Quote Originally Posted by thunderin View Post
I am running twice as much test e as I am tren but I can't come during sex. However, I can do it for hours on end. What gives?

My weekly doses are:
2g test e
1g tren e
I'm super horny and able to cum no problem when using 150-200mg/test a week and 1g of tren ace. I dont know why people think that you have to take more test than your other anabolics, that's one parroted saying that needs to DIE! Sex drive and everything else thats with it is A LOT more than just test. Its estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and etc. So the problem is not the test, if anything you're taking way too damn much test anyway considering how powerful tren is and using that much of it there is absolutely no need to be even using 500mg/test let alone 2,000mg. Something else is the problem, i would think you would have real high estrogen and real high prolactin build up thats causing the problem. Lower your test and get some caber or bromo.