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Thread: DEA came to house today!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I'm actually not an ex-con...because I kept my mouth shut, on the advice of my father. Had I just "told the truth", as you recommended, I would have spent many years in prison, and would indeed be an ex-con at this point.

    You never tell any law enforcement agents anything. They are asking questions because they don't know, and are looking for you to give them actionable evidence.

    Telling the truth is the last thing you do when in trouble with the police. You don't lie, you just don't say anything. You are under no obligation to do so. It is their job to gather the evidence and present it to be used in your prosecution. Why make it easier for them?

    This is the right thing to do!! DO not ever tell the cops anything when you have commited a crime, they will only laugh at you while they are booking you for said crime!!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    This is the right thing to do!! DO not ever tell the cops anything when you have commited a crime, they will only laugh at you while they are booking you for said crime!!
    My advice is to say this "a good friend of mine is a Lawyer and unfortunately i was advised to not speak to the cops when questioned until he clears it"

    That should take care of any questions the cops may have. If they have enough evidence, they will arrest you...if not...they won't.

    Remember, Cops are NOT there to help you..they are only there to get you in trouble. Don't get nervous...and KEEP YOUR MOUTH should be fine.
    Last edited by tcw; 07-16-2010 at 07:02 PM.

  3. #43
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    My advice is to say this "a good friend of mine is a Lawyer and unfortunately i was advised to not speak to the cops when questioned until he clears it"

    That should take care of any questions the cops may have. If they have enough evidence, they will arrest you...if not...they won't.

    Remember, Cops are NOT there to help you..they are only there to get you in trouble. Don't get nervous...and KEEP YOUR MOUTH should be fine.
    Exactly. Be polite, make small talk, whataver whatever, just work them. When your asked anything of importance or potentially incriminating, that's when you pull the lawyer card. Nothing wrong with that, it's your right as a citizen.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    If they just want to check something out and talk..... give them what they want and they won't arrest you..... sit there quiet and act guilty.... you get hauled in and your life gets all ****ed up.
    If cops approch me (and they have) not to investigate some crime that happened in my neighborhood and they are checking to see if I have any info- but are approching me as part of a potential investigation of ME I do not 'answer all their questions'. 1st of all I want to know what my legal status is: is it A. I am under arrest, is it B. I am being detained or is it C. I am free to walk away. If it is C and I am not interested in conversting with this police officer, for any reason, including any reason I might not be interested in conversting with you or any other stranger that approches me in public and starts asking questions I walk away.

    If it is A or B I tell them "I am not interested in anwering any questions from any law enforcement officers, any members or representitives of the government, or any government employees. I am also interested in leaving as soon as I am legally allowed to do so."

    I use this angle so they don't peg me as a 'criminal' 'lawyering up' they peg me as a constitutional nut or something like that.

    In fact I was questioned a couple weeks ago and did exactly that. The rookie cop was befuttled when he kept asking me questions and I selectively choose to anwser a few, remained silent after he asked me a few, and to one question I responeded "that conversation does not interest me". After that he remained silent, stood back, and let the more experienced officer take over.

    When the experienced officer asked if i minded if he searched me I stated clearly that I did not mind if he did a TERRY PAT (which he could legally do anyway) (i.e. pat down the outside of my clothing to feel for something that feels like a weapon), I was not going to willingly empty my pockets or anything like that).

    One question the rookie asked me, which I answered, was about if I had ever been arrested before or something of that nature. Well I had, like 20 years ago for alcohol related offenses (minor in possession of alcohol, public intoxication, and made it clear I was arrested 20 years ago for this). He responded by saying "then it's fair to say you have had contact with the police before" LMAO I responded by saying "Yes" That was before I threw him for a loop by responding "that conversation doesnt' interest me" to another quesiton when he shut up and stopped asking questions.

    After the terry pat the officer talked to me for a minute and then said "your free to go, have a nice day" I responded by saying "thank you officers, you have a nice day as well".

