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I am looking to build lean muscle and lose fat so this is the diet Im hoping works. any suggestions on this and also what could i take to help it.
Im 5'10
16% BF
TDEE= 3229.2
looking to be 190 at 9%-10%BF
6:30am cardio 1 hr
1/2 cup plain oatmeal up to 1 cup
5 protein
22 carbs
3 fats
140 cals
3oz top round steak well, it's not bad per say, but i like to keep my lean beef to bedtime.. u will need to be doing that either way..
27 protein
0 carbs
4 fats
153 cals
4 egg whites (cooked) let's make that 1 egg 3 egg whites
14 protein
1 carbs
0 fats
68 cals
46 total protein
23 total carbs
7 total fat
361 total cals
6oz baked chicken breast
48 protein
0 carbs
4 fats
232 cals
add 50g of a complex carb.. complex carbs are
sweet potatos
red potatos
natural oats
ezekiel bread
wheat bread
1 can tuna
33 protein
0 carbs
1 fats
114 cals
again, 50g complex carb
1 tbsp miracle whip free
0 protein
2 carbs
0 fats
15 cals
4 egg whites
14 protein
1 carbs
0 fats
68 cals
47 total protein
3 total carbs
1 total fats
197 total cals
6oz top round steak
54 protein
0 carbs
8 fats
306 cals
same thing here, complex carb
6oz baked chicken breast
48 protein
0 carbs
4 fats
232 cals
complex carb
1 whey protein drink (muscletech hardcore) you have no need for this, omit
22 protein
1 carb
1.5 fats
110 cals
1 can tuna
33 protein
0 carbs
1 fats
114 cals
1 tbsp miracle whip free
0 protein
2 carbs
0 fats
15 cals-
55 total protein
3 total carbs
2.5 total fats
235 total cals
add complex carb, very important for pre-workout
1 hr TRAINING X 4 per/wk
1 whey protein drink
22 proein
1 carb
1.5 fats
110 cals
1 banana omit for a semi-simple carb.. white bagel, rice, pasta 50g
1 protein ????
29 carbs
0 fats
110 cals
3oz baked chicken breast
24 protein
0 carbs
2 fats
116 cals
47 total protein
30 total carbs
3.5 total fats
332 total cals
add efa.. olive oil, avocado, almonds.. google it.. 15g minimum
1 can tuna
33 protein
0 carbs
1 fats
114 fats
1 tbsp miracle whip free
0 protein
2 carbs
0 fats
15 cals
4 egg whites
14 protein
1 carbs
0 fats
68 cals
47 total protein
3 total carbs
1 total fats
197 total cals
omit this meal for a lean beef.. i like to do 1/2lb london broil with an avocado... great stuff..
sorry its so long but any help would be appreciated..
again with this diet im thinking of using Test prop and winny.
Thanks in advanced
i had all the diet up here the first time and the Macros listed so hopefully this time since i only added the BMR and TDEE i wont have to redo it. thanks