clearly she's coming over for the sausage
why else would she drive 25 min each way to spend not much more than an hour with me?
clearly she's coming over for the sausage
why else would she drive 25 min each way to spend not much more than an hour with me?
Well. I'm off. I just got word that my offer on a house was accepted. Woo Hoo! Now I need to go figure out how to get the money to pay for it... TTYL
OK I'm back. Saw the questions and thought I'd respond. Retired for many years, I buy and sell gold and foreign money, hopefully for profit. I am 58, 6', 187lbs. (and growing). I had a foot fusion about 5 months ago and lost more than thirty lbs. and now I'm coming back. Currently on 100 mg Test cyp/wk and HGH. I am going to add a little personal tren ace to help bump up my weight gain in the next few days. Oh yes, my BF is between 8-9%, it is always fairly low
look at this part of an article i just found
guess that most athletes who compete in bodybuilding contests (and have an unnatural appearance) have been taking anabolic steroids and high-dosage testosterone, though they may be off the "juice" when appearing in a competition. But they will still have to wear fillers in their underwear so to create the impression that they definitely are men.
The point is: those who abuse anabolic steroids and use testosterone will cause their penises and testicles to shrink to a size they were when these men were 7 or 8 years old. This is the case because exogenous testosterone will shut down the body's own testosterone production in the Leydig cells of the testicles.
heres the whole link
so that's why my dick is so small....all that test.
Well I better go. I can give you a hot tip though. I'm going to sell 200 oz of gold in a few minutes and can promise you that it will go WAY up AFTER I sell...LOL Have fun, T
so i'm eating my oats right now...put a teaspoon of peanut butter in them...ohh i'm in loveshould have tried this long before.
my penis was pretty small at 7-8 years old...I think I would have noticed that side effect
why is it always sex sex sex
can't she just come over and watch tv or something?
I don't think I'm as horny as most of the girls I date...girls are the new men when it comes to sex
I'll take a crank and go to bed...fvck it
my buddy who lives down the street from me pulled that shit with the girl he's dating now.
he's like "why do we always have to fvck, can't we just chill."
she started crying, and saying she feels like an aweful person now for wanting to be with him and blah blah blah...he has sex with her at least once a day to avoid that from happening again
my fukking nose needs to quit dripping by the time i get to the gym
now I'm stuck with a boner all day cause I know I have to fck later
ok did my good deed in the Q+A for the day
off to the gym
I need to get her box off my mind
falkin test, who invented this crap...I just want to mash buns
oh yeah btw, still on tren too lol
that car alarm going off outside my office window needs to shut the fvck up
kratos, jack off so you'll last longer later!
my stupid shoulder (rotator cuff i think) was acting up today as i was trying to do pullups
it was a half assed workout
my butthold kinda hurts too, like i had acidy poop
i'll probably end up putting soap on my finger in the shower and putting it in my butt
i'll tape it for you guys
is my penis gonna grow any larger? or since i'm thru puberty, am i stuck with it at this size?
i watch lots of porn, and man, those dicks are huge
my gf doesn't enjoy sex...she always fakes it and never has had an orgasm
now i feel like sex is just blaahh
My gf fuvking loves sex, more than me.
She would have sex 12x a day if could, and im going to jail soon..
Hmmm, should i trust her??
I dont give a fuvk, what you dont know doesnt hurt..
animal... find a new girl
matt... its not cheating if your locked up. thats what i told all my girls when i got locked up.. what they did when i was behind bars... was all them. but when i got out.. it was all about me.
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