    Screw answering questions if you are the target of any kind of possible investigation. They are trained to get info out of you to further their investigation, give them resonalble suspicion, probable cause.... that is their mission if they are investiating you. I don't let private citizens investigate me and I am sure not going to let cops investigate me if I am free to walk away. If I am not free to walk away I operate under the assumption that I am under arrest and anything I say can and will be used against me to further their investigation, nothing I say will be used to help me, they are not there because they are my friends, they are there as adversaries.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    rhode island USA
    u must have just ordered too much and they thought they were gonna walk in on a meth cook. Ur all set. when they call just tell them u use it for weight loss or whatever and will not do it again.

  6. #46
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    Aug 2004
    Thanks for the input guys and I think having a lawyer on "stand-by" and being ready for a 2nd visit are good ideas. Here is some information I got from various law enforcement (LE) buddies:

    1. The DEA was probably either on the way to, or coming back from, a more substantial operation. That would explain why there were 5 of them.

    2. They have to follow up what they call "thin line" leads" meaning that something out of the ordinary happened that is worth them following up, but they don't think it is a substantial lead.

    3. My behavior would fit this situation-ordering over the internet, then buying two more times over the counter. One of my LE buddies said "that is not the normal behavior of John Q Public".

    4. So once they saw that everything was OK, they left.

    5. The thing that still has me concerned is that they know I ordered stuff over the internet-I have ordered gear that way before, too. If they know about the ephedrine, seems like they would know about the gear. I always order small quantities, since my dosages are low. But still concerned.

    Thanks again.

  7. #47
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    East coast

    my 2 cents

    I hope you don't mind im new to the board but thought i could give some helpful advice. If i where you i would first think about what some else said already and try and remember if you have pissed some one off as they are the ones who prob.. sniched you out.

    2) If it was DEA that showed up at your house i would not take the gear some where else like to a buddys house,..... (this next part it from my own ex..) The cops when they suspect some one of illiegal acts but do not have enough evidence they will play the stur up game.. meaning they will wait till they know your not home go and talk to your wife ,girlfriend get her upset and worried and get you to panic wait for you to leave and do what they call a random pull over where they search your car and persom and then they not only got you one charge but noe they got 2 charges transportation of a controlled substance and intent.... flush it and get rid of the evidence!

  8. #48
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    Ya, at least you know their watching you so you can take precautions to protect yourself. If they were serious about you it seems they would have a warrant and have searched your home before warning you. Thats just how it looks to me but im no expert.

  9. #49
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    i have experience with this and im gonna tell ya.. theres a BIG difference between the local police departement and the feds. if the feds want you, theyll get you.. if they have proof that you ordered "illegal" stuff off the net then they allready have enough to get a conviction if they want to.. but chances are theyre not too concerned with you.. who knows, they could be "investigating" you to get a "bigger fish" [possibly sources], who knows... also, everyone saying to not let em in without a warrant [lol], this isnt Andy griffith and barney pfife, these are the feds and they will have their case built against you and wont need to take 1 step into your house to arrest you.. it often takes feds years to build a case against someone which is why they have over a 90% conviction rate... to the o.p, i wouldnt be rushing your gear off to someone elses house cuz if they allready have proof you purchased it, then they dont need the physical evidence. its called conspiracy and believe me, it will get you just as much time as actual evidence.. just speaking from my experience so take this however you want..

