Hello all. I have continued to bulk now for 11 weeks. I will continue for another 3 weeks. I have maintained my weight at 213.5lbs. Please critique away. Thank you!
Hello all. I have continued to bulk now for 11 weeks. I will continue for another 3 weeks. I have maintained my weight at 213.5lbs. Please critique away. Thank you!
Just some more!
Last edited by Okinawa_Power; 01-10-2010 at 07:01 AM.
Damn dude...Kickin' ASS! Great Job!
looking thick mate, quads are mad
Man those shoulders....seriously they're retarded (in a good way :P)
bad ass man
Man I love bulking. Good work.
overall sick brother. quads are insane. looking good op
Looking huge !
Awesome results, killer delts!!
You're a beast bro, those forearms are ridiculous!
impressive photos, nice overall thickness and shape. also pretty darn lean if youre bulking! my .02: would be goo to have more hamstring drop, and wider back (thickness is def there!). its overall impressive bro!
The far right pic you look like a fvckin comic book superhero! Freakish size mate. If I were to critique anything, it would be that your thighs are starting to overshadow your calves! But great work so far man, when are we gonna get to see some videos?
Do you work out out your forearms or just let them be hit by other lifts? Just wandering cause u got some massive forearms. They nearly look as big as your bicepts in the front flexing picture.
lol u have a cute belly button
lookin good anyways man
pretty big for a guy who only benches 70kg LMFAO
if you don't decide to compete even at a local show you're throwing away a gift, lookin swole brother
Thank you JinNtonic!!!!Originally Posted by JinNtonic;501***5
Thanks nothingtoitbuttodoit!!!! I've worked really hard on my quads, they were my weakest part awhile ago!
Thanks Kiki!! The only problem is I think they are begining to overshadow everything else!!!!
Thanks Oak!!
Thanks F4iGuy!!!!
Thank you Ty357!!! Coming from a guy that looks like Dexter Jackson it feels good!!!!! Check me out in a few months!!!!!
Don't wanna be old, thanks brother!!!!
Deepdiver thanks!!!
Thanks brother, another part that used to be lagging!!
Vishus thank you! I am busting my ass trying to get my hams to pop!!! Talk about mad respect for anyone that has the ability to make them pop out!!!!
Monster87 you freak!!!!! I have to start really working calves again. I was working them 3 times a week again!! I have yet to make my videos yet!!! I know I know....I think I am going to owe you a bottle bro!!!!!
Little Herc, I work them out hard on Arm day! I do 3 exercises for them. Moderate weight with high reps. Thanks brother!!
ranging1, you are looking great in your pictures brother!!!! Thanks for the comment about my belly button!!! I can't stand it!!!! UGLY AS HELL....
Rockin I am going to compete in Jun of this year!!! Thanks for the awesome comment!!!
Vishus thank you! I am busting my ass trying to get my hams to pop!!! Talk about mad respect for anyone that has the ability to make them pop out!!!!
i hear ya big guy, im workin like hell to get mine to do just that, lot of curls curls curls! (leg curls that is)
Last edited by vishus; 01-13-2010 at 05:28 PM.
okinawa power ur lookin good bro
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