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Thread: HGH log for everyone!

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Hey thanks for the input its gresatly appreciated!

    I really like the aas cycle, I can see some rock hard gains coming from it.

    A question though regarding your HGH admistation time, why have you chosen to have 5iu's at bedtime?

    Also adding the extra 10iu's PWO mon,wed and fri...are those your only training days?

    Ive read a lot about latnus insulin, how do you find it compared to a fast acting insulin?
    No Problem bud - like the idea of the thread!

    Yeah I'm really looking forward to running it - I get great gains from tren but it does turn me into a bit of a cunt but I reckon I can fight it for 4 weeks ha!

    The 5iu at bedtime is simply following the logic that if thats when our bodies release it then thats probably the time it works best, I like to think its helping me to grow in my sleep etc

    Yeah I only train mon, wed & fri - big believer in "less is more" - hardest lesson to learn in BBing IMO!

    I don't necessarily need to add the extra GH PWO but I feel that as I've been on 10iu ed for nearly 6 months I would like to up it for the 4 week blast just to absolutely super-saturate every muscle building mechanism - if that makes sense?

    I haven't run the lantus yet but Maxtiter argues the case for it as opposed to fast acting slin very convincingly and whilst the science is a bit beyond me it is clear he knows what he is talking about - a few of the boys over there have tried it, some loved it, some didn't so I figure I'd better give it a go!

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    No Problem bud - like the idea of the thread!

    Yeah I'm really looking forward to running it - I get great gains from tren but it does turn me into a bit of a cunt but I reckon I can fight it for 4 weeks ha!

    The 5iu at bedtime is simply following the logic that if thats when our bodies release it then thats probably the time it works best, I like to think its helping me to grow in my sleep etc

    Yeah I only train mon, wed & fri - big believer in "less is more" - hardest lesson to learn in BBing IMO!

    I don't necessarily need to add the extra GH PWO but I feel that as I've been on 10iu ed for nearly 6 months I would like to up it for the 4 week blast just to absolutely super-saturate every muscle building mechanism - if that makes sense?

    I haven't run the lantus yet but Maxtiter argues the case for it as opposed to fast acting slin very convincingly and whilst the science is a bit beyond me it is clear he knows what he is talking about - a few of the boys over there have tried it, some loved it, some didn't so I figure I'd better give it a go!
    Well I figured we need a serious HGH thread as so many good guys use it but not much is said about it...until now I hope!

    I agree that having the 5iu's at bedtime will help you sleep but I am concerned that it will supress your own natural production as its biggest pulse out of the 6-9 we have each day is produced shorty afetr we fall asleep at night. Have you got conflicting info mate?

    You will have to let us know how the insulin works for you.

    jing jai

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Well I figured we need a serious HGH thread as so many good guys use it but not much is said about it...until now I hope!

    I agree that having the 5iu's at bedtime will help you sleep but I am concerned that it will supress your own natural production as its biggest pulse out of the 6-9 we have each day is produced shorty afetr we fall asleep at night. Have you got conflicting info mate?

    You will have to let us know how the insulin works for you.
    As far as the suppression of our nighttime release I have seen a study that seemed to indicate that the IGF spike that would inhibit the endogenous release occurs quite some time after the GH is injected and therefore bedtime injects would not disturb the nocturnal pulse - however this is not really my justification for the bedtime injection - I think that if you are running 2-4iu ed then yeah you probably don't want to compromise that nocturnal pulse, but when you're injecting 8-10ius ed that nighttime pulse becomes somewhat less crucial, in fact I would go so far as to say irrelevent when weighed against the extra benefits (albeit theorised) of copying nature and using GH at the time our bodies release the bulk of it.

