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Thread: legs to big for my body?

  1. #1

    Angry legs to big for my body?

    Just had this comment after a comp in a mag. well heres the question to you egg heads out there. Here it is "massive legs but they are to big for his upper body"
    My legs develop easy, but my upper body lags behind, quite a bit. A muscle is a muscle the leg is a limb just like my arm, then why cant I get the same development in the upper body as my lower. I have changed my training and everything in the upper body is developing, but hell, my legs have got bigger again. As building ones body for competion has as mutch to do with balance as well as muscalarity. Any tips on how to make my upper body match or am I always going to look like two bodybuilders, upper over 90kg and legs over 100kg. I only train legs once every 10 days now and upper body the same. I used to train with a six day split.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    Quote Originally Posted by marbar View Post
    Just had this comment after a comp in a mag. well heres the question to you egg heads out there. Here it is "massive legs but they are to big for his upper body"
    My legs develop easy, but my upper body lags behind, quite a bit. A muscle is a muscle the leg is a limb just like my arm, then why cant I get the same development in the upper body as my lower. I have changed my training and everything in the upper body is developing, but hell, my legs have got bigger again. As building ones body for competion has as mutch to do with balance as well as muscalarity. Any tips on how to make my upper body match or am I always going to look like two bodybuilders, upper over 90kg and legs over 100kg. I only train legs once every 10 days now and upper body the same. I used to train with a six day split.
    I hear u bud, usually its the other way around, where guys lower body lags behind the rest, personally i wouldnt think its a bad thing, because training legs is a son of a whore, even though i love every minute of it, and i dont think there is anything u can do to your natural gene's, i have smaller arms, i train them like a mo-fo, and have alot of power and strength from doing arm wrestling when i was much younger, but size...???? I am even thinking of using Synthol for stretching the muscle facia.... We all have our personal issue's. It sucx ass....

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    I hear u bud, usually its the other way around, where guys lower body lags behind the rest, personally i wouldnt think its a bad thing, because training legs is a son of a whore, even though i love every minute of it, and i dont think there is anything u can do to your natural gene's, i have smaller arms, i train them like a mo-fo, and have alot of power and strength from doing arm wrestling when i was much younger, but size...???? I am even thinking of using Synthol for stretching the muscle facia.... We all have our personal issue's. It sucx ass....
    Thanks mate thought it was just me, however when I meen unbalance Im taling about a 48" chest 17.5" arms but with 29" legs and 20" calves. They look great and Im always asked to show them in the gym but when your on stage you feel, well unbalanced. But Im gonna work like hell for the rest to catch up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    Thats big legs right there, how tall are u and what do u weigh?

  5. #5
    6'2" and 215 lbs

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by marbar View Post
    6'2" and 215 lbs
    U can pack loads of muscle on your frame, and im sure u know exactly what ur doing competeing and stuff. But wait till the other members chime in, and give their 2c, how did u do at ur comp?

  7. #7
    I came in 4th, should never had entered the class thought I tried the clasic class, i'm not built for that my hips and clavicles are to wide so bulking up to meet with the big boys next year.

  8. #8
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    Take advantage of it man... That's all I'll say

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Yea bro that's a good problem to have, most people are the opposite. Plus, a 48" chest and 17.5" aint shabby.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    In A Cave
    im the same way bro my legs are way to big for my body.

  11. #11
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    Why not just work legs less??????
    If they grow that easily and you want to look ballanced if you work them 2x a week cut it down to one or do more reps to lean them out a little instead of bulking.

    Where is the problem?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Why not just work legs less??????
    If they grow that easily and you want to look ballanced if you work them 2x a week cut it down to one or do more reps to lean them out a little instead of bulking.

    Where is the problem?
    working them now only once every two weeks, anyhow do you think it may be better to bring up lagging body parts rather than reducing others????

  13. #13
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    unless you are tom platz you legs can never be too big for your body

  14. #14
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Dont want to be the "cups half empty" guy. But the legs are not too big for the upper body,,,the upper body is too small for the legs.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Dont want to be the "cups half empty" guy. But the legs are not too big for the upper body,,,the upper body is too small for the legs.
    I'm glad to have a member like FireGuy who tells it like it is and doesn't sugar coat anything.

    People should let others judge their body, instead of giving their own input about it. What we see when we look in the mirror is NEVER the same as what someone else sees.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Dont want to be the "cups half empty" guy. But the legs are not too big for the upper body,,,the upper body is too small for the legs.
    That's my thoughts as well.

    Maybe if he posted his upper body routine we could help!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    his upper body routine could probably use a good once over

    switch it up

    try something new for the upper body

    see if it helps swell ya up a lil bit to catch up with your legs

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    keep those legs

    im not a bodybuilder but i do notice that a lot competitors lack in their lower bodies.

    don't lose the mass you have in your legs because that will only lower the amount of lean tissue in your body and make it harder to gain in your upper body (more muscle = high basal metabolic rate).

    focus on more standing overhead presses and stuff like that. bent over barbell rows and standing rows will get your back. get some weighted pullups in too.

    when your standing with free weights over head, it really forces your whole upper body to develop.

    my training partner presses 120kg overhead for 5 at 105kg bodyweight. he has impressive shoulder width and it just makes his whole upper body look huge.

    how do your arms look in comparison to your body? if they are lagging a bit too you can add in isolated arm work after the overhead stuff and the rowing.

  20. #20
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    post pics of your, "EPIC," legs....

  21. #21
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    let me know if you would like me to post an example of routine that would really help you out.

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