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Thread: Bad news !!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Bad news !!

    So I had a surprise BLOOD TEST by my ENDO the other day... I HAD TO GO AND HAVE IT DONE...

    I am on cycle... 75mgs ED of PROP....




  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Tell him you went to GNC and got some great test boosters that you have been using

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    tell him you have been taking massive amounts of test boosters, then next time wait they want you to give blood...wait a little while for the half life to kick in so your levels are lower

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Something like that happened to me and he ended up cutting back the dose. Are you prescribed an AI from your Endo?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    how does one HAVE to take a blood test when the doctor(s) work for you/us?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New England
    Yeah a surprise blood test? I'm this like a "pop quiz" in high school or something lol

    I'm confused. i assume this isnt prescribed to confused

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    When I was first put on TRT 2 months ago. My endo said he was going to do a blood test to check my levels in a month or two to see how my TEST LEVELS WERE NOW FROM THE TRT treatment...

    So he scheduled the Blood Test.

    I went and did it.

    I am on Cycle. As of when he took the Blood.

    It registered as being really really really high is what the secretary said. Borderline Abnormally High.

    He wants me to bring my bottle of CYP in to be measured because he thinks I have been injecting more than I should.

    There is exactly enough as there should be.

    I wanna know what I can say to him to convince him I did this by mistake. And that I have been following his directions to a "T" so I can keep my TRT because without my TRT my fvcking dick don't work. Pardon my French.

    So whatever I can do to make this guy keep me on my TRT is what I will do. If that means going and buying every OTC Test Booster from GNC to convince him IM AN IDIOT ... I will do it... See what I am saying now??

  8. #8
    Why on earth would you get the blood test done?

    Say you don't have the money for it now and cancel. Say your sick.... Come on now Deuce lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    dude take the bottle and show him and tell him you took boosters and get off the cycle except for the trt...not that hard man. your making a bigger deal then what it is bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Duh! Jeez man you have to be smarter than this! After 2 months of being on treatment you should have waited till you got the feeling that the doc is happy with where you are at and eveything is stabilized, before you start a cycle. That takes MONTHS. I scored a script from a doctor whose got plaques on his wall about "Best Endo professor at Assfvck university" "Professer of the year" blah blah blah. You gotta THINK. Doctors aren't always bright, but they're still doctors. Its been nine months with this guy and EVERY step was a calculated move. I had to manipulate bloodwork. I had to rehearse my visit routine, and come into character before i'd see him. I had reasons and plan B's and C's for everything he could possibly suggest. I brushed up on "success with people" books. (People will be less likely to raise an eyebrow if they like you). I got bloodwork before my bloodwork from an online bloodwork place.

    Getting real, legit, pure, testosterone from a doctor whethor its from trt, or stockpiling for cycles, is a precious thing. I would think you would treat it more carefully.

    What to do now: Well, the gnc AI is a great idea. You also want to say your bodyfat lowered cuz you been eating cleaner and doing cardio. Tell him you heard that since fat ppeole have more of the aromatse enzyme, maybe thats another reason your levels are up. Also tell him you took the test on the third day post shot, and maybe last time you took it on the 6th day, unless you already specified that in your last visit or on the phone with him. With the AI you maybe want to bring him a bottle of that too and preferable "Novadex" XT or something like that that makes the bold claim of "500% increase in testosterone". I would say, in a genuine voice.. "Well, you know, i saw this product and it said testosterone booster, so curiosity got the best of me and i thought hey i wonder if it would work on someone like me. In the back of my mind i didn't expect it to really do 500%, but i figured you know what, even if it did 50%, , that might be pretty neat. You know, just for a little boost on special occasion with the old lady,lol. I guess i figured if i feel good on X amount of testosterone, a little bit more might be better. I just wanted to try it. I really didn't think an over the counter product could affect me so much, im glad i had a blood test to see i was having a bad reaction. There should be more regulations with these things."