    I will certainly let you know how the lantus works out

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    As far as the suppression of our nighttime release I have seen a study that seemed to indicate that the IGF spike that would inhibit the endogenous release occurs quite some time after the GH is injected and therefore bedtime injects would not disturb the nocturnal pulse - however this is not really my justification for the bedtime injection - I think that if you are running 2-4iu ed then yeah you probably don't want to compromise that nocturnal pulse, but when you're injecting 8-10ius ed that nighttime pulse becomes somewhat less crucial, in fact I would go so far as to say irrelevent when weighed against the extra benefits (albeit theorised) of copying nature and using GH at the time our bodies release the bulk of it.

    I will certainly let you know how the lantus works out
    I take on board what you have said, I remember reading an old redbaron post advising againt bedtime shots and its something ive always stuck to. I dont like the idea of risking 'wasting free gh' by supressing my own at nighttime but if you have seen a study that says this is not the case then i might give it a try and see how it works for me.

    Thanks for your quality input mate....keep it coming!

    jing jai

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I am very interested to see how you react to such a high dose, if it works then i will definitly look into something similar for myself. I understand that you want to make a BIG impression when you compete and im sure you will do!

    How do you plan on splitting the 30iu's?
    Days 1-3: 25iu
    Days 4-5: 40iu

    25iu days

    5.30 - 5iu
    10 - 5iu
    14.30 - 5iu
    18.30 - 5iu
    22.30 - 5iu

    40iu days

    5.30 - 5iu
    10 - 10iu
    14.30 - 5iu
    18.30 - 10iu
    22.30 - 10iu

    Thats what im thinking but thats not final ...

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I take on board what you have said, I remember reading an old redbaron post advising againt bedtime shots and its something ive always stuck to. I dont like the idea of risking 'wasting free gh' by supressing my own at nighttime but if you have seen a study that says this is not the case then i might give it a try and see how it works for me.

    Thanks for your quality input mate....keep it coming!
    Yeah these things stick with us when we read them early on because we take them as gospel and forget that they are just the opinions of other people - don't get me wrong some of them are very well educated opinions, especially guys like RedBaron, but they are opinions nonetheless - even when they are based on studies they still have to be interpreted as there are no clinical trials currently in place that are concerned with "How to get massive" lol

    Even the study I was referring to was not clear cut, some of the guys over there were saying it meant one thing, some another - but it at least threw the subject open to debate.

    Like I said though - the study is not really the reason I run it at night - I just like the idea of copying nature and think that the lost pulse at night is of negligeable importance when you're running upwards of 8iu.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah these things stick with us when we read them early on because we take them as gospel and forget that they are just the opinions of other people - don't get me wrong some of them are very well educated opinions, especially guys like RedBaron, but they are opinions nonetheless - even when they are based on studies they still have to be interpreted as there are no clinical trials currently in place that are concerned with "How to get massive" lol

    Even the study I was referring to was not clear cut, some of the guys over there were saying it meant one thing, some another - but it at least threw the subject open to debate.

    Like I said though - the study is not really the reason I run it at night - I just like the idea of copying nature and think that the lost pulse at night is of negligeable importance when you're running upwards of 8iu.
    Well ive just found the RB post and although it does make perfect sence it is not backed up by a study so I agree with what you say.

    How long have you been using HGH for now?

    jing jai

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    Days 1-3: 25iu
    Days 4-5: 40iu

    25iu days

    5.30 - 5iu
    10 - 5iu
    14.30 - 5iu
    18.30 - 5iu
    22.30 - 5iu

    40iu days

    5.30 - 5iu
    10 - 10iu
    14.30 - 5iu
    18.30 - 10iu
    22.30 - 10iu

    Thats what im thinking but thats not final ...
    Im interested as to why you dont split the weekly dosage evenly between the 5 days? Any reason?

    jing jai

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Well ive just found the RB post and although it does make perfect sence it is not backed up by a study so I agree with what you say.

    How long have you been using HGH for now?
    I've been on this time since january and aim to stay on indefinitely.

