Why would they with you lurking on the outskirts not in competition for females?
This has gone full circle.
How goes contest prep?
good, chest striations were starting to pop on friday....didn't really notice today cuz i was watching the delts when i was lifting.....had my carb up yesterday along with a cheat of wholewheat blueberry pancakes to finish it off. I'm debating doing the benadryl thing for clen though because the last week i had off of the clen i noticed looking back at the weight logs i didn't make much progress.....it was the week after my baddd cheat on the weekend though so i don't know how much that played into it.
I'm in Ketosis and my attitude sucks.
i'm so glad there is no more studying for me until May 15
my finals at UCF ended on the 28th of April
Summer term starts May 15th
if I should return, with my body on my shield....tell my son i chose to die, than yield....though my life may soon be gone, i hope you'll carry on...remember me as one who would not kneel.
Fight with blood, fight with steel, die with honor, never yield.
Summer term starts June 15th for me.
I'll be taking the most evil math class for 3 hours daily M-Th. I've been buying a lot of lottery tickets lately. If there's any justice in this world I'll win my millions before I have to take that stupid class.
Whats the best cure for flu? anyone?
OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance 5
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade, 10
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate: 15
I am the captain of my soul.
-William Ernest Henley
Damn! good thing it's not swine flu! or I'll be dead...
Swine flu = bullshit
Besides, we could use a good pandemic. Clean house a little. Bring on the next Renaissance.
I'm just taking vits and paracetamol!
Damn! I wanna rest but gonna travel later it's my cousins wedding!
My voice just echoes off these walls...
you use that as an excuse. These people aren't good enough to be my friends. or that girl isnt good enough to be with me. You say that because that is your excuse to not approach anyone and get shot down. You have know idea who is or isnt good enough to be with because you don't try and know anyone because of your own insecurities
i would watch what you wish for ruhl, especially since natural selection would dictate YOU the most unfit to survive on this board i am sure
btw, on that same note, i agree with gixxer 100% and if we take it one step further than YOU are the one that is not worthy of them, so either man up and talk to them or stop acting so superior, it's transparent and noone here is falling for it
Good night everyone
I envy that cat, looks as if it doesn't have a single care in the world. I wish I could do that.![]()
it's really not.....but if you want to rationalize it that way whatever. I don't need shit loads of friends like some people apparently do. I'm not very social and don't have an issue with that. I don't do anything social at all that i can't do with the family, so i don't see the point. I don't even talk to anyone from high school really. They're not like me....aka, not good friends, and why have friends if they aren't good ones? kind of like the girlfriend thing....if she's not compatible with me i don't want one, simple as that....i don't see how that can be construed as you have just because i have high standards but whatever.
that's the problem though, we don't need to rationalize it, because we aren't in denial, it's like a doctor trying to diagnose his own illness, you think you are able to look at yourself objectively and you're not, but we can, because we are on the outside looking in
you are the one rationalizing, not us
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