    and LOOK HIM IN THE EYE WHEN YOUR TELLING HIM IT. Don't stare either, though. you would look at him as if you were telling him about the events of you weekend? How would you FEEL when your were telling him the events of your weekend? Feel that FEELING, and visualize yourself saying the words i gave you, as freely as the truth about the fishing trip you went on saturday.
    Also, before you go in....visualize SEVERAL TIMES yourself as the man who DID GO to the store, read a label on a product and got curious, and tried it. Visualize the thoughts that an ORDINARY MAN, not JUICE HEAD WEIGHT LIFTER GUY might have when he's going through this process. If this DID HAPPEN by accident....would there really be any guilt? No. It would be more like "Wow, there is something strong in that stuff", and reflection upon it might even cause a chuckle.
    Know who you are....TO HIM. If i go meet any stranger on the street, and i introduce myself with my first middle and last name, does he know me any better than 3 seconds before? No. Do we walk around with special electronic deviceses that download our whole life to someone new? So does anyone we just met a few times really know the real Bob Smith? Even the people you work they know the real Bob Smith? The Bob Smith that John knows is not the same as the Bob Smith that Steve knows. We are unconsciously different things to different people anyway. Bob Smith can be WHOEVER he wants to ANYBODY. Truth and and untruth is a matter of PERCEPTION. It's the truth as long as no one finds out its a lie. It's only a lie if you tell them the truth. Do you see how powerful your words are? The power and delivery of words hold the attention and shape the images in the minds of even great masses. Look at speakers. Look at Hitler, look at General Patton, look at Barack Obama. The power to decieve, inspire, or decieve AND inspire, is all held at the crest of our words.
    CREATE a Bob Smith that does have these certain things happen to him. And WEAR him to the doctors office. Step into him. But to create and alias of Bob Smith, BY Bob Smith, Bob Smith must reflect and visualize, and feel.
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 04-09-2009 at 11:15 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I'm going to see an endo soon and I'm just gonna tell him straight up that I juice and I want him to monitor my levels. What can they do? If he don't like it get a new endo.I tell my GP everything about my cycles.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    I'm going to see an endo soon and I'm just gonna tell him straight up that I juice and I want him to monitor my levels. What can they do? If he don't like it get a new endo.I tell my GP everything about my cycles.
    if you arnt script hunting - they can't just flat out say no.

    your family dr can do it, but if your dr is like mine - he knew NOTHING when it came to hormone issues......

    if they feel you're script hunting, they can just tell you to go away

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    Why on earth would you get the blood test done?

    Say you don't have the money for it now and cancel. Say your sick.... Come on now Deuce lol
    LOL... I KNOW I KNOW... Whatever... lol.. I'LL SELF MEDICATE MY TRT if I have to !!

    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    dude take the bottle and show him and tell him you took boosters and get off the cycle except for the trt...not that hard man. your making a bigger deal then what it is bro
    I know.. but I dont wanna get off cycle.. thats the point.. I went to the ENDO because my TEST levels are low as fvck. I'm gonna tell him I took the boosters... I'll even bring em in to show him.. I am sure all of it will pan out in the end. I got 5 bottles of Pharm Grade Cyp for FREE so I can't complain. That's a years worth of TRT. So whatev... it's all gravy tho...

    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    Duh! Jeez man you have to be smarter than this! After 2 months of being on treatment you should have waited till you got the feeling that the doc is happy with where you are at and eveything is stabilized, before you start a cycle. That takes MONTHS. I scored a script from a doctor whose got plaques on his wall about "Best Endo professor at Assfvck university" "Professer of the year" blah blah blah. You gotta THINK. Doctors aren't always bright, but they're still doctors. Its been nine months with this guy and EVERY step was a calculated move. I had to manipulate bloodwork. I had to rehearse my visit routine, and come into character before i'd see him. I had reasons and plan B's and C's for everything he could possibly suggest. I brushed up on "success with people" books. (People will be less likely to raise an eyebrow if they like you). I got bloodwork before my bloodwork from an online bloodwork place.

    Getting real, legit, pure, testosterone from a doctor whethor its from trt, or stockpiling for cycles, is a precious thing. I would think you would treat it more carefully.

    What to do now: Well, the gnc AI is a great idea. You also want to say your bodyfat lowered cuz you been eating cleaner and doing cardio. Tell him you heard that since fat ppeole have more of the aromatse enzyme, maybe thats another reason your levels are up. Also tell him you took the test on the third day post shot, and maybe last time you took it on the 6th day, unless you already specified that in your last visit or on the phone with him. With the AI you maybe want to bring him a bottle of that too and preferable "Novadex" XT or something like that that makes the bold claim of "500% increase in testosterone". I would say, in a genuine voice.. "Well, you know, i saw this product and it said testosterone booster, so curiosity got the best of me and i thought hey i wonder if it would work on someone like me. In the back of my mind i didn't expect it to really do 500%, but i figured you know what, even if it did 50%, , that might be pretty neat. You know, just for a little boost on special occasion with the old lady,lol. I guess i figured if i feel good on X amount of testosterone, a little bit more might be better. I just wanted to try it. I really didn't think an over the counter product could affect me so much, im glad i had a blood test to see i was having a bad reaction. There should be more regulations with these things."