    I first used GH back in '04 I think and since then have done runs of varying lengths and dosage protocols,

    5iu ed + 10iu PWO mon,wed,fri

    20iu PWO mon,wed,fri

    I am kinda of the belief that the timings aren't overly crucial and that its more the total number of iu's per week that dictates the results - but it's fun trying different methods!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg;5222***
    Excellent post BignBig, thank you for sharing such detailed info with us. I can relate to much of what you have said, you havent mentioned any CTS or joint pain though, have you suffered at all with any of them?
    Not feeling any of that?!?

    One thing that worries me slightly is that you only gained 1kg on your last cycle (12 weeks total, Test e (750 mgs/week) + Deca (600 mgs/week). Even if you didnt train and ate a poor diest (which I can see you didnt) then you would gain much more than that in water retention alone.....therefore it makes me think your AAS may not of been real? Did you get it from a relaible source or brew it yourself? Either way I would make double sure that for your next cycle you have some good quality AAS.
    Been buying from this guy since I started ASS. I had all AAS sides. I dont retain water. I'm one of those lucky ones!? I'll change my supplier next cycle ..

    That leads me on to your HGH dosage for that cycle, try to get your dosage up to around the 6-8iu mark when you start your cycle as like you have said the synergy between HGH,AAS and T4 is amazing!
    Working on it ..

    What protocol are you using for you HGH at the moment?
    2iu when I wake up and 2 iu around luch time 12.30PM

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    As i was saying to the other thread , my blast will be for 5 days takin around 150iu totally and then for 3 weeks i'll b on ghrp-6 (most probably) so i can keep gh levels elevated.
    AAS cycle will have about 1.5-2g test , 1-1.5g eq and around 700mg tren (per week) ...
    Its too soon to actually give more details as all this will start this September , and i still havent got full details on the gf blast method i'll follow ...
    I’d like to understand what risks this methods carries with it?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig View Post
    I’d like to understand what risks this methods carries with it?
    unknown ? :P Atm as i've read the only thing is the bad sides you get these days ....

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Im interested as to why you dont split the weekly dosage evenly between the 5 days? Any reason?
    Well i've read that some users did that and they were takin like 30-40iu for these days and others started with a "small" amount for the first days and then loaded ... like i said its still early to know the exact protocol i'll do but you'll b informed when i'll start and what exactly i'll do ...

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I've been on this time since january and aim to stay on indefinitely.

    I first used GH back in '04 I think and since then have done runs of varying lengths and dosage protocols,

    5iu ed + 10iu PWO mon,wed,fri

    20iu PWO mon,wed,fri

    I am kinda of the belief that the timings aren't overly crucial and that its more the total number of iu's per week that dictates the results - but it's fun trying different methods!
    Have you ever tried EOD?

    I have read books that state this is a good protocol because it more accurately replicates the human pusile frequency of gh.

    I have tried eod and had excellent results, but i have to say they were no better or worse than 5 on 2 off.....i guess like most other things its down to the individual and how they react.

    jing jai

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    Well i've read that some users did that and they were takin like 30-40iu for these days and others started with a "small" amount for the first days and then loaded ... like i said its still early to know the exact protocol i'll do but you'll b informed when i'll start and what exactly i'll do ...
    I look forward to it alex, its very interesting!

    jing jai

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig View Post
    2iu when I wake up and 2 iu around luch time 12.30PM
    Ok thats fine....any thoughts on my question about your 2lb gain from your last cycle?

    jing jai

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Have you ever tried EOD?

    I have read books that state this is a good protocol because it more accurately replicates the human pusile frequency of gh.

    I have tried eod and had excellent results, but i have to say they were no better or worse than 5 on 2 off.....i guess like most other things its down to the individual and how they react.
    Nah, the closest to that I've done is the 20iu mon,wed,fri shot PWO with 12iu humalog which seemed very effective, but like we have both said - not necessarily any more or less effective than other dosing regimens.

    Max makes a very convincing scientific argument AGAINST the use of fast acting insulin PWO, however I have always thought that anecdotal eveidence from a decent amount of well respected peers is worth more than all the studies/science in the world (until someone actually funds a study entitled "The most effective administration of Growth Hormone for the purpose of bodybuilding" - don't hold your breath ) and I know LOADS of guys who have reported fantastic results from the GH + fast slin PWO combo.

    OK I have just made my own mind up, lol - during my 4 week blast I will continue with the 5iu GH at bedtime and 5iu GH upon waking and add an additional 10iu GH + 10iu fast slin PWO on mon,wed & fri.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Well if you can handle the sides and wnat to increase the dose then do so, I take my T4 ed.
    okay will do .. il take it to 3IU today. but i just took a look at my ankles and its exactly as what you said, they look BLOATED like hell ummm hahahaha they look funny

    just a stupid question thats been on my mind , now someone hits lets say 6-8IU will it only build muslce or burn fat and build muscle ?

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Nah, the closest to that I've done is the 20iu mon,wed,fri shot PWO with 12iu humalog which seemed very effective, but like we have both said - not necessarily any more or less effective than other dosing regimens.

    Max makes a very convincing scientific argument AGAINST the use of fast acting insulin PWO, however I have always thought that anecdotal eveidence from a decent amount of well respected peers is worth more than all the studies/science in the world (until someone actually funds a study entitled "The most effective administration of Growth Hormone for the purpose of bodybuilding" - don't hold your breath ) and I know LOADS of guys who have reported fantastic results from the GH + fast slin PWO combo.

    OK I have just made my own mind up, lol - during my 4 week blast I will continue with the 5iu GH at bedtime and 5iu GH upon waking and add an additional 10iu GH + 10iu fast slin PWO on mon,wed & fri.
    Is that why you decided to use the latnus insulin?

    I like the sound of your cycle, what sort of gains are you hoping for?

    jing jai

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    okay will do .. il take it to 3IU today. but i just took a look at my ankles and its exactly as what you said, they look BLOATED like hell ummm hahahaha they look funny

    just a stupid question thats been on my mind , now someone hits lets say 6-8IU will it only build muslce or burn fat and build muscle ?
    Well dont worry about the bloat its a good sign! And it will go down in time.

    6-8iu's is the point where magicl things start to happen! You will build muscle and burn fat....something which is hard to do under normal circumstances.

    Are you happy with your cycle so far?

    jing jai

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Is that why you decided to use the latnus insulin?

    I like the sound of your cycle, what sort of gains are you hoping for?
    Yeah Maxtiter is some kind of russian doctor - he blows my mind with some of the stuff he comes out with and he made a very strong case for the use of long acting slin, initially he favoured levemir/detemir (another long acting slin) but then he dug out some more research that seems to indicate that glargine slin i.e. lantus has 30 times the effect on IGF-1 receptors that levemir has and therefore should be ALOT more effective at building muscle.

    "It is still controversially discussed whether insulin triggers mitogenic effects through its own receptor, by interacting with IGF-1R or by activating insulin/IGF-1 hybrid receptors (Eckel, 2005).

    In the light of these discussions, the structural changes of the insulin molecule to create rapid- or long-acting insulin analogues become increasingly important. It is known that modifications in the B10 and B26-B30 region are able to change the affinity towards the IGF-1R (Slieker et al., 1997). This has been demonstrated for AspB10 insulin which is known for its strong tumourigenic action (Drejer, 1992). Studies investigating receptor binding properties of insulin analogues have shown that AspB10 insulin and insulin glargine have a 6 to 8-fold and insulin lispro a 1.5-fold higher affinity to the IGF-1R compared with regular insulin (Kurtzhals et al., 2000), while insulin aspart (Bornfeldt et al., 1991) and insulin glulisine (Ciaraldi et al., 2005; Rakatzi et al., 2003a) have a low affinity to the IGF-1R similar to regular insulin. For insulin detemir a 5-fold lower affinity to the IGF-1R has been found (Kurtzhals et al., 2000)."

