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Thread: German Volume Training

  1. #1

    German Volume Training

    what do you think about this? I want to try something new.. figure i'll give this a go for 6 weeks or so .. i never really did volume and have always lifted heavy

    only 3 days so i'll probably just do this mon wed fri

    A1 - Flat Dumbell Presses, Semi-Supinated Grip || 10 sets of 10 reps (4 0 2) (90 sec rest)
    A2 - Close Grip Pulldowns || same as above

    B1 - Incline Flyes || 3 sets of 10-12 (3 0 2) (60 sec rest)
    B2 - One-Arm Dumbbell Rows || same as above

    A1 - Squats || 10 sets of 10 (4 0 2) (90 sec rest)
    A2 - Lying Leg Curls || same as above

    B1 - Ab Exercise || same as below
    B2 - Seated Calf Raises || 3 sets of 15-20 (2 0 2) (60 sec rest)

    A1 - Skull Crushers || 10 sets of 10 (4 0 2) (90 sec)
    A2 - Incline DB Curls || same as above

    B1 - Bent-Over DB Lat Raise || 3 sets of 10 - 12 (2 0 2) (60 sec)
    B2 - Seated DB Lat Raise || same as above

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I do 10x10 sometimes but only like once a month. And its usually with squats or bench presses. gets me pretty sore. But never done a workout plan that was all 10x10. Let us know how it works for ya..

  3. #3
    finally a reply lol

    will do though... you know that feeling you get when you do arms and they are all pumped up .. after i did this my arms felt like that for 3 days!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Batavia NY
    I did that work out before thought it was good to mix upy workout. Think the one I did was four days a week. I like doin more high volume lifting when I have time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Batavia NY
    Should also state that even though it is called German high volume I really don't think of it as high volume. My opinion is high volume is more when you are getting over 20sets per body part.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    This program like HST doesnt have enough exercises for the back in my opinion.

    How can u develope a good back without deadlifts for example?

  7. #7
    its just a 6 week thing than back to deads .. give it a little rest .. bad idea or no?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Not doing the deads is fine if you normally do them. When you start back just start out with lighter weights.

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