    and LOOK HIM IN THE EYE WHEN YOUR TELLING HIM IT. Don't stare either, though. you would look at him as if you were telling him about the events of you weekend? How would you FEEL when your were telling him the events of your weekend? Feel that FEELING, and visualize yourself saying the words i gave you, as freely as the truth about the fishing trip you went on saturday.
    Also, before you go in....visualize SEVERAL TIMES yourself as the man who DID GO to the store, read a label on a product and got curious, and tried it. Visualize the thoughts that an ORDINARY MAN, not JUICE HEAD WEIGHT LIFTER GUY might have when he's going through this process. If this DID HAPPEN by accident....would there really be any guilt? No. It would be more like "Wow, there is something strong in that stuff", and reflection upon it might even cause a chuckle.
    Know who you are....TO HIM. If i go meet any stranger on the street, and i introduce myself with my first middle and last name, does he know me any better than 3 seconds before? No. Do we walk around with special electronic deviceses that download our whole life to someone new? So does anyone we just met a few times really know the real Bob Smith? Even the people you work they know the real Bob Smith? The Bob Smith that John knows is not the same as the Bob Smith that Steve knows. We are unconsciously different things to different people anyway. Bob Smith can be WHOEVER he wants to ANYBODY. Truth and and untruth is a matter of PERCEPTION. It's the truth as long as no one finds out its a lie. It's only a lie if you tell them the truth. Do you see how powerful your words are? The power and delivery of words hold the attention and shape the images in the minds of even great masses. Look at speakers. Look at Hitler, look at General Patton, look at Barack Obama. The power to decieve, inspire, or decieve AND inspire, is all held at the crest of our words.
    CREATE a Bob Smith that does have these certain things happen to him. And WEAR him to the doctors office. Step into him. But to create and alias of Bob Smith, BY Bob Smith, Bob Smith must reflect and visualize, and feel.
    Thanks MAN ... you were a big HELP !!!


    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    I'm going to see an endo soon and I'm just gonna tell him straight up that I juice and I want him to monitor my levels. What can they do? If he don't like it get a new endo.I tell my GP everything about my cycles.
    LOL... Thanks for hijacking my thread !!! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    if you arnt script hunting - they can't just flat out say no.

    your family dr can do it, but if your dr is like mine - he knew NOTHING when it came to hormone issues......

    if they feel you're script hunting, they can just tell you to go away
    Yah ... if my ENDO says he isn't treating me anymore I am just going to go back to my PCP and have him handle it... no biggie ...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    My bad, I didn't know you were only on TRT for 2 months, of course you shouldn't be cycling right now. You need to do everything the doctor says and after a certain ammount time and bloodwork, you'll be able to do whatever you want. My doctor had me take a series of blood tests over a 3 to 5 month period and once he was satisfied with my levels, I only have to have bloodworkk done Yearly. He had me on a pidly 150mgs every two weeks. Since being off regular bloodwork, I've been running 250mgs every week, and everything is getting better and better. Trt is for life.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    When I was first put on TRT 2 months ago. My endo said he was going to do a blood test to check my levels in a month or two to see how my TEST LEVELS WERE NOW FROM THE TRT treatment...

    So he scheduled the Blood Test.

    I went and did it.

    I am on Cycle. As of when he took the Blood.

    It registered as being really really really high is what the secretary said. Borderline Abnormally High.

    He wants me to bring my bottle of CYP in to be measured because he thinks I have been injecting more than I should.

    There is exactly enough as there should be.

    I wanna know what I can say to him to convince him I did this by mistake. And that I have been following his directions to a "T" so I can keep my TRT because without my TRT my fvcking dick don't work. Pardon my French.

    So whatever I can do to make this guy keep me on my TRT is what I will do. If that means going and buying every OTC Test Booster from GNC to convince him IM AN IDIOT ... I will do it... See what I am saying now??

  15. #15
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    Nov 2007
    I know I was an idiot to jump on cycle.. but I needed to... SUMMER IS COMING... and I wanted to be ready for it... I know I am numb for being so impatient... but then again PATIENCE has never been my virtue...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    My bad, I didn't know you were only on TRT for 2 months, of course you shouldn't be cycling right now. You need to do everything the doctor says and after a certain ammount time and bloodwork, you'll be able to do whatever you want. My doctor had me take a series of blood tests over a 3 to 5 month period and once he was satisfied with my levels, I only have to have bloodworkk done Yearly. He had me on a pidly 150mgs every two weeks. Since being off regular bloodwork, I've been running 250mgs every week, and everything is getting better and better. Trt is for life.
    So how much test are you getting from the doc? 150mgs of it? And then your just tagging on an extra 100 from your other stuff? Or..are you being a naughty boy and filling your scripts super early. Cuz technically i have thought about that, but i dont think you could get away with it for more than a couple times
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 04-10-2009 at 11:48 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Denver,CO & Venice Beach!
    It sound like your Doc might have suspected something, too much size too quick, a call from the pharma, who knows? Tell him a friend gave you something in the gym and you drank it, those crazy weightlifters...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tyward View Post
    It sound like your Doc might have suspected something, too much size too quick, a call from the pharma, who knows? Tell him a friend gave you something in the gym and you drank it, those crazy weightlifters...
    yeah, it worked for Bonds

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ha, wasn't tryin to hi jack bud. Just givin you another angle to look at.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tell her your b/f has been donating some of his test to you.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    When I was first put on TRT 2 months ago. My endo said he was going to do a blood test to check my levels in a month or two to see how my TEST LEVELS WERE NOW FROM THE TRT treatment...

