This is not going to be another what do you think of P90X thread. Instead, I am trying to decide if it would be a good program for me. I'm at the point where I feel I need a structured program, mainly because I feel like what i'm doing right now is going nowhere, and also because I second guess everything I do (when I make my own routines, diet, etc).
I have used the search feature to see other posts about it, and of course there seems to be positives and negatives. I'd like to hear from people with personal experience with the program. Here's what I see most often, positives first:
> Great for cutting, but definitely not a bulking program
> Absolutely works for shedding bodyfat
> builds endurance and strength
> Intensity too high, causing one to become catabolic?
> One member whose opinion I hold in high regard said that he lost 8lbs. of muscle and bodyfat % stayed the same, and that he followed the program to a 't'. this concerns me, but he's also the only one I saw who stated that.
> Many people suggest supplementing with some real lifting to gain or maintain muscle - also pointing to muscle loss?
I'd like to know if anybody has modified/added to the program to make it more of a bulk or bodybuilder type program vs. just getting shredded.
Also, IF I were to do it, I need to decide whether to do it right away then try and add lean mass, or continue adding mass now (which I feel like i'm only adding bodyfat) and use the program to shed the fat afterwards?
I look forward to your feedback.