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Thread: test prop/winny

  1. #1

    Smile test prop/winny

    Hey guy's just signed up and pretty excited to be back in the game.I've done about 6 cycles in the past but last one was six years ago.I work out 5 day's a week have a very strict diet and looking pretty solid.Now i'm starting my first cycle in 6 years and would appreciate your guy's feedback i don't want to blow up just add some lean muscle

    34yrs old

    test prop 100mg/eod weeks 1-10
    winny tabs 50mg/ed weeks 1-8

    also thinking about adding clen to it also

    your feedback is much appreciated
    Last edited by jersey born; 08-09-2009 at 11:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Deep south
    The test is to low and most people run winny at the end of the cycle

  3. #3
    If you read my post i said i wanted to gain lean muscle so in my past experience it is fine to do winny in the beginning and run it for 8 weeks the only time you need to do it in the end is if you are doing a bulking cycle at first and want to add winny ad the end to cut up Can anyone with experience please give me some feed back on this cycle.I want to get ripped up and just gain some lean muscle with minimum blaoting!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Deep south
    I was being nice answering your post. 6 cycles and 175 good luck with that

  5. #5
    ya man it's a weak cycle, you'll get a little off it for sure though... the test is alright to me, i think that guys who do like 1000ml of test are insane, and also you gotta keep in mind the more test cycles you do consecutivly the more you dull your receptors, you just need more and more each cycle... you've been clean a while now so you should be fine with 400ml of prop a week, but like banthar said, you should run your winny later... or even better, kick start with some var and and creatine, for the first 4 weeks, then hit the winni for the last 4-6 weeks and cut out the creatine, you'll be very pleased with the results, and especialy if you run clen after with your pct, ya you'll be shredded, maybe gain 5lbs and keep 3lbs!
    Last edited by Jacked_to_the_nine; 08-10-2009 at 12:33 AM.

  6. #6
    i would like to stack the test that's why i'm doing winny with it.what if i threw in primobolan at the end for like weeks 10-14 and use the clen at the same time?

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
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    in the freaking cold
    stop with all the attitudes guys... just give help

    what were your other cycles? and what were the results?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    id changed the test to ED, more stable blood levels ED than EOD...

    and if possible run the winny the last 2 weeks also.... and clean diet and maybe clen would def workk... or just run more while on cycle.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Land ofthe Free(formerly)
    Quote Originally Posted by jersey born View Post
    i would like to stack the test that's why i'm doing winny with it.what if i threw in primobolan at the end for like weeks 10-14 and use the clen at the same time?
    Primobolan has to be run for a long time and pretty high doses as well, its a pretty weak compound (not to mention expensive as hell), if anything I would stack the entire cycle with that, nice lean gains quality muscle. As far as the winny I do not know how your liver values and lipid profile is but most people run it only six weeks due to the problems it can cause to your body, especially the oral version.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I think your cycle is fine as is. I do not see the need to change anything. Good luck with it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Run the winny the last 6 weeks right up until the day you start PCT!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    yeah try the winny at the end of the cycle. At your dimensions you should get something off of the prop the way it is. I bet you will be satisfied when you are finished with your cycle. good luck

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacked_to_the_nine View Post
    ya man it's a weak cycle, you'll get a little off it for sure though... the test is alright to me, i think that guys who do like 1000ml of test are insane, and also you gotta keep in mind the more test cycles you do consecutivly the more you dull your receptors, you just need more and more each cycle... you've been clean a while now so you should be fine with 400ml of prop a week, but like banthar said, you should run your winny later... or even better, kick start with some var and and creatine, for the first 4 weeks, then hit the winni for the last 4-6 weeks and cut out the creatine, you'll be very pleased with the results, and especialy if you run clen after with your pct, ya you'll be shredded, maybe gain 5lbs and keep 3lbs!
    please explain why his receptors will dull. i do not agree with this, as i do not agree with ur way of thinking. ur last line about how much he will gain is crap,how the hell do u no what he will gain. and he will be doing 350mg week of prop, not 400mg which is a little on low side however everyone is different
    and it might work well for him based on his goals....

    but please explain the receptor comment as i think u have no clue what u are talking about..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by banthar View Post
    I was being nice answering your post. 6 cycles and 175 good luck with that
    please keep ur stupid comments to urself man.this guy came for help, not to be dumped on for no reason..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    please keep ur stupid comments to urself man.this guy came for help, not to be dumped on for no reason..
    LoL Mouseman rockin the house! haha

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jersey born View Post
    Hey guy's just signed up and pretty excited to be back in the game.I've done about 6 cycles in the past but last one was six years ago.I work out 5 day's a week have a very strict diet and looking pretty solid.Now i'm starting my first cycle in 6 years and would appreciate your guy's feedback i don't want to blow up just add some lean muscle

    34yrs old

    test prop 100mg/eod weeks 1-10
    winny tabs 50mg/ed weeks 1-8

    also thinking about adding clen to it also

    your feedback is much appreciated

    Good cycle only advice would be to flip the wini round to finish on it oh and make sure you add a liver aid. good luck

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacked_to_the_nine View Post
    ya man it's a weak cycle, you'll get a little off it for sure though... the test is alright to me, i think that guys who do like 1000ml of test are insane, and also you gotta keep in mind the more test cycles you do consecutivly the more you dull your receptors, you just need more and more each cycle... you've been clean a while now so you should be fine with 400ml of prop a week, but like banthar said, you should run your winny later... or even better, kick start with some var and and creatine, for the first 4 weeks, then hit the winni for the last 4-6 weeks and cut out the creatine, you'll be very pleased with the results, and especialy if you run clen after with your pct, ya you'll be shredded, maybe gain 5lbs and keep 3lbs!
    How do you figure he's taking 400mg a week? I assume you mean mg and not ml. 100mg eod works out to be 350mg a week. I love how you tell him he will gain 5lbs and keep 3lbs! To the op I think that 8 weeks of oral winny is to much. I'd cut it to 6 or less and run it at the end. You do what you want though.

  18. #18
    Thanks for all of your advise and support.I did some pretty crazy cycles in the past.Now at 34 i want to do a mild cutting cycle i look really good now natural just want to spice it up.I miss the feeling and the energy of being on!! It's been 6 years but i've stayed in the gym and have a very clean diet.Well yesterday was my first day starting it and will keep you guy's informed thanx again :-)

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