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolai14 View Post
    i have experience with this and im gonna tell ya.. theres a BIG difference between the local police departement and the feds. if the feds want you, theyll get you.. if they have proof that you ordered "illegal" stuff off the net then they allready have enough to get a conviction if they want to.. but chances are theyre not too concerned with you.. who knows, they could be "investigating" you to get a "bigger fish" [possibly sources], who knows... also, everyone saying to not let em in without a warrant [lol], this isnt Andy griffith and barney pfife, these are the feds and they will have their case built against you and wont need to take 1 step into your house to arrest you.. it often takes feds years to build a case against someone which is why they have over a 90% conviction rate... to the o.p, i wouldnt be rushing your gear off to someone elses house cuz if they allready have proof you purchased it, then they dont need the physical evidence. its called conspiracy and believe me, it will get you just as much time as actual evidence.. just speaking from my experience so take this however you want..
    Don't you get to confront your accuser in a court of law? If they have no product as evidence, who is going to testify against you, the DEA agent? He has a piece of paper saying you bought something from someone. Doesn't that someone also have to testify you bought it?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolai14 View Post
    i have experience with this and im gonna tell ya.. theres a BIG difference between the local police departement and the feds. if the feds want you, theyll get you.. if they have proof that you ordered "illegal" stuff off the net then they allready have enough to get a conviction if they want to.. but chances are theyre not too concerned with you.. who knows, they could be "investigating" you to get a "bigger fish" [possibly sources], who knows... also, everyone saying to not let em in without a warrant [lol], this isnt Andy griffith and barney pfife, these are the feds and they will have their case built against you and wont need to take 1 step into your house to arrest you.. it often takes feds years to build a case against someone which is why they have over a 90% conviction rate... to the o.p, i wouldnt be rushing your gear off to someone elses house cuz if they allready have proof you purchased it, then they dont need the physical evidence. its called conspiracy and believe me, it will get you just as much time as actual evidence.. just speaking from my experience so take this however you want..

    This isnt true. They would have a much better case against you if they had physical evidence. Do not let them in your home unless they have a warrant!! If they ask to come in and dont have a warrant its because they dont have enough evidence against you.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    This isnt true. They would have a much better case against you if they had physical evidence. Do not let them in your home unless they have a warrant!! If they ask to come in and dont have a warrant its because they dont have enough evidence against you.
    This is also true.

    This is why the DEA does controlled buys (and maybe sometimes controlled deliveries). They need physical evidence.

    If someone comes forward as an eye witness stating I shot so and so in the head and they are deposed stating such in a court of law, if there is no other physical evidence tying me to the crime, no other witnesses, and the person who told the FBI/whoever I did it and also did so under deposition...... but when it comes time for my trial this 'eye witness' is nowhere to be found..... they have no case. I have a right to confront my accuser in a court of law.

    Why do you think organized crime whacks wittnesses, even after they have snitched to the cops?

    Why would the DEA bother with controlled buys if they could simply submit some order slip and get a conviction? I can order something in my neighbors name, have it shipped to my neighbors house, and then when the postman leaves it there go pick it up (after doing counter survailance to make sure there is no LEO watching). So they have an open and shut case against my neighbor? Not so.

    If the dea wants you, they will do a controlled buy on you or put you under survailance for a fairly long period of time to gather info on you. They need evidence. If they have a film of me passing 500K in cash to a known drug lord, and they also have a film of some guys loading a truck full of duffel bags driven by a guy who drove me there, and a film of me and my driver driving away, do they have a case against me for possessoin of narcotics with intent to distribute if they don't get the duffel bags with drugs in them?

    If they charge me with tax evasion and I file a tax return that same year indicating I got a gift from a very rich person for 500K and pay the appropriate tax, do they have a charge of tax evasion against me?

    What do they actually have on me except info that indicates I may be involved in money laundering and/or narcotics trade without witnesses to testify?

    Can the dea who filmed the tape testify in court as to what "he thinks" happend. It certainly might look suspicious but they have to PROVE, beyond a resonsable doubt, what crime I committed. Did I know the person was a drug kingpin? How do they prove that?

    I don't have to say squat in court. My lawyer can raise reasonable doubt. They need to PROVE their case. No wittnesses to testify, me thinks me walks in these scenarios. (albeit I am not an expert in tax evasion, but me too no sumthin bout how coppers and da law works). 1st rule in crime school: When talking to the cops: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 07-17-2010 at 07:05 PM.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I just want to add: If they visited you, they will be watching you for a few days. Moving gear out of your house is STUPID. Keep it in there, its safe. As soon as you walk out the door with it, get your in your car, they got you. This is a common mistake, and something they are trying to PROVOKE.

    Ever see those signs on the interstate: "Drug dogs in use". Well its a bluff. THey are seeing who makes an illegal u-turn then they have cause and it goes from there.

    If you really don't want to have it, destroy it with fire.

  14. #54
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    A to the Z
    on a side note: i've heard of robbers coming by and scouting around for stuff to steal pretending to be cops.. it happens.. maybe, just maybe they were just checking your house out for that very reason...

