Is this about right??
28 days at 1 50mg tab ED of Anadrol50
I do not think I would want to run it any longer than that?
Will be on test Cyp 400-450mg wk and tren E 350wk Also
Is this about right??
28 days at 1 50mg tab ED of Anadrol50
I do not think I would want to run it any longer than that?
Will be on test Cyp 400-450mg wk and tren E 350wk Also
Thats perfect.
i'd run anadrol at a MUCH higher dosage then that... 50mg is light. I tend to run it at 100mg or 150mg...
30 - 50mg is what you run d-bol at van..
He will get a good kickstart out of 50mg aswell. But hey I was just thinking about that guys wellfare. I think it's good to keep'em orals low, and let the others do the trick when they come'a knockin
I'd have to say I agree 100mg is optimal
^^ You really need to STOP giving steroid advice!! We do not advocate telling people to do HIGH doses when they never ran a compound before.....
You may do that, and thats fine, but giving advice here is to give it SAFELY, not hap hazardly
50mgs/ED is a GREAT dose to see how his body reacts to it. He can always increase on next cycle AFTER he LEARNS how his body reacts to it
dude.. do you even know what anadrol is?? look above my post you weiner two other vets agree: Reed / BIG.
starting at 50mg and bumping up to 100mg is NOT SAFE... AND IS "HAZARDLY" blah blah blah.... that keeps your blood-levels uneven you genius.
you're just the flamboyant loser who has to comment on everything. You obviously have never run anadrol.. because if you did you'd know 50mg is NOTHING.
maybe, maybe SINCE YOU WORK FOR THIS SITE, you should go and eat the Anadrol Effectiveness chart on your site, and then you'd realize that the optimal dosage to run anadrol is 100 - 150mg... once you go over that opportunity cost increases, due to increase in sides.
you don't know you sh*t. so don't bother correcting me brutha.
Last edited by LexusIS09; 05-31-2009 at 11:25 AM.
Start low and then go higher, seems to me this could be his first run with anadrol since he was asking about dosages and stuff. But 100mg won't kill you, but maybe start 2 weeks with 50 and see how it goes.
"Anadrol is one of the few steroids where the dose respondent curve flattens out very quickly. When you take 50mgs of Anadrol, you´ll make some very good gains. When you take 100mgs of Anadrol, you´ll make even more gains. However, it has been found that 100mgs/day is as effective for weight gain as 150mgs/day but produces less side effects and was less toxic (4). I feel that the jump from 50mgs to 100mgs constitutes an acceptable rise in benefit vs. cost, but this is not the case as dosages get over 100mgs. Now, lets see how 50mgs and 100mgs of Oxymetholone actually effect strength, when compared with each other:
Relative (%) changes in strength are shown for the groups receiving placebo (filled bars), 50 mg/day oxymetholone (open bars), and 100 mg/day oxymetholone (gray bars). Nos. above bars represent relative change (%) from baseline to week 12 for the 1-repetition maximum tests of strength. Error bars represent ± 1 SE from the mean. * Significant difference from placebo, P < 0.05; significant difference from placebo by Wilcoxon test, P < 0.02. See text for additional statistical analyses."
you wiener.
See T-Mos.... this is what you should be patrolling. People like Van giving terrible advice.
Van: why would you do that? You are suggesting that the user take 50mg for 2 weeks, and then right in the middle of the anadrol cycle DOUBLE THE DOSAGE of anadrol your body is getting... which would de-stabilize blood-levels dramatically... right..
just my 0.02... have fun watching me![]()
I will stick by my answer , THANK YOU. If he will make good gains off 50mgs, then why waste the gear. Its his first run with it.
You can't start out at 100, then go backwards. He can start out at 50 for even the first 2 weeks to see how it works for him and THEN choose to increase the dose IF NEEDED !! but to tell him 150 without ever even trying it or knowing IF he needs that much is STUPID and RECKLESS !!!
increasing the dosage of a short ester like this will NOT cause that much fluctuation in blood plasma, so yes, that's actually GOOD ADVICE
Maybe you should tell him that he should just stick it up his dick like you told the other guy RIGHT????![]()
Last edited by T-MOS; 05-31-2009 at 11:33 AM.
