Ill spot you Reed
Ill spot you Reed
did a 6k on my rowing machine last night
trying to get my fitness up, lifted the day before, ran the day before
I need a Bike. I would love to Ride back and forth to Gym. From home tho, cuz my gym is right next to office
I masturbate till my dick turns purple, that's my fitness
there he is my favorite slut
Sup Zilla, you big yet?
no just a average joe gonna be getting small here soon for the competitions...
what up with mr meaty
It's all about getting small bro. Im just mad that I ran out of eggs and am only eating 2 for breakfast....then I will have to eat again in half hour to make up for it.......
god damn groceries. Not much is up man just back in the game after a vicious rendesvouz with striggity strep throat.
no good mr meaty
i meet this one girl and all i wanna do is bang her in the ass missionary...... is this bad???
It's my favorite cardio, I'm getting good enough to race
got me one of these
all carbon fiber, and yes I'm on Lance Armstrong's nuts
I know what you're gonna say, skinny tires are gay. But, it's fun, fast and dangerous, trust me...totally addictive.
You can cover a lot of distance to, did 35 miles on saturday and once the season gets rolling I'll be going quite a bit farther.
Yea I need to Invest in a Bike ASAP.
Why don't you fags just join the Tour De France.
well, that one cost a few thousand but I was already into cycling when I bought it, so I knew I would use it.
I have a mountain bike too that was like 1200 and I haven't used it in years cause I like the road bike so much.
You don't need to spend like a retard like me to have a good bike though.
7 or 800 should get you something really nice in whatever style you like. Either mountain or Road.
If you're doing a lot of urban riding, you probably want something less hard core and more of a hybrid. You'd only need to spend 400 or so to get something good. Depends what you want to do with it. I can't exactly be hitting sidewalks, or riding down stairs on 20mm tires (they'd pop) and my race rims would last about 10 miles. But I live more in the sub-burbs so it works and there are a lot of trails around for mountain bikes.
No need to go full mountain bike for the city streets either. The knobby tires will slow you down and the full suspension gets obnoxious when you put big effort into pedeling. the whole bike bounces. But, it's great when you're decending a rocky trail.
Oh shvt, Peachy Fuzzzz
It's not a pvssy sport either, they hit upwards of 60 down mountain hills where you could basically fall off the whole mountain on 18mm's of rubber. They fall pretty regularly and the injuries are nasty.
yeah i know what you mean. i used to have a few of each bikes. moutain, road and crossovers. used to ride 20 miles at least every day back when i lived with my roomates cuz they all road too.
in this area there are some decent roads that a road bike would be great on
but then if i travel down the street im in center city philly where you can have a blast with a mountain bike
so i gotta decide what i wnt to do more
this is almost the exact bike my old roomate joe and i owned
back when i was 18 and made alot more money then i do now. (drugs lol)
I'm just kidding btw, my dad is actually a hardcore cycler and the man is a machine. I can barely get off the couch I just like to hate on people for no reason.
ok legs noooooooow
yeah it was a nice bike. cost me 1000 and he went and upgraded alot of shit so his ended up costing him 1400
then i had a bad ass trek mountain bike that i destroyed on the appalachain trail. lol. broke the crank. bent the tire and cracked one pedal. it was a fun day
do it son
Dukkit = Riding Mt Bike with Bikini
vpchill = riding mountain bike sitting down with the seat removed
Peachyfuzz = Riding his bike to a gay whorehouse
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