i recently started a cycle o ftren deca and eq but four weeks in i switched to test e and tren can i add the deca back in plz,help im 6"3 315 an not chubb but not ****** al i want to do is keep muscle and rip up.....
i recently started a cycle o ftren deca and eq but four weeks in i switched to test e and tren can i add the deca back in plz,help im 6"3 315 an not chubb but not ****** al i want to do is keep muscle and rip up.....
list amounts and how long you plan to run this
not a good thing to change things up mid cycle
post a pic of your current conditioning and size
i know but i got the test late i have test e 250 deca 250 and tren plus mast and eq which i have yet to touch
And that means you should have waited.
What do you have planned for PCT?
How many cycles have you ran?
Yrs training?
What is your body fat?
I need these questions to be answered in order to construct a cycle for the most benefit.
how do i post pictures?
over ten years trasining 2nd cycle diet is clean so/so body fat blah all in waist 6 foot 3 314 pounds
my biggest concern is cutting
There is a button under the submit reply that you will scroll down to that says "Manage Attachments" click on it.
Go to "Choose file" and grab a pic from your desktop that shows your current condition then hit choose and you'll then need to hit "Upload".
The picture will be attached to your post
But please answer my questions as they are vital for your success. You SHOULD NOT be just sticking your self with whatever drug you feel like, this can cause issues for yourself.
Ok didn't catch this.
List your diet as this is the most important part for you to lose that fat.
List your training as well. What does your training schedule and cardio schedule look like.
Drugs will not burn fat. you have to put the work in or you'll just piss away your health and money
How old are you
and what do you have planned for PCT? do you know what PCT is?
the pics are from my web cam
i have access to all gear sept d bol pct clomid /anva
only problem was switching mid strid,i had good advise on what and how just want second opion from maybe a gear guru
Ok we got the pics, now lets get your diet and cycle straighten out
How long have you been on cycle and what compounds have you ran so far, also what are you currently running with the amounts.
You wasted the deca and eq by stopping them, They take about 4 weeks to get blood levels to peak and are to be ran for 12 weeks for full benefits. Your in a mess right now as there is A LOT more to it than just running something. Your natural test is shut down at the moment and you will need to learn what PCT is in order to help restart your natural production unless you want to be a TRT patient and have test stuck in you for the rest of your life.
i do cardio six days 45 min mt training is 100% balls to the wall everyday yes i no whaty a post cycle ther is maybe u can recomend something
You need to get the PCT, the red banner at the top right on the screen with help you out with PCT. Nolva/clomid/etc.
I'm going to tell you right now who ever gave you this advice did not know much of what they were doing. Cycles are planned and you have to stick to it, not go from one compound to the next. This is how people get screwed up and why steroid users have a bad rap due to the uneducated use.
that is why im here to learn now taking test e 250 mon and thurs with tren
List your training by what you do each day. Do you have a workout schedule that is planned of what you should do each time?
Ok you know what PCT is.
Ok test E at 250mg mon/thurs thats 500mg a wk
with tren, how much are you running with that. And is it Tren A or Tren E. this will decide the injection frequency
it was my own styupid doin for switching mid stride
monday chest 16 sets up to 8 reps tues legs quads and hams same rep scheme wed delts and tris thur back fore arms and bi's again friday tri's and second chest dasy
only on second week of test/tren
Not that bad of a split however to make it easier for you I'd suggest something more organized. 16 sets is a little much if you go 100% on the day.
Mon: Chest/triceps/calves
Tues: Back/biceps/abs
Wed: off
Thurs: Delts/forearms
Friday: legs/calves
Sat: arms
Sun: off
this is much more organized and designed for growth. Days off in the middle are important after heavy lifting in order to not over tax your central nervous system.
Stick to 4 exercises 3 sets (of course proper warm up) for the bigger groups like chest, back, quads, etc. and 3 exercises for smaller groups like arms, calves.
Also add in 30minutes of cardio PWO.
Now the MOST important thing is your diet. List what you eat everyday, you want to get cut right?
there is no set diet i just eat clean and count calories 3500,i have a shop so all day is tuna and protein shakes/bars i eats most of my carbs in the eve helps me sleep
dont have it with me can uexplain the difference i think a tho
Well there needs to be a diet. and you should be eating your carbs in the morning and afternoon in order to cut and get them to vegetable carbs at night. If you want results you will design yourself a diet and do things right.
and again what is up with that TREN????!?!
its tren e
ok i will from now on
How many mgs(milligrams) of the test and tren are you running per week. And how many times do you shoot?
i have the 2008 steriod bible but i read it long ago looks like i should brush up
you don't have it with you. Where is it?
Tren E has the enthante ester attached to it which will allow blood levels to stay more stable longer. A injection frequency of ever 3.5 days is recommend
Tren A has the acetate ester attached to it which does not stay in the body for a longer period like E does. A injection frequency of every day or every other day is required to keep blood levels stable which allows less sides and maximum results
Basically what I have been wanting you to do is drop ALL the drugs EXCEPT the test. You really are lacking knowledge in order to run compounds correctly. No one is going to hold your hand.
I want you to drop the tren, deca, and eq and stick with the test on a mon/thurs injection schedule like you are doing now. Until we can figure out everything better test is all you need.
Run the test for 12 weeks at 250mg mon and 250mg on thursday then 14 days after your last injection begin PCT of nolva/clomid
run the nolva at 20mg for 4 weeks
and the clomid at 100mg for one week then 50mg for three weeks
I don't want any more build up of the other compounds in your body which can cause major problems. Being shut down is being shut down, which you are right now, but the metabolites in the other drugs can linger and make recovery of your natural test extremely difficult.
Save these drugs and we'll design a good cycle but right now you got yourself screwed up so all you need is test until you come off, recover, then start over......
Last edited by Reed; 06-08-2009 at 05:50 PM.
test e 250 mon/thurs tren 200
can do thanks for the advise bud
never keep in my house at somebodies elses crib,,,,safer...
Again being concerned for your health much more than others are, just drop the tren.
Do the test for the next 12 weeks alone and then do PCT. If you get your diet, training, cardio, and do this cycle right you will burn off a major amount of fat off, ESPECIALLY if you have a good diet.
You get that diet in order without all that crap, you'll see that food is a drug and the most powerful one for your body at that. I know first hand.
You came to me all messed up w/ all kinds of stuff you have been injecting and I'm getting you straight, not holding you back. You must understand there is a science behind the drugs and if you had waited you could have run the other compounds right but I don't know how your body stands. Even if you feel fine, you never can be 100% unless you get blood work done and a doc checks you out
Trust me just do the test, the training, and lets work on that diet in this thread. I PROMISE we get the diet right, I'll help you put on muscle and burn off the fat without a shit ton of compounds. Your friends will be like WTF but thats IF we get a diet in order.
i m siging of man thanks again
alright. may not be what you want to hear but its what is best for you. Be a man, take responsibility and do things RIGHT. Put work in and you'll see.
Good luck
Last edited by Reed; 06-08-2009 at 06:10 PM.
REED= Saint !!! sorry i didn't see this one and jump in to help you reed !! great job as usual though
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