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Thread: advice on how i should train

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    advice on how i should train

    Hello everybody, bored at work and saw a thread about training. So I thought I would get the experts opinion on how I should train. My goal is to get bigger and stronger, I am naturally very lean and cut, I just want to get a fuller look. I train one muscle group a day as now. Should I change that, I have two rest days per week. I don't really have a set workout, I switch it up sometimes, but still focus on one muscle group a day

    Age 26
    Weight 180
    Height 5 10
    Training exp. 2 to 3 years

    Diet is on check. I am gaining weight I just want advice on proