what do you all prefer; full body routine or split??
what do you all prefer; full body routine or split??
Splits are for girls who cant squat deadlift press and clean without winging about intensity and pro body builders...
So i vote full body compound.. Should of made a poll.
Yeah bro, I base my lifts of compounds like squat, deadlift, powercleans, etc. I love those lifts... but Im just curious bcause its possible to incorporate all those lifts in a split routine also like doing deadlift and powerclean on back day, squats on leg day, and presses on chest or shoulder day...
I have done 2, 3, 4 and 5 days splits, with my fav been the 2 day split with less volume....but I burn out after 4-5 weeks of it.
A lot of BBs use volume that would not allow a full body.
Yes but then you are wasting time with 50 extra exercises to stimlate muscle you have already stimulated... Time could be better of spent in a sauna or stretching working on mobility...
We can add 1000billion exercises to a program but people burn out and cant keep it up unless you are a russian/chinese olympic lifter.. But they spend very little time under tension. It is a few big lifts a few times a day not constant 2kg 50 repetition bicep curls and forearm curls...
Like i tell everyone you need a base there is no point in a novice doing any sort of split routine for a long time...
Split but stick to compound lifts.
I powerlift so I have a 4 day split but it's more like an alternating 2 day split, I have always done splits and i will continue that way
I don't think we are reading the question the same way.
maybe I misunderstood the thread title, but I thought the question was whether to do full body workouts, where you work the entire body in one day every time you work out, or whether to split up muscle groups. if I'm reading it correctly, splits for sure.
I am on the same train of thought as big... Splits for sure. COmpound movements have their place in splits. In fact, they fit perfectly.
Not if your a begginer...
What begginer who cant bench 50kg needs a forearm day? Its madness..
Begginers need full body 3 times a WEEK... Compound exercises. Split routine usually lead to "cable cross overs" thats all well and good if your advanced but begginers need basics heavy compound lifts to build a base...
Last edited by n00bs; 07-23-2010 at 04:45 AM. Reason: fixed typo
Where did he say for beginners? He asked what we prefer and you said splits are for girls, so I guess I'm a girl because I don't do full body workouts every time I hit the gym. I have leg days, chest/tri days, etc.
are you advising beginners to do full body workouts two times per day? if so you are retarded. Beginners should focus on COMPOUND MOVEMENTS, not full body workouts. why you would want to give a beginner that much muscle to repair on a daily basis is beyond me. further beginners need less sets and more reps. Beginners need balance training etc. neuromuscular control. NOT FULL BODY WORKOUTS. Splits are the way to go for size. endurance and other reasons can use full body (ex. obesity or people with hypertension etc.).
Split.. lol
Geez Big, you are such a girl. Do you keep your tampons next to your protein shakes? LOL!
Come on now, splits are for girls? Beginners need full body 3 times a week?
Glad I stumbled on this thread - I just started reading, literally today, Huge In A Hurry by Dan Waterbury. I haven't gotten very far into it yet obviously, but I did see that his routine calls for full body workouts using big compound movements. However, the book seems to be written for people with some experience as I believe alot of it would go right over a beginners head. Interesting thread to watch...
Who said anything aobut 2 times a day? And is that based on your expertise of training?
I said if you are a begginer splits are bad if you are on your way or a pro body builder...
check out this website... www.ptcfrankston.com 18yo kid heading to the world powerlifting titles, guess how he trained as a begginer and guess how they train begginers? 3 times full body a week! WOW! The kid is raw natural and young holds titles in australia currently... The gym also has alot of other lifters breaking alot of records.
We get all begginers with splits coming to my other local forum, we change up their routine and guess what they cant beleive their progress.. So ill let results speak...
Full body workouts 3 times a week and now a 200kg deadlift is such an easy thing to get past its a bit of a joke really...
Splits are the way to go for size? You gain size by eating, i all exercise is catabolic your body only becomes anabolic once you eat..
Exercise is a stimulis you can do all the exercise in the world and no grow..
Squat deadlift press and row and a curl.. Theres a ful body workout and you are telling me people should not do do this full body but in stead do compound exercises?
I dont know what your talking about perhaps you can make it clearer for me..