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tell us the truth, you are a drug dealer dont you? You should be ashamed of yourself man

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    From what I have heard from other lifters is that there are two types of ephedra/ephedrine and one cannot be made into meth. Ephedrine has never been banned, but ephedra has. ( So if you bought ephedrine you should be golden. (but this is just speculation)

    Also, you may want to try to buy stacks in the future ("black ace" "black mamba"...etc) that have other ingredients so it would be clear that you were buying them for athletic/thermogenic/energy reasons rather than the pure precursor to meth.

    As everyone else said, don't talk to or open the door to any DEA agents without a warrant.(sorry to repeat what others have said)

    As long as your order did not indicate that you planned to take more than 24mg of ephedrine a day you should be golden.(

    I highly doubt that you will run into any trouble. I would definitely not admit to having "gear" even on the internet incase they supeona your computer.

    I hope a little bit of what I have said helps. I wish you the very best.
    good luck
    Last edited by yowhatupU; 07-18-2010 at 04:27 AM.

  17. #57
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    Feb 2010
    It may depend on the state you live in also, you maybe able to remove the "Illinois" from this first site and subsitute your own

    Please Note: Federal and State regulations restrict the sale and purchase of products containing ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine. Federal restrictions include:

    daily purchase limits (no more than 3.6 grams); 30-day mail-order purchase limits (no more than 7.5 grams); identification of the purchaser; and logging and reporting transactions to Federal and State authorities

    Here is a long read

    They may have been there to see if they could smell a meth lab, if so I think that gives them "probable cause"

    Just never tell the law enforcement anything
    Last edited by brokendown; 07-18-2010 at 05:03 AM.

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    Far Far Away
    How do you know they didn't have a warrant? You didn't ask for one.
    It's a test. Your wife letting them in without asking for one took them off guard, for 5 dea to show up, they had a warrant, I'm sure.

    Also, if your cooking, your house will smell like a chemical factory! They'll know it.

    Someone may have snitched on you, maybe believing you're upto no good, or most likely, they've tracked your pharmacy purchase, and you've popped up on the radar again online.

    Just because there was a purchase online, it doesn't mean they can prove you were the one at the keyboard.

    Just act normal. Certainly don't take your stuff to a friend..I mean what if he got searched one day, do you think he'll say the gear is his? find somewhere safe outside the house where only you know where it is. If it's found outside... it doesn't mean it's yours does it? And don't tell your wife where it is...if she knew where it is, they'll get the whereabouts out of her for sure.

    Good luck

  19. #59
    Here's another thought..... they know someone who knows you and were casing your house. a lot of home invasions are cased like that before hand, pretending to fix cable, being a delivery guy etc.... just a thought. but your wife needs to be more aware of who she opens your door for and why.

  20. #60
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    I bet you have bugs in your house too! Has the air conditioner guy been over recently?

    Seriously I agree with what most are saying. If the DEA has a case against you, you may receive a letter one day saying you're under investigation for conspiracy etc.... those letters suck trust me.

  21. #61
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    Dirty South, GA Coast
    here's my advice...stop buying components of meth unless you like the dea comming to your house....

  22. #62
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    anyone who thinks the feds need physical evidence to get a conviction is wrong.. when they do controlled buys or controlled deliveries its because they dont have enough evidence to get a conviction, but if they have computer records or phone conversations then they have enough.. i was indicted and arrested by the feds when i was 18 (30 now)..when they came to my house they said "your under arrest for conspiracy to posess with intent to distribute such and such..they didnt look for one thing in my house. nobody needs to testify against you, you will hear this when you go to court... "the case of the united states of america vs so and so" .. they had 3 phone conversations of me and to make a long story short, 3 years later i walked out of federal prison with 4 more years of probation attached to it

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolai14 View Post
    anyone who thinks the feds need physical evidence to get a conviction is wrong.. when they do controlled buys or controlled deliveries its because they dont have enough evidence to get a conviction, but if they have computer records or phone conversations then they have enough.. i was indicted and arrested by the feds when i was 18 (30 now)..when they came to my house they said "your under arrest for conspiracy to posess with intent to distribute such and such..they didnt look for one thing in my house. nobody needs to testify against you, you will hear this when you go to court... "the case of the united states of america vs so and so" .. they had 3 phone conversations of me and to make a long story short, 3 years later i walked out of federal prison with 4 more years of probation attached to it
    If you were operating big enough to get a conspiracy beef against you why didn't you know not to have incriminating records? Talking on the phone? Leaving incriminating records?

    You broke rule #4 of committing the perfect crime (as well as #1, which is pretty impossible not to break if your involved in the drug trade)

    1. Do it alone
    2. Tell no one
    3. Be seen by no one
    4. Leave no tracks

    Maybe I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who used to import fairly large (extremely large by anyone here's standards) of an illegal substance. 1st of all you have like a 3 year stretch and you better quit because you will eventually get busted. 2nd, don't do stupid things to leave tracks/evidence. Greedy people and people who are not paranoid up to being close to being diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder are much more likely to be caught than those who set a limit and stick to it, and always operate on the assumption that you can trust no one, become an expert in counter surveillance, deal with as few people as possible, preferably people with money who can afford good lawyers, and never stick to a routine. Saying incriminating stuff on the phone is very bad. Nowadays use TOR, PGP, and pidgin for internet communications if you are rising to the level of someone the cops would want to bust.

    You 'confessed' on the phone. It's not an open and shut case but that is a bad mistake if your doing stuff on a high enough level to warrant phone taps.

    You likely could not afford a voice analysis expert and a few very high priced lawyers to defend you, not to mention having an expert lawyer who specializes in defending those charged with controlled substance violations on retainer if your going to engage in that type of activity. Sorry to hear of your misfortune, but that was an amateur mistake.

    There is a way to communicate verbally to people without incriminating yourself.

    Who snitched on ya? 18 isn't old enough to be in the big leagues. You need to learn from pro's if you want to be a pro.

    p.s. To the guy who said it might have been people posing as cops to rip him off. I doubt it. But I have heard from someone who told someone who told someone else they knew a crew that used to rip off drug dealers wearing legitimate police uniforms, jackets, everything. They also took a lot of extra steps to make sure the police in the area were preoccupied in a different part of town at the time they were doing this, or so the story goes.....

    That's also how the Stuart Gardner Museum was robbed...2 guys dressed as cops.... and they never caught the guys who did it. I bet they didn't talk on the phone or send emails about their plans to each other.

    I was wrong when I said it was impossible to get convicted without a witness or physical evidence, but that doesn't mean if your doing something worthy of attention you just wing it...

    There are sooo many things that go into avoiding police if you are serious about being careful, it is not good to learn from your own mistakes.

    Did you cop a plea or take it to a jury?
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 07-18-2010 at 06:07 PM.

  24. #64
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    Feb 2010
    this starbucks guy has no clue what he's talking about.

    don't say shit to anyone that comes to your door. don't let anyone in the house and never answer any questions. you don't have to "lawyer up." Just understand the law. Know that there is a 0% chance of them getting a warrant for your house and the only way you can get in trouble is if you "tell the truth" and are "honest."

    obviously it is Bertuzzi who watches too many movies. the only way they get anywhere is if the perp talks to them.

  25. #65
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    hey buddy,leave the ephederine pills alone,its not worth it,they got your info from you dr. shopping your meds from diff pharmacies, the feds recieve info on meds like that on each purchase,its not worth it. they will watch you for months on that one.leave it alone ,do your gear ,live life to be out tomorrow,they wont bother you again but will wait till your next purchase.

  26. #66
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    1 more comment ,just bcause the didnt stop by yet doesnt mean they wont stop later this week, and i read 90 pills was ordered and some1 said that isnt enough for nothing .trust me it is ,thats not herb. be safe leave it alone.

  27. #67
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    I would bet that what went down is exactly what the DEA said it was. Somehow you hit their radar and they dropped by to do a routine investigation. Your wife let them in. If they were really searching for evidence and had a warrant they would have rifled through anything that was large enough to contain what it was on the warrant that was specified they were looking for.

