that looks really good. thanks.
if you can be bothered this is what i have in mind for night training.
7 am 1 cup egg whites 25g p + polenta or oats 40g carbs (in sydney it is too hard to find egg whites so i have to be sparring - should i had 1 scoop whey?)
Have you looked into buying egg whites from this is what i do!
10 am meat + veggies 50g p
add fish oil
1 pm tuna sandwich 35g p + 35 g carbs
Just tuna and bread? come on you can do better than that huh?
4pm meat + brown rice 50g p 35g carbs
7 pm Train
PWO cardio?
8 PWO whey 50g p
before bed? chicken? beef? eggs would be nice
This needs to be a pro/fat meal!!