No Problem bud - like the idea of the thread!
Yeah I'm really looking forward to running it - I get great gains from tren but it does turn me into a bit of a c
unt but I reckon I can fight it for 4 weeks ha!
The 5iu at bedtime is simply following the logic that if thats when our bodies release it then thats probably the time it works best, I like to think its helping me to grow in my sleep etc
Yeah I only train mon, wed & fri - big believer in "less is more" - hardest lesson to learn in BBing IMO!
I don't necessarily need to add the extra GH PWO but I feel that as I've been on 10iu ed for nearly 6 months I would like to up it for the 4 week blast just to absolutely super-saturate every muscle building mechanism - if that makes sense?
I haven't run the lantus yet but Maxtiter argues the case for it as opposed to fast acting slin very convincingly and whilst the science is a bit beyond me it is clear he knows what he is talking about - a few of the boys over there have tried it, some loved it, some didn't so I figure I'd better give it a go!