    So he scheduled the Blood Test.

    I went and did it.

    I am on Cycle. As of when he took the Blood.

    It registered as being really really really high is what the secretary said. Borderline Abnormally High.

    He wants me to bring my bottle of CYP in to be measured because he thinks I have been injecting more than I should.

    There is exactly enough as there should be.

    I wanna know what I can say to him to convince him I did this by mistake. And that I have been following his directions to a "T" so I can keep my TRT because without my TRT my fvcking dick don't work. Pardon my French.

    So whatever I can do to make this guy keep me on my TRT is what I will do. If that means going and buying every OTC Test Booster from GNC to convince him IM AN IDIOT ... I will do it... See what I am saying now??
    Take out enough ML's out of your Test bottle so it will appear you were double dosing when he measures it and theres more gone then there should be you play dumb and say you got confused with the lines on the syringe....but plain and simple if your playing the game your playing others on here say you have to schedule and work things around blood tests etc

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Yea bro, do the test boosters. Doctors aren't smart enough to realize that over the counter products hardly effect your test levels. Sad but true.
    Maybe bring him some M1T.

    O and never dose right before a doc visit. On cyp I always took 2 weeks off prior to a visit just in case.

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Tell her your b/f has been donating some of his test to you.

  23. #23
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tyward View Post
    It sound like your Doc might have suspected something, too much size too quick, a call from the pharma, who knows? Tell him a friend gave you something in the gym and you drank it, those crazy weightlifters...
    I don't know if he suspected something.. I just know on my initial visit i remember him saying that he was going to do a blood test... To see where my levels were at so he could adjust my dose of CYP accordingly... and me being stupid spaced it and was just right head over heels into my cycle... I TOTALLY FORGOT I WAS EVEN ON TRT until he called and was like " UMMM YAH I NEED YOU TO GO AHEAD AND HAVE YOU BLOOD DRAWN ON THIS DAY" My fault... I should have known he was gonna do that... oh well hopefully I will be able to con him.... I am going to bring in a Test Booster and go with that story... lol

    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    yeah, it worked for Bonds
    Lol... Yeh... lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    Ha, wasn't tryin to hi jack bud. Just givin you another angle to look at.
    I know you wasn't... lol. I was just givin' ya sh1t bro !! It's all set I was messin' with ya...

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Tell her your b/f has been donating some of his test to you.
    LOL !! Thanks DSM... You are soooo thoughtful

    Quote Originally Posted by jc77x View Post
    Take out enough ML's out of your Test bottle so it will appear you were double dosing when he measures it and theres more gone then there should be you play dumb and say you got confused with the lines on the syringe....but plain and simple if your playing the game your playing others on here say you have to schedule and work things around blood tests etc
    Can't do that... Thanks for the idea though... when he gave me the script he made me come in for a visit so I could show him that I knew how to draw and inject.... I had to pull it out to the 1ml mark... not easy to mess that one up....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Yea bro, do the test boosters. Doctors aren't smart enough to realize that over the counter products hardly effect your test levels. Sad but true.
    Maybe bring him some M1T.

    O and never dose right before a doc visit. On cyp I always took 2 weeks off prior to a visit just in case.

    I am gonna bring in GASPARI's Novedex XT and hope that it works with him.. I'll tell him i will discontinue the product immediately but it takes a month or so to filter out of my system and see if he buys it then... ask him to redo the blood test and I will put it off til I finish my cycle and am back on the regular TRT dose... I am on PROP so my levels will drop quickly and I can regulate the CYP to TRT levels quickly... I did sorta plan this this way... just wasn't expecting the blood test this soon...

    Hopefullly it all pans out in my favor I MEAN... I MEDICALLY NEED TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT !!! My natty Test is non-existent I mean someone has to treat me medically for this even if this POS doesnt want to anymore right?? THEY cant have me walking around without a working male system.... I'll be pissed if no one will help me... I am legitimately suffering from a TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENT BODY here... That is a medical condition known as HYPOGONADISM !!!

  24. #24
    hey deuce did you change your avatar it looks like ur thicker in that photo??

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yes I did... that is the Most up to date pic... 6 weeks into my cycle... just took that pic 3 days ago... THANKS FOR NOTICING !!!!!

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