    If they had a warrant for meth they just don't stroll through your house for 4 min and say thanks, bye. They go through all your stuff where meth could be kept. If they had a warrant for roids they would have done the same.

    Maybe your state, a high ranking politician in your state, or something of that nature, has put meth cooking on a high profile status or something.

    They def did NOT have a warrant (what were they looking for a stolen elephant? so by just eyeballing every room they knew you were not in possession of one? lol)

    And if it was a serious investigation (i.e. your a meth distributor/manufacturer) it seems unlikely they would 'drop by', it seems much more likely they would put you under surveillance. Why tip you off without a warrant? That's just dumb if they want to bust you.

    The situation seems very odd to me. It really doesn't make sense why FIVE DEA agents without a warrant would drop by your house and chat with your wife for a few min and poke their heads in each room and then leave.

    I had 2 cops stop by my house on one occasion without a warrant to conduct an investigation. I talked with them outside the house. Then they left. They had the wrong house. If I had let them in the 'plain view' rule would have nailed me to the wall.

    Cops are not your friends. Talking to them really never helps. Here is a video to prove it. This is the best video I have ever seen on the details of this topic: WATCH THIS!

  28. #68
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    There have been a few occasions where I have known a regular police detective to 'drop by' a known/suspected controlled substance dealers place to have a chat with them. Their motive: They want to let the person know that they know they are dealing so they will stop. Maybe they were lazy and didn't want to build a case. Maybe they didn't want 'drug dealer bust in so and so town' in the paper or on the news, I am not sure. But I do know of a few instances like this.

    I think it is far less likely the dea would do this though.

    I have been interrogated, beaten in handcuffs into unconsciousness (after shouting "Thank you Sir! May I have another!) A friend of mine had an off duty cop attempt to murder him because he could not catch him doing what he was doing and took it personal. He pulled a gun, they fought. No gunshot. He pulled a knife and my friend makes scarface look like he had a boo boo. He sued the state and won. The cop didn't even get fired. I didn't really want to sue, I more used it as bragging rights. Cops didn't like me then. Now I prefer to fly under the radar but will always exercise my rights regardless of what circumstances I am in if I come into contact with the police (albeit I do have experience so selectively choose to make certain statements, remarks at times).

    Five dea agents?? wtf?
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 07-18-2010 at 08:23 PM.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    If you were operating big enough to get a conspiracy beef against you why didn't you know not to have incriminating records? Talking on the phone? Leaving incriminating records?

    You broke rule #4 of committing the perfect crime (as well as #1, which is pretty impossible not to break if your involved in the drug trade)

    1. Do it alone
    2. Tell no one
    3. Be seen by no one
    4. Leave no tracks

    Maybe I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who used to import fairly large (extremely large by anyone here's standards) of an illegal substance. 1st of all you have like a 3 year stretch and you better quit because you will eventually get busted. 2nd, don't do stupid things to leave tracks/evidence. Greedy people and people who are not paranoid up to being close to being diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder are much more likely to be caught than those who set a limit and stick to it, and always operate on the assumption that you can trust no one, become an expert in counter surveillance, deal with as few people as possible, preferably people with money who can afford good lawyers, and never stick to a routine. Saying incriminating stuff on the phone is very bad. Nowadays use TOR, PGP, and pidgin for internet communications if you are rising to the level of someone the cops would want to bust.

    You 'confessed' on the phone. It's not an open and shut case but that is a bad mistake if your doing stuff on a high enough level to warrant phone taps.

    You likely could not afford a voice analysis expert and a few very high priced lawyers to defend you, not to mention having an expert lawyer who specializes in defending those charged with controlled substance violations on retainer if your going to engage in that type of activity. Sorry to hear of your misfortune, but that was an amateur mistake.

    There is a way to communicate verbally to people without incriminating yourself.

    Who snitched on ya? 18 isn't old enough to be in the big leagues. You need to learn from pro's if you want to be a pro.

    p.s. To the guy who said it might have been people posing as cops to rip him off. I doubt it. But I have heard from someone who told someone who told someone else they knew a crew that used to rip off drug dealers wearing legitimate police uniforms, jackets, everything. They also took a lot of extra steps to make sure the police in the area were preoccupied in a different part of town at the time they were doing this, or so the story goes.....

    That's also how the Stuart Gardner Museum was robbed...2 guys dressed as cops.... and they never caught the guys who did it. I bet they didn't talk on the phone or send emails about their plans to each other.

    I was wrong when I said it was impossible to get convicted without a witness or physical evidence, but that doesn't mean if your doing something worthy of attention you just wing it...

    There are sooo many things that go into avoiding police if you are serious about being careful, it is not good to learn from your own mistakes.

    Did you cop a plea or take it to a jury?
    agreed.. not proud of my actions or mistakes.. but like i said i was 18, might not have been in what you would consider the "big leagues" but wasnt exactly small time for 18.. hell i had more money then than i do now at 30 lol.. in my case it happened to be an 18 month investigation that brought down a bunch of people.. i was facing around 5 years and plead to get 30 to 36 months in which i did the full 36.. you seem to have a decent grasp of the law so with rookie mistakes such as recorded phone calls, im sure you can understand why i wasnt about to take it to trial...o.p, you probably are fine but seriously dont buy anything illegal online for awhile cuz ya never know

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    F.C.I. babyyy.!!!!

  31. #71
    Were you buying pure ephedrine? If u were then that is probably why they came to your house. Plus u also live in Cali and that shit is everywhere. I wouldn't even worry about it. If anything they were probably watching your house and saw nothing and that's why they knocked on your door to see your surroundings inside to see if u look like u guys are messing around with meth. i would just brush it off if it was me and 90pill of pure ephedrine u can still make some coin out of

  32. #72
    I would like to add to this cause I just got into a situation myself thats kinda hairy. I wil be honest and say that I am in the biz side of things and I had a friend that was interested in Xanax. I dont deal in that because thats a drug I dont consider gear to be a drug I consider it to be plastic surgery for men basically. Anyway this guy is military nice guy I met him in Thailand and I gave the cash he gave me to a guy in Pakistan that I did a few jobs with and the guy in pak shipped a week late and now this soilder is going nuts on me hes telling me that hes going to report me to the DEA here in Thailand. He says that when I go back home to visit hes going to make it so that I am bared from my own country so I will get stopped at imigrations. Hes not high up on the military scale he actually just resigned to join the national guard but do you think he really has the power to do all this stuff to me? Really I am kinda hurt because I did consider him a friend I am offering to refund him his money but he must wait for awhile for me to do that but he just keeps saying today by 5:00 and its 4:33 so theirs no way in hell I can get him that money its Thursday my time and I told him I can pay him back Friday night his time and hes still acting crazy. So how screwed am I? Do you think he really has this kinda power or is just takin me for a ride?

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Clarkkent575
    I would like to add to this cause I just got into a situation myself thats kinda hairy. I wil be honest and say that I am in the biz side of things and I had a friend that was interested in Xanax. I dont deal in that because thats a drug I dont consider gear to be a drug I consider it to be plastic surgery for men basically. Anyway this guy is military nice guy I met him in Thailand and I gave the cash he gave me to a guy in Pakistan that I did a few jobs with and the guy in pak shipped a week late and now this soilder is going nuts on me hes telling me that hes going to report me to the DEA here in Thailand. He says that when I go back home to visit hes going to make it so that I am bared from my own country so I will get stopped at imigrations. Hes not high up on the military scale he actually just resigned to join the national guard but do you think he really has the power to do all this stuff to me? Really I am kinda hurt because I did consider him a friend I am offering to refund him his money but he must wait for awhile for me to do that but he just keeps saying today by 5:00 and its 4:33 so theirs no way in hell I can get him that money its Thursday my time and I told him I can pay him back Friday night his time and hes still acting crazy. So how screwed am I? Do you think he really has this kinda power or is just takin me for a ride?
    You bumped a 2 yer old thread buddy
    I'm sure his problem is over now

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I just read the entire thread suspensefully, hoping to find out the outcome. Never noticed it was over 2 years old.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiac85
    I just read the entire thread suspensefully, hoping to find out the outcome. Never noticed it was over 2 years old.
    Ha ha same here was a good thread

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