    He advocates a working up to a dose of around 30ius of lantus with breakfast which will work all day and people do not seem to have any hypo problems because it does not lower blood sugar as quickly as the faster acting slins, it should just mean that you are soaking up every last bit of nutrition all day long!

    I just want to pack on some serious lean mass before cutting again - I couldn't put a number on it as I have never done a short high dose cycle like this before so I do not really know what to expect.

  22. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah Maxtiter on ukiron is some kind of russian doctor - he blows my mind with some of the stuff he comes out with and he made a very strong case for the use of long acting slin, initially he favoured levemir/detemir (another long acting slin) but then he dug out some more research that seems to indicate that glargine slin i.e. lantus has 30 times the effect on IGF-1 receptors that levemir has and therefore should be ALOT more effective at building muscle.

    "It is still controversially discussed whether insulin triggers mitogenic effects through its own receptor, by interacting with IGF-1R or by activating insulin/IGF-1 hybrid receptors (Eckel, 2005).

    In the light of these discussions, the structural changes of the insulin molecule to create rapid- or long-acting insulin analogues become increasingly important. It is known that modifications in the B10 and B26-B30 region are able to change the affinity towards the IGF-1R (Slieker et al., 1997). This has been demonstrated for AspB10 insulin which is known for its strong tumourigenic action (Drejer, 1992). Studies investigating receptor binding properties of insulin analogues have shown that AspB10 insulin and insulin glargine have a 6 to 8-fold and insulin lispro a 1.5-fold higher affinity to the IGF-1R compared with regular insulin (Kurtzhals et al., 2000), while insulin aspart (Bornfeldt et al., 1991) and insulin glulisine (Ciaraldi et al., 2005; Rakatzi et al., 2003a) have a low affinity to the IGF-1R similar to regular insulin. For insulin detemir a 5-fold lower affinity to the IGF-1R has been found (Kurtzhals et al., 2000)."

    He advocates a working up to a dose of around 30ius of lantus with breakfast which will work all day and people do not seem to have any hypo problems because it does not lower blood sugar as quickly as the faster acting slins, it should just mean that you are soaking up every last bit of nutrition all day long!

    I just want to pack on some serious lean mass before cutting again - I couldn't put a number on it as I have never done a short high dose cycle like this before so I do not really know what to expect.
    Well if thats true and the effects of a long acting slin are such then it is a no brainer! I will keep reading and looking to see what people report!

    I reckon you should be adding at lthe very least 1-1.5 kilos ed with a cycle like that.......

    jing jai

  23. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Well dont worry about the bloat its a good sign! And it will go down in time.

    6-8iu's is the point where magicl things start to happen! You will build muscle and burn fat....something which is hard to do under normal circumstances.

    Are you happy with your cycle so far?
    well im very excited about the cycle but im having some "life issues" so its taking the fun away from gym and the excitement to some extent, but i hope everything will be over soon and ill enjoy this im off to bed right now (11:50 pm) ill wake up at dawn and treat my body with some 3IU ,, yummy cant wait

    thanks again for everything

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Well if thats true and the effects of a long acting slin are such then it is a no brainer! I will keep reading and looking to see what people report!

    I reckon you should be adding at lthe very least 1-1.5 kilos ed with a cycle like that.......
    Yup - I'm going to drop my prop dose right down in the 2 weeks before I start then eat like FUCK, take digestive enzymes and R-ALA before every meal to make sure I absorb every last calorie and obviously will be running thyroid hormones to keep my protein turn over rate at full tilt - really quite excited about it - should be starting on the 5th July!

