to be

  33. #113
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:04 AM.

  34. #114
    Join Date
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    Never Never Land
    You either got very good genetics or a very good shoulder routine. Post it up please. I would like to see it.

  35. #115
    Join Date
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    You put on some good mass!!!!! Great job!

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by konateh View Post
    back pictures:

    As far as I remember the pictures are from february, and I think I ended the cycle around march/april. The pct was just standard nolva clomid. I started the cycle at 185 lbs Right when I finished the cycle I was about 270 lbs, then I sustained an injury that kept me out of the gym for 8 weeks. When I started training again in july I was down to 240 lbs. Right now in the pictures I'm 250 pounds

    I'm working on it focusing on crossovers, decline barbell press and decline flies. Even though it's not really showing on the pictures I have added a lot of thickness to the chest and almost doubled my strength on some exercises. 6 months ago I was doing incline bench with 65 pound dumbells, now I'm up to 110..

    Thanks, I'm not flexing in the pictures but my quads and calves are good.
    Let me get this right you went from 185 to 270lbs with one cycle??? You weigh 250lbs in the pictures? How tall are you?

  37. #117
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    Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:07 AM.

  38. #118
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    Let me get this right you went from 185 to 270lbs with one cycle??? You weigh 250lbs in the pictures? How tall are you?
    I'm sorry, but this is just a bunch of bullshit.

    Nobody on this earth gains that much weight in one cycle, and if they did, it would be with tons of fat. Just by looking at your legs and chest, I can tell 250 lbs is a lie.

    Secondly, the fact that your calves, traps, and arms to an extent are so irregularly shaped, looks to me a lot like Synthol injections.

    How can somebody have traps, shoulders, arms like that yet have NO chest what so ever?

    Something just doesn't seem right here at all....

    Edit: If this is real, with no synthol or photoshop or w/e, i'm sorry and you've made a huge transition.
    Last edited by Kiki; 12-16-2009 at 10:50 AM.

  39. #119
    my chest sucks dick and i have some awesome traps and shoulders. so i believe his look is not synthol. what makes it worse is that i work the hardest on chest day. maybe i should drop the weight and ego and focus on eccentric lifting movement like a mofo. this thread is motivation. keep up the work and hopefully you reach your goal.

  40. #120
    Join Date
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    im source cheks
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiki View Post
    I'm sorry, but this is just a bunch of bullshit.

    Nobody on this earth gains that much weight in one cycle, and if they did, it would be with tons of fat. Just by looking at your legs and chest, I can tell 250 lbs is a lie.

    Secondly, the fact that your calves, traps, and arms to an extent are so irregularly shaped, looks to me a lot like Synthol injections.

    How can somebody have traps, shoulders, arms like that yet have NO chest what so ever?

    Something just doesn't seem right here at all....

    Edit: If this is real, with no synthol or photoshop or w/e, i'm sorry and you've made a huge transition.
    thats not synthol dude.
    so you should have listened, and waited, and your kinda dumb..ect. but so should have just about everyone on this board. at one point im sure.
    nice gains. big difference!

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