How about we call middle ground here and say he runs 75mg the whole time
I agree on both sides but I lean more toward T-Mos just cause you can make gains on that dose, plus like he said he can judge the sides from there and bump if need be. Less drugs more diet and hardcore balls to the wall training!
Sorry didn't mean to butt in
have a nice day![]()
Big.... Do you get bad headaches from a dose that high????? curious, because i get them at 50mg... Also I completely agree with T-Mos on the dosing. start low... whats the rush?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with running ANADROL at 50mgs ED for your FIRST week to see how your body handles it... IF YOU MAKE GOOD GAINS OFF OF IT THEN KEEP IT THE SAME !! If they are lacking then BUMP it to 100mgs !!! WHY WASTE GEAR WHEN YOU DON'T NEED TO ??
If 50mgs does the trick .. then it does the trick.. the problem is... HE DOESN'T KNOW !! He hasn't ran it... HIS BODY MAY ADJUST TO IT DIFFERENTLY and UTILIZE it in a way that is good for him... EVERYBODY'S BODY is different...
I Have even known people to do 50/100/150/150 and that worked out fine for them.. I also know people who have done 100/100/100/100 or 100/100/150/150 or 50/50/50/50 OR 75/75/100/100....
It's whatever you choose to do.. it's your body ... you make the choice... no one knows what will happen unless you do it yourself... how can you say 100mgs is A MUST !! Because it isn't... IT ISN'T ETCHED INTO STONE !!
And don't be bad mouthing T-MOS... he gives THE MOST SOLID and EFFICIENT advice on the board... all I have ever heard you say is BASH ON PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THEM OR WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE or... JUST TELL PEOPLE MORE IS ALWAYS BETTER !!
i read a couple nonsense thread replies by u lexusis09.. usually there ignorant to the people..... not that im picking on your but people tend to stick in my head when i see them make ignorant or opinionate advice thats wrong
Yah I don't know what his deal is... I thought he was an alright dude from some of the posts he made. But then he went ahead and slammed me in my log ... and I was like WOW... definite prick...
Now I see this.. It aint right.. not at all... I am not saying I am a know it all because I am not.. far from it. I am learning just like everyone else.. but I DO KNOW A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT MORE THAN MOST !!! Definitely more than your average Joe and definitely more than ANYONE around here from where I am from... ALL i hear in the gym is "Man I cant wait to get some DBOL'S!! Gonna take 100mgs ED for like 8 weeks man and Get right Jacked.. My buddy did it and he is HUGE !!!!" I just snicker ... shake my head and walk away...
Anyways back to Mr. Lexus... I personally feel that this should be addressed somehow and even though I have been here for a couple of years I am not quite sure on how to go about this. I am sorry but I just dont want someone that is this NEGATIVE in our community NO MATTER HOW MUCH KNOWLEDGE HE MAY/MAY NOT HAVE. It's just not a good thing !!!
I do recall simular posts from Lexus flaming others.
Hes always been respectful to me however...
Anyway, not to add anymore fuel to the fire, but id suggest watching your posts Lexus.
Nothing against ya, but ive had complaints about you, and im not even a MOD! And come to think of it, ive come to the defense of others whom youve flamed.
Like i said bud, step lightly...
I am just going to run 50mg ED because I figure it is obviously going to do more than if I ran nothing, and I also feel that at 50mg ED I will not et any really bad sides. I am prone to headaches so I just soon take whatever gains/ water retention I get from 50mg ED and leave it at that. a 100mg might be great, 150 might be the shiznits! But I am not going to be that guy! I am going to hit it with 50 and come what may! As Said above will be my 1st hit with Anadrol so we will see! I might decide I like D-bol better
OK, lets end this hijacking of the OP's thread
ADMIN will be reviewing Lexus, so lets just leave it up to them.
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