Weight:197 Pounds
BF%:Not sure but likely around 13-14%
Training Time:5 1/2 years
Previous Cycles: 1
Previous cycle was 16 week Test E at 500mgs WK 1-16, Dbol 1-4 at 30mg a day. Sides: Started dbol at 30mg, had high blood pressure with nosebleeds, dropped to 20mg a day, nosebleeds went away, BP still high. BP returned to normal after dbol was dropped.
Test E sides: Increase in back hair. No other sides.
Now, second cycle is projected to be a bulker.
16 weeks:
Test E 500mg wk:1-16
Deca 250mg wk:1-12
PCT 17-20
Nolva (how much?)
Clomid(how much?)
Curious on PCT dosages as I know Deca is a strong suppressant, should I add anything else to PCT?
NOTE: Trying to keep PCT compounds to as few as possible while still being effective. I don't want to overload my body with too many things at once.
As for the Test E, would frontloading be a good idea or is that not needed with the Deca or is it ineffective? Have heard different opinions on frontloading.
As for the dosages, looking to keep things low, I don't want to be one of the guys who has to run a gram of test a week and other obscene dosages by his 4th or 5th cycles because he went too high too soon.
So, does this cycle look like I will add some good size? All opinions/suggestions welcome! Thanks!
Last note, I think orals have horrible effects on my BP, several prohormones/designer steroids in the past also gave me the same elevated BP/nosebleed problems, so I would like so steer clear of the orals.