don't help this little queer wanna be bodybuilder, can't loose weight fatty
he's creepy, and he stalks women
some people like for example seriel killers shouldn't get to have a gf
just let the fag butt plug his own ass
don't help this little queer wanna be bodybuilder, can't loose weight fatty
he's creepy, and he stalks women
some people like for example seriel killers shouldn't get to have a gf
just let the fag butt plug his own ass
i'm reporting you just so you know
i have no feelings idiot....why do yo think i'm in this predicament?
this is getting really bad......I got a hardon from the check out lady at walmart looking me in the eye....granted she's hot...but come on....just looking at me?
****in test is kicking in and i'm freaking out
2 words.....sheep farm.LOL!
is it bad to lose track of how many times you've jacked off in a day?
haha Y? just do it until you pass out im sure dsm would look after you !!
Crank it until all that comes out is a few drops of blood. This usually means you're all tapped out.
Mate, I can end all this for you, Just get on a plane and get over here, i will get you so much asian arse you will be sore for a
oh yeah? i m so sorry then , i ll check out my old posts after i recover ....I got fvking fever again 3rd time in past 4weeks
Not swine flu i hope mate
Man if ur really desperate go for a BBW at craigslist
think this perhaps has been disgusted before...i'm not desperate for sex, i'm desperate to have a companion and someone to care about.....WITH WHOM i can make love....lil different than most of what you guys think i think.
Man I think u are speaking of something u have no clue how can u make love without ever having sex before
Of ur not desperate is fine but just get some exp so when mrs good girl comes u can perform like a champ
Ruhl whats the 411 any luck recently? Conversations or anything? The best tip I can tell you that I've learned is this.
Learn how to filter everything out that doesn't matter. All you need to do is ONE thing, its always 1 goal you need to do.
Talk to a girl for more then 5mins at a time and don't be judgemental. Cause they're not judging you as much as they're judging themselves. So for you to judge them makes 2 people judge 1 person. This is how picky men disrupt the balance.
And I say that cause I know how picky you are. But picky people are also really rather selfish.
Think of this, do you think if you were forced to interact with the same woman everyday for a month that after day 60 you would feel significantly different about them then when you knew them on day 1? (You have to reread that last sentence for it to register.)
This is how I make myself less picky cause you learn more cool shit about people the longer you know them. Not the shorter. So fvckn go talk to hos g/damnit!!! Come on man you know you want to so just go do it.
Make it like the gym. Youre exercising your companionship muscles. Now comeon slut make yourself useful lol. See now Im talking dirty, but sometimes girls like that too.
But seriously man what are you waiting for its not suppose to feel natural if you're not already doing it. So go do it a few times and LIKE IT, bitch. =]
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