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Thread: Second Cycle, Need Opinions

  1. #1

    Second Cycle, Need Opinions


    Weight:197 Pounds
    BF%:Not sure but likely around 13-14%
    Training Time:5 1/2 years
    Previous Cycles: 1

    Previous cycle was 16 week Test E at 500mgs WK 1-16, Dbol 1-4 at 30mg a day. Sides: Started dbol at 30mg, had high blood pressure with nosebleeds, dropped to 20mg a day, nosebleeds went away, BP still high. BP returned to normal after dbol was dropped.

    Test E sides: Increase in back hair. No other sides.

    Now, second cycle is projected to be a bulker.

    16 weeks:
    Test E 500mg wk:1-16
    Deca 250mg wk:1-12

    PCT 17-20
    Nolva (how much?)
    Clomid(how much?)

    Curious on PCT dosages as I know Deca is a strong suppressant, should I add anything else to PCT?

    NOTE: Trying to keep PCT compounds to as few as possible while still being effective. I don't want to overload my body with too many things at once.

    As for the Test E, would frontloading be a good idea or is that not needed with the Deca or is it ineffective? Have heard different opinions on frontloading.

    As for the dosages, looking to keep things low, I don't want to be one of the guys who has to run a gram of test a week and other obscene dosages by his 4th or 5th cycles because he went too high too soon.

    So, does this cycle look like I will add some good size? All opinions/suggestions welcome! Thanks!

    Last note, I think orals have horrible effects on my BP, several prohormones/designer steroids in the past also gave me the same elevated BP/nosebleed problems, so I would like so steer clear of the orals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I think you should run a higher deca dose, 250mg is too low. Don`t bother front loading, I have tried it and it seems worthless really.

    Nolva (40,40,20,20)
    Clomid (50,50,25,25)

    You may also want to consider hcg on cycle as deca is very supressive.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I think you should run a higher deca dose, 250mg is too low. Don`t bother front loading, I have tried it and it seems worthless really.

    Nolva (40,40,20,20)
    Clomid (50,50,25,25)

    You may also want to consider hcg on cycle as deca is very supressive.
    What would be good for deca? 400mg a week? I don't have to worry about deca dick as long as the test is run higher right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    400 mgs would be a better choice and youre right keep the test higher and you shouldnt have any problems at all...

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