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Thread: should obama be impeached for this

  1. #41
    Big's Avatar
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    I'm just checking back in to see if shooting myself or stabbing myself is the right answer, the suspense is killing me.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    None here. If it all came around again i would still vote for him. Who wants grandpa McCain in there.

    I would have voted for Hilary but she didnt make it.
    I didnt vote (for the first time) because there was no one to vote for.... that was the problem, who else was there to vote for?

    He wont be impeached over this and if they can they will twist it to make him a hero in the end...

    I hope people will see it for what it is, a failure to make the hard decisions and take action.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    My responses are in bold. For the record, I am a Republican with a Libertarian ideology. There is a lot of misinformation in this thread. Some people in this thread (not pointing fingers at you Skyler, this is in general) need to read a few more books before they start making off the wall uninformed comments about complex political and economic issues which they clearly have not studied in any depth, and appear to just be reciting talking points from Anderson Cooper and Bill Maher.

    Just a for instance. Lack of regulation is not what caused the housing crisis and the economy to collapse. Government interference into the free market, and more importantly, artificial manipulation of the interest rates by the Federal Reserve, is what caused the housing crisis and the economic downturn. The Federal Reserve's practice of supplying easy credit, encouraged lenders to make dangerous loans and to lend beyond what the market could 'actually' handle. When market rates are artificially manipulated, it is not a true representation of what the market can actually handle, therefore a market correction must occur, and we experience this in the form of a recession/depression. The recession is actually a good thing, if we sit back and allow it to happen, because it means that toxic assets are being purged, and that lenders will suffer the consequences of poor business practices. We stifle this process by bailing out lenders/banks who have engaged in poor practices, essentially rewarding them for their bad lending practices, and sending the message to other lenders that there is no risk in also participating in those bad practices, because government will be there to bail you out when you screw up. This is somewhat of a simplification, but I am giving the abridged version for times sake.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Ladies and Gentleman, you have all just been pwned by the best.
    now ur talkin

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What you fail to recognize, or maybe you're in denial, is that MANY Democrats in the House voted AGAINST his health care reform, because they know it was a bad bill.

    I guess it's subjective, but do you really consider 13% to be 'many'?

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    I guess it's subjective, but do you really consider 13% to be 'many'?
    In the Senate 13% is more than enough to keep a bill from passing.

  7. #47
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    I will admit I am not really into the "political" scene. Honestly, I try to avoid looking into it too much at all, because it always ends up pissing me off. I did not say the things i did in my first post based on what I knew to be absolute fact, I based them on things that i have just so happened to specifically hear about, read about, etc.
    Just as an example, I heard on the radio, on the news, and even read something on line that all said that the republicans were basically acting like a road block and were standing in the way of anything Obama tried to do. Again, i never gave it enough thought to ever "study" up on it, and do all my homework, but when I suddenly hear the same information being given to me repeatedly, I just assume that it is probably good information for the most part (in the end, EVERYONE will argue EVERYTHING if they don't agree with it, so someone arguing against it usually doesn't mean its wrong).
    I guess i am not the best one to be making this arguement. I was throwing out information that I have been made aware of over a course of time, through several sources. It looks like there are some true political buffs in here though (good thing) and whether I was right or wrong, I just do not have enough ammo to really fire back. I do like this post though. Politics piss me off when I hear about them in the news, because ofcourse EVERYONE is good, EVERYONE is right, EVERYONE is evil, etc.
    But I really enjoy political discussion when it happen in this sort of enviroment, where people are getting down to whats going on rather than whats being said.

    Just as a side note, I do believe McCain's age and health are important factors to consider. Like i said, I have nothing against McCain, I do not think he is bad. I appsolutely dislike Palin though. Despite what good arguements i am sure some could come up with for her, I have just heard her talk too much, seen her screw up too easily, and flat out appear to be a bit confused about nearly everything.
    If McCain would have come in and done a good job, then cool, but I think there is a very good chance Palin would have ended up in the big boy chair, and that is something i could never support. McCains ability to govern a country is in fact directly related to if he has a pulse or not.

    Hope I didn't offend anyone. Just by opinions.

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