  25. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yup - I'm going to drop my prop dose right down in the 2 weeks before I start then eat like FUCK, take digestive enzymes and R-ALA before every meal to make sure I absorb every last calorie and obviously will be running thyroid hormones to keep my protein turn over rate at full tilt - really quite excited about it - should be starting on the 5th July!
    I like the cycle mate! Just not 100% about the slow insulin, maybe its me being old school though? Like I said I will keep an open mind and keep reading about it!

    jing jai

  26. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    well im very excited about the cycle but im having some "life issues" so its taking the fun away from gym and the excitement to some extent, but i hope everything will be over soon and ill enjoy this im off to bed right now (11:50 pm) ill wake up at dawn and treat my body with some 3IU ,, yummy cant wait

    thanks again for everything
    No worries....personal problems are the only things that have ever held me back BBing!

    Keep us informed on your progress.

    jing jai

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I like the cycle mate! Just not 100% about the slow insulin, maybe its me being old school though? Like I said I will keep an open mind and keep reading about it!
    Free your mind and let go of the dogma... lol

    By the end of July I will either be fat, dead or massive and we will know for sure!

  28. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Free your mind and let go of the dogma... lol

    By the end of July I will either be fat, dead or massive and we will know for sure!
    Well lets hope its the latter!

    jing jai

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Ok thats fine....any thoughts on my question about your 2lb gain from your last cycle?
    Thanks for asking,

    I had the usual sides I get from AAS?! And I used this supplier since I started using AAS. I always do blood test after the cycle. So my test, LH and FSH were shut.
    I admit my diet was poor. So after the cycle I decided to address my diet which I did. I also thought it could be my form and technique at the GYM so I hired an excellent trainer. He is helping me and I learned a lot from him ….
    However, I decided to change my supplier …

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Free your mind and let go of the dogma... lol

    By the end of July I will either be fat, dead or massive and we will know for sure!
    That's the spirit
    I love your thinking

  31. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig View Post
    Thanks for asking,

    I had the usual sides I get from AAS?! And I used this supplier since I started using AAS. I always do blood test after the cycle. So my test, LH and FSH were shut.
    I admit my diet was poor. So after the cycle I decided to address my diet which I did. I also thought it could be my form and technique at the GYM so I hired an excellent trainer. He is helping me and I learned a lot from him ….
    However, I decided to change my supplier …
    How long did you leave between that cycle and the one before it?

    jing jai

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah Maxtiter is some kind of russian doctor - he blows my mind with some of the stuff he comes out with and he made a very strong case for the use of long acting slin, initially he favoured levemir/detemir (another long acting slin) but then he dug out some more research that seems to indicate that glargine slin i.e. lantus has 30 times the effect on IGF-1 receptors that levemir has and therefore should be ALOT more effective at building muscle.

    "It is still controversially discussed whether insulin triggers mitogenic effects through its own receptor, by interacting with IGF-1R or by activating insulin/IGF-1 hybrid receptors (Eckel, 2005).

    In the light of these discussions, the structural changes of the insulin molecule to create rapid- or long-acting insulin analogues become increasingly important. It is known that modifications in the B10 and B26-B30 region are able to change the affinity towards the IGF-1R (Slieker et al., 1997). This has been demonstrated for AspB10 insulin which is known for its strong tumourigenic action (Drejer, 1992). Studies investigating receptor binding properties of insulin analogues have shown that AspB10 insulin and insulin glargine have a 6 to 8-fold and insulin lispro a 1.5-fold higher affinity to the IGF-1R compared with regular insulin (Kurtzhals et al., 2000), while insulin aspart (Bornfeldt et al., 1991) and insulin glulisine (Ciaraldi et al., 2005; Rakatzi et al., 2003a) have a low affinity to the IGF-1R similar to regular insulin. For insulin detemir a 5-fold lower affinity to the IGF-1R has been found (Kurtzhals et al., 2000)."

    He advocates a working up to a dose of around 30ius of lantus with breakfast which will work all day and people do not seem to have any hypo problems because it does not lower blood sugar as quickly as the faster acting slins, it should just mean that you are soaking up every last bit of nutrition all day long!

