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Duh! Jeez man you have to be smarter than this! After 2 months of being on treatment you should have waited till you got the feeling that the doc is happy with where you are at and eveything is stabilized, before you start a cycle. That takes MONTHS. I scored a script from a doctor whose got plaques on his wall about "Best Endo professor at Assfvck university" "Professer of the year" blah blah blah. You gotta THINK. Doctors aren't always bright, but they're still doctors. Its been nine months with this guy and EVERY step was a calculated move. I had to manipulate bloodwork. I had to rehearse my visit routine, and come into character before i'd see him. I had reasons and plan B's and C's for everything he could possibly suggest. I brushed up on "success with people" books. (People will be less likely to raise an eyebrow if they like you). I got bloodwork before my bloodwork from an online bloodwork place.
Getting real, legit, pure, testosterone from a doctor whethor its from trt, or stockpiling for cycles, is a precious thing. I would think you would treat it more carefully.
What to do now: Well, the gnc AI is a great idea. You also want to say your bodyfat lowered cuz you been eating cleaner and doing cardio. Tell him you heard that since fat ppeole have more of the aromatse enzyme, maybe thats another reason your levels are up. Also tell him you took the test on the third day post shot, and maybe last time you took it on the 6th day, unless you already specified that in your last visit or on the phone with him. With the AI you maybe want to bring him a bottle of that too and preferable "Novadex" XT or something like that that makes the bold claim of "500% increase in testosterone". I would say, in a genuine voice.. "Well, you know, i saw this product and it said testosterone booster, so curiosity got the best of me and i thought hey i wonder if it would work on someone like me. In the back of my mind i didn't expect it to really do 500%, but i figured you know what, even if it did 50%, , that might be pretty neat. You know, just for a little boost on special occasion with the old lady,lol. I guess i figured if i feel good on X amount of testosterone, a little bit more might be better. I just wanted to try it. I really didn't think an over the counter product could affect me so much, im glad i had a blood test to see i was having a bad reaction. There should be more regulations with these things."
and LOOK HIM IN THE EYE WHEN YOUR TELLING HIM IT. Don't stare either, though. Imagine....how you would look at him as if you were telling him about the events of you weekend? How would you FEEL when your were telling him the events of your weekend? Feel that FEELING, and visualize yourself saying the words i gave you, as freely as the truth about the fishing trip you went on saturday.
Also, before you go in....visualize SEVERAL TIMES yourself as the man who DID GO to the store, read a label on a product and got curious, and tried it. Visualize the thoughts that an ORDINARY MAN, not JUICE HEAD WEIGHT LIFTER GUY might have when he's going through this process. If this DID HAPPEN by accident....would there really be any guilt? No. It would be more like "Wow, there is something strong in that stuff", and reflection upon it might even cause a chuckle.
Know who you are....TO HIM. If i go meet any stranger on the street, and i introduce myself with my first middle and last name, does he know me any better than 3 seconds before? No. Do we walk around with special electronic deviceses that download our whole life to someone new? So does anyone we just met a few times really know the real Bob Smith? Even the people you work with...do they know the real Bob Smith? The Bob Smith that John knows is not the same as the Bob Smith that Steve knows. We are unconsciously different things to different people anyway. Bob Smith can be WHOEVER he wants to ANYBODY. Truth and and untruth is a matter of PERCEPTION. It's the truth as long as no one finds out its a lie. It's only a lie if you tell them the truth. Do you see how powerful your words are? The power and delivery of words hold the attention and shape the images in the minds of even great masses. Look at speakers. Look at Hitler, look at General Patton, look at Barack Obama. The power to decieve, inspire, or decieve AND inspire, is all held at the crest of our words.
CREATE a Bob Smith that does have these certain things happen to him. And WEAR him to the doctors office. Step into him. But to create and alias of Bob Smith, BY Bob Smith, Bob Smith must reflect and visualize, and feel.