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Thread: Sleep and gear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Sleep and gear

    I'm currently on my first cycle, 500mg test e a week. I'm in the middle of the 5th week, and ever since last week I have been waking up EVERY night in the middle of the night. I'll go to sleep at around 12:30 and the goal is to get up at 9. However, every night I wake up at around 5:30-6:30 and I cant follow back asleep till 10-15 minutes later. I was talking to a more experienced guy at my gym about this and he was saying its because my body is overflowing with test (lol?). I highly doubt there is any truth to this, but any input on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Wayacrucis View Post
    I'm currently on my first cycle, 500mg test e a week. I'm in the middle of the 5th week, and ever since last week I have been waking up EVERY night in the middle of the night. I'll go to sleep at around 12:30 and the goal is to get up at 9. However, every night I wake up at around 5:30-6:30 and I cant follow back asleep till 10-15 minutes later. I was talking to a more experienced guy at my gym about this and he was saying its because my body is overflowing with test (lol?). I highly doubt there is any truth to this, but any input on this?
    wow bro! I'm doing the exact same thing but I though I was waking up because of the bad break up I just had.. I go to sleep at 12/12:30 and with out failure I'm up at around 4:30/5 everynigh thinking about this chick.

    I am glad to hear it's not about her it's just me on this cycle
    Last edited by The One; 03-11-2010 at 01:34 PM.

  3. #3
    When you wake up are you wide awake? (i.e. not groggy)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    When you wake up are you wide awake? (i.e. not groggy)
    It's hard to explain. I kind of lose track of time, I keep moving around in bed, but I cant fall asleep. Then I'll look at time and 3 hours has gone by? Its almost like I'm high. As for your question, again Its hard to explain, I'm not wide awake but It isn't normal. I've got up before in the middle of the night in the past and I just turn around in bed and I fall back asleep in like a minute, this is different.

    Worst thing is when I finally get up at the morning I'm pretty tired and grumpy. Kinda messes up my mood for the next 2-3 hours, cuz I can't really eat, downing my eggs is sooo hard :/

    Quote Originally Posted by The One View Post
    wow bro! I'm doing the exact same thing but I though I was waking up because of the bad break up I just had.. I go to sleep at 12/12:30 and with out failure I'm up at around 4:30/5 everynigh thinking about this chick.

    I am glad to hear it's not about her it's just me on this cycle
    Lol if you look at my threads, I had a break up about 2 weeks ago as well bro. But, I don't see how its related, you might think of her when you wake up, but I wanna know is what is triggering me to wake up only 4-5 hours after falling asleep.
    Last edited by Wayacrucis; 03-11-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2010

    Wild dreams

    My last cycle I would have the wildest dreams every night. I mean stupid wild where you wake and have to tell someone what happend. I hope I dony get that shit this cycle. Most of them were bad dreams.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just2Big View Post
    My last cycle I would have the wildest dreams every night. I mean stupid wild where you wake and have to tell someone what happend. I hope I dony get that shit this cycle. Most of them were bad dreams.
    Lol thats crazyy bro

  7. #7
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    ya, it plays around with my sleep aswell, def not as quality as when im off

  8. #8
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    I never sleep good on cycle unless Im cruising at low dose. It affects people differently, but a lot of guys I know don't sleep well on cycle.

  9. #9
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    New Jerzee
    im just over a week into my 1st cycle of test e and dbol. def. feel fine overall. only complaints I have is I def. dont sleep as well and mild headaches once in a while but other than that no biggie....

    keep my finger crossed since only 10 days in...

  10. #10
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    it is normal.........i have vivid violent and or sex in my dreams with alot of a stress/anxiety in them, i wake up and have to remind myself they were dreams in the unaware waking up will get less but never go away, try susp or prop and your dreams will wanna make you cry they feel so real

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayacrucis View Post
    It's hard to explain. I kind of lose track of time, I keep moving around in bed, but I cant fall asleep. Then I'll look at time and 3 hours has gone by? Its almost like I'm high. As for your question, again Its hard to explain, I'm not wide awake but It isn't normal. I've got up before in the middle of the night in the past and I just turn around in bed and I fall back asleep in like a minute, this is different.

    Worst thing is when I finally get up at the morning I'm pretty tired and grumpy. Kinda messes up my mood for the next 2-3 hours, cuz I can't really eat, downing my eggs is sooo hard :/

    Lol if you look at my threads, I had a break up about 2 weeks ago as well bro. But, I don't see how its related, you might think of her when you wake up, but I wanna know is what is triggering me to wake up only 4-5 hours after falling asleep.

    wholly crap bro! it is about the break up think about... we both had bad breaks now we both go to sleep around the same time and wake up around the same time and just lay in bed and before you know it hours pass. damn! it is about the break shit! I was happy when I first read your tread but if you said you wrote something similar now I'm back to square one. I guess break up and test effect us the same way.

    I bet when it first happen you felt like crap x3 and all you did was think about her 59 minutes out of each day
    Last edited by The One; 03-11-2010 at 07:39 PM.

  12. #12
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    Big Apple
    i have a few quick questions for both of you
    -what time of day do you inject?
    -what time of day are your workouts?

    i heard that doing anyone of these can have effects on your sleep.
    last week i worked out in the evening and took a preworkout sup that riases NO levels...fuked up my sleep the whole night.

  13. #13
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    I'm 6 weeks in to my Test E and Deca cycle. Depending on what time I finish work I would start training at 4-4:30pm, finish at 6-6:30pm, or start at 6-6:30pm, finish at 8-8:30pm, I would have NO Shotgun ~15-30mins pre workout. I generally stab either just before training or after dinner.

    My sleep is FCUKED! I mean even before this cycle I'm not the best sleeper anyway. But so far on this cycle it takes me a while to get to sleep, I keep waking up and I'm dead tired in the morning. I would be lucky to get 6hrs sleep a night. And I'm spewing about it because I want all variables to be spot on (diet, sleep, recovery, etc) when on AAS, otherwise I consider it a bit of a waste. But there is shit all I can do about it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    waking up

    both stress of crap in your life and the test can cause this.

    you go through several different sleep stages every night.

    If you got crap on your brain when you are awake, dreaming (most of which we don't even remember) kinda defragments the brain and works through our issues.

    The synthetic test actually shuts down your natural production of test(which is replinished when we sleep). Thus your body can be out of wack not having increasing levels of test as feedback during the night.

    I would say it is mental. During my phd program for some stupid reason I woke up every freaking night at 2:45 am wide awake. If i laid there for 15-30 minutes I could go back to sleep. However, the brain started processing and back to studying I went.

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