    I just want to pack on some serious lean mass before cutting again - I couldn't put a number on it as I have never done a short high dose cycle like this before so I do not really know what to expect.

    DUDE..... keep me informed on your progress. One of my good friends is running 5iu's hgh, no less than 750 test and throws tren and dbol in there on and off..... also uses 10iu's humalin-R PWO with 100mcg's IGF-1..... this kid is a beast. I always remember reading humalog was the best slin to use because it's out so fast but you've got me curious.

    I'm not ready to take the slin plunge yet but I'm considering it for my winter run.....

    I also may be upping my gh to 10iu's/day while I run my test/tren/mast this summer.


  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    DUDE..... keep me informed on your progress. One of my good friends is running 5iu's hgh, no less than 750 test and throws tren and dbol in there on and off..... also uses 10iu's humalin-R PWO with 100mcg's IGF-1..... this kid is a beast. I always remember reading humalog was the best slin to use because it's out so fast but you've got me curious.

    I'm not ready to take the slin plunge yet but I'm considering it for my winter run.....

    I also may be upping my gh to 10iu's/day while I run my test/tren/mast this summer.

    This is what we all thought because we read it and it seems to make logical sense, what Maxititer says is that because the effect of humalog is SO quick it does not have time to spread throughout the body but instead tends to cause the vast majority of blood sugar to to pushed into the liver rather than skeletal muscle.

    I'll be running my cycle with long acting slin in july so I will be able to report my actual experience as opposed to just quoting my mate Max lol

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    This is what we all thought because we read it and it seems to make logical sense, what Maxititer says is that because the effect of humalog is SO quick it does not have time to spread throughout the body but instead tends to cause the vast majority of blood sugar to to pushed into the liver rather than skeletal muscle.

    I'll be running my cycle with long acting slin in july so I will be able to report my actual experience as opposed to just quoting my mate Max lol
    I can't wait..... you gotta keep us informed LOL

    I would imagine you've got to be eating extremilly clean all day long on it.....

    When will you be injecting it?


  35. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I can't wait..... you gotta keep us informed LOL

    I would imagine you've got to be eating extremilly clean all day long on it.....

    When will you be injecting it?

    Yeah I'll post up in here about it, I'm not one for keeping a log to be honest so this thread will be ideal.

    Apparently the "If you consume any fat while insulin is active it will be immediately stored as fat" rule is another bit of bro-science and is nowhere NEAR as crucial as people parrot on the boards - I will be eating clean regardless though!

    I will be injecting it all with breakfast.

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    How long did you leave between that cycle and the one before it?
    I think you got it?! 2 months only?!

  37. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig View Post
    I think you got it?! 2 months only?!
    Depending on PCT and your HPTA recovery etc, but yes I could of been.
    I know you say you get your bloods done after a cycle but do you get them done before? I think that is crucial if you are to know if you are fully recovered befroe your next cycle.
    Last edited by Xtralarg; 06-18-2010 at 09:14 AM.

    jing jai

  38. #78
    Bump for more input........

    jing jai

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I'm currently cruising on prop and 10iu riptropin ed - 5iu at bedtime and 5iu on waking before am cardio.

    I have been on the 10iu GH ed now for nearly 6 months and cycled during that time with great results.

    I am planning a 4 week blast in a few weeks, something like this:

    140mg prop ed
    100mg tren ace ed
    200mg winstrol ed (oral)
    20/30iu lantus insulin with breakfast
    2mg PEG MGF PWO mon,wed,fri split bilaterally in bodyparts worked

    I will at least continue with 10iu GH ed but am contemplating adding in another 10iu PWO mon,wed & fri.

    I'm interested to know how you gonna split the 2mg of MGF?
    Its in my "to do" list. You the first user I found using above 100mcg?

  40. #80
    Hey guys !!

    I noticed I stopped getting the "numb and tingly" feeling after my shots , anything wrong here ?

    And I'm sure the bloat is starting to fade away a little

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