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Thread: training before roids..

  1. #1

    training before roids..

    Now I have been reading a lot on here about training before you take roids to build up your tendons and all that stuff.. what is considered as training.. just lifting weights? because I have been lifting weights for about 3 years not really intensely but moderately but i also run a mile each day and take boxing, kickboxing, mauy thai, bjj, and other various MMA classes monday-friday so does that count as training too?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bboy627 View Post
    Now I have been reading a lot on here about training before you take roids to build up your tendons and all that stuff.. what is considered as training.. just lifting weights? because I have been lifting weights for about 3 years not really intensely but moderately but i also run a mile each day and take boxing, kickboxing, mauy thai, bjj, and other various MMA classes monday-friday so does that count as training too?
    No it does not count.
    In order to use aas properly, besides having the right knowledge on nutrition and being at the right age, one needs to have experience with physiology of the movements derived by lifting weights.

    You stated you worked-out for three years so far, but forgot to write down your stats...?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Furthermore, I believe you need to get rid of some of your martial activities.
    Otherwise, you will likely get injured regardless the aas you choose.

  4. #4
    Age: 20
    Height: 5' 9"
    Weight: 140
    BF%: I don't know
    Cycle Exp: None
    PCT Knowledge: Read a lot about it but still not enough
    Training Exp: Moderately lifting weights for just under 3 years
    Diet: Pretty good on consuming roughly 4-6 meals a day with a daily intake of 4000 calories a day

    Just so you know I'm not really considering taking steroids right now.. I am just educating myself on them at this point of my life, you will probably see a lot of posts from me asking a lot of dumb questions lol.. When the time comes and IF i decide to use AAS then i will drop a couple of my training classes I just take all of those because it keeps me occupied during the week haha

  5. #5
    why is good nutrition such a big factor anyway? is it like a bad thing as in it will mess your body up or will you just basically get no gains from AAS if your diet sucks?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Diet is the basement for every sport activity especially BB where muscles need to be built.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Without the nutrients you need how could you gain quality mass? Eat nothing but a bunch of ice cream and you'll look like someone who eats nothing but a bunch of ice cream. This is true regardless of whether you are on AAS or not. A bowl of the stuff certainly won't kill you unless you wanted to look as shredded as possible.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bboy627 View Post
    why is good nutrition such a big factor anyway? is it like a bad thing as in it will mess your body up or will you just basically get no gains from AAS if your diet sucks?
    Even if your diet is shit you'll still make noticeable gains on steroids. I know because my diet was shit when I did my first cycle and I still managed to keep about 12 lb of lean muscle.

    But here's the thing, you need to aim higher, YOU NEED TO THINK BIGGER!

    If I'd sorted out my diet before I started my first cycle then I might have gained 25 lb of muscle instead of 15 lb!

    You have a choice:

    1) Eat a shit diet and take steroids: Gain a noticeable amount of muscle

    2) Eat a good diet and take steroids: Gain so much muscle that anyone who hasn't seen you in a few months will stop and say "HOLY F*** WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!". Oh yeah and every Tom, Dick and Harry will be saying "That guy's definitely on steroids".

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bboy627 View Post
    Age: 20
    Height: 5' 9"
    Weight: 140
    BF%: I don't know
    Cycle Exp: None
    PCT Knowledge: Read a lot about it but still not enough
    Training Exp: Moderately lifting weights for just under 3 years
    Diet: Pretty good on consuming roughly 4-6 meals a day with a daily intake of 4000 calories a day

    Just so you know I'm not really considering taking steroids right now.. I am just educating myself on them at this point of my life, you will probably see a lot of posts from me asking a lot of dumb questions lol.. When the time comes and IF i decide to use AAS then i will drop a couple of my training classes I just take all of those because it keeps me occupied during the week haha

    You are not getting 4000 calories a day if you weigh 140. It doesn't work like that man. My wife weighs around 140 and she eats like a damn bird... seeds, salads and shit like that

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    You are not getting 4000 calories a day if you weigh 140. It doesn't work like that man. My wife weighs around 140 and she eats like a damn bird... seeds, salads and shit like that
    i generally keep it around that range.. or at least try too i dont know for some reason its wicked hard for me to gain weight.. my dad was the same way when he was a kid and now hes like 220 pounds haha but you could be right im probably mis judging my calorie intake

  11. #11
    oh wow shit sorry i didnt even realize i typed 4000 calories lol i meant i generally keep it around 3000

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Eat nothing but a bunch of ice cream and you'll look like someone who eats nothing but a bunch of ice cream.
    For some reason this really made me

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    You asked why nutrition is so important. I want to help you educate yourself.

    You are honestly taking in less than half of the calories that you think you are.

    Head to the 'diet' section. There is a thread at the top called 'so you wanna learn how to diet'. It's a video, about an hour long, but broken down in small parts. It is the single most important thread on this entire website. This video will change your life.

    Watch it, then watch it again.

    You will be amazed at how quickly you put on wieght.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by slimy View Post
    You asked why nutrition is so important. I want to help you educate yourself.

    You are honestly taking in less than half of the calories that you think you are.

    Head to the 'diet' section. There is a thread at the top called 'so you wanna learn how to diet'. It's a video, about an hour long, but broken down in small parts. It is the single most important thread on this entire website. This video will change your life.

    Watch it, then watch it again.

    You will be amazed at how quickly you put on wieght.
    I will deff have to watch that but I'm just here to educate myself long before i even consider AAS.. I deff need to be educated on dieting because obviously something I'm doing isn't right

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bboy627 View Post
    I will deff have to watch that but I'm just here to educate myself long before i even consider AAS.. I deff need to be educated on dieting because obviously something I'm doing isn't right
    Brother, you have an outstanding attitude. If you ever need any help or guidance, I will be more than willing to help with what I can.

    With that positive attitude you have, you will reach your goals

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Brother, you have an outstanding attitude. If you ever need any help or guidance, I will be more than willing to help with what I can.

    With that positive attitude you have, you will reach your goals
    Thanks man, I appreciate that

  17. #17
    I just watched parts 1-3 of the diet videos and they are extremely informational!! I have been taking notes on it too haha I am going to finish watching the rest of it tonight and hopefully I can figure out a full blown diet to go on to gain weight by the end of it.. I already have a pretty good idea from what he has been saying in it on how many grams of protein, carbs, and fat to take for my type of body and weight.. Thanks for helping me out guys!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Glad you are watching the video.

    I, too, want to commend you on your attitude. We get a lot of young guys on here that are full of piss and vinegar, and when they hear what they don't want to hear,they start talking all kinds of smack.

    Keep that attitude and you will get all the help you need.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by slimy View Post
    Glad you are watching the video.

    I, too, want to commend you on your attitude. We get a lot of young guys on here that are full of piss and vinegar, and when they hear what they don't want to hear,they start talking all kinds of smack.

    Keep that attitude and you will get all the help you need.
    Thank you. Yea I'm not that kind of person i don't really see the point of flipping out when people hear things they don't want to to hear because your going to get that through out life anyway.

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