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Thread: Newbie questions

  1. #1

    Newbie questions

    Hi names Bobby. I'm 5'9 and right now 186.8lbs. So far I lost 11lbs. I wanna know how much I should lose before I should start taking some steroids to biuld muscle up. I've been eating healthy I'm a newby so any workout regimans or steroid choices please feel free to comment

  2. #2
    you should let people no your age, diet and work out schedual

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Welcome Bobby..

    You may have posted this is the wrong section, but anyway..

    If you feel you have reached you genetic limits then there are a number of of things to take into account. Those things consist of weight, height, bf%,years training, age and knowledge...

    If i were you i'd spend sometime in the educational threads found in the Q&A forum, take your time to read through them and if you feel aas are the right course for you then pose your questions in that forum....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Sorry if I posted wrong section or took so long I work alot n got 3kids. I'm 26 male now I'm 185.7. I do not have a work rutine right now. Been walkin alot and I'm currently on hcg I was 195. Now 7 days later I'm 185. No fat arms or legs ect just a belly. Want a six pack and then build up. Just been joggin 2 miles and situps. How much do I have to lose

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    pics will be the easiest to tell. or a exact BF%

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