I have said it on here before heavy compound lifts change metabolic function and hormone profiles.. I solation and single exercises do not.. It just fact.
Compound lifts = higher testosterone and higher GH output especially from negatives and heavy deadlfits squats.
Some newbie doing a peck deck is a ****ing waste of everybodies time..
Last edited by n00bs; 07-23-2010 at 12:33 AM.
Yea maybe for powerlifting and strength where its all about compound lifts, you can also have 30%+ BF for that and do a cycle.... Where talking about bodybuilding here, That site is all about strength training not bodybuilding I think you got your wires crossed somewhere, deadlifting 300kg+ in this sport is about as usefull as a kick in the nuts while lifting. If you wanna look like them small guys in the video you keep training that way.. Also if it works that well why aint you built like a house?
Check the bold... You said it not me.
Nobody says beginners need peck decks. You are creating a fake argument then attacking that (it's called a straw man fallacy). You are ignoring the main subject of splits vs fullbody (not compounds vs isolated).
I put beginners on workouts like this (i'll give one day as an example):
decline bench
flat bench
tricep pressdown
military press
compound movements but STILL a split. We are not talking about squats vs preacher curls
so... split
I meant 3 times a week...
Because i have under range IGf-1 GH and testosteorne so i think im doing bloody ****ing good..
Also Who said this is a bodybuilding forum??
"Anabolic Steroids - Steroid.com / Anabolic Review Forums > Fitness Forum > WORKOUT QUESTIONS "
If you look at most good body builders they came from a power background and still emphasise strength as it builds a different type of muscle... If you cant deadlfit 200kg your going to be a shit ****ing body builder... Last time i checked Columbo was pretty strong
Please feel free to show me weak body builders....
Also last time i checked alot of people here would pray to look liek Mariusz..
But yes the reason i am not massive is because of all my ****ed hormones... I am still 108kg currently though with an array of problems.. I have never used gear. Once my hormones are within normal ranges i will grow to decent sizes, then if i juiced i would massive...
I like the hole "we dont want to be storng excuse" because last time i checked all good bodybuilders where strong...
Last edited by n00bs; 07-23-2010 at 04:44 AM.
No one on that site you posted is massive and I could out lift all of them lifts.. that wasnt the point i was trying to get across though. enjoy, cant be bothered with this anymore..
Again in my opinion and experience, Split is my choice for optimal growth, beginner or whatever level. From a mass gaining point of view that is.
I don't even understand this argument anymore, it's gotten so far away from the original subject. It's turned into a compound vs. isolation debate as Twist pointed out, and that's not what this is about.
For beginners, compound movements is clearly the way to go. I don't think a full body workout vs. a split routine makes that much of a difference so long as the person is doing compound exercises. If a person did a push/pull split all with compound exercises, i'm sure it's very close to or just as effective as a full body workout using the same movements. So, what's the issue?
^^^ ****ed if i know. Some peoplenthink strength isnt importantnin bodybuilding..
I would not advise a beginner to train back, legs, chest, shoulders, and arms all in the same day. that is what the issue is. Use compound movements and train for strength as well as size (you can't train for size without training for strength anyway). However, don't do it all in the same day 3x per week unless you are only doing around three exercises. Noobs said it in post #20, eat for size, train to stimulate growth. It just so happens that you stimulate growth better by "training for size" and that you happen to get stronger at the same time. Build a base with compound movements, when you are a beginner your workouts will be mostly compound movements with some variations such as flat bar curls and such. It makes no sense to only train compound movements and it makes even less sense to do it 3x per week (once again unless you are only doing a couple of exercises).
WTF? This is just retarded... I think both have its role. Me personally going for size... I do individual body parts on a particular day. By doing a basic routine hitting each body part every day... My buddy has good success with trimming down along with cardio(as well as he's recovering from a torn bicep). But personally I will stick with chest one day, back another, shoulders another etc etc etc.... It gives you time to recover. And think about it. Doing chest you still are getting some tricep involved. And back your getting a little bicep involves.. so if split correctly your almost hitting the body part 2x in a week.....
Every day rotuines with all body parts is a little much. You cant go as heavy... If you do. You will burn out a lot faster. You need to let your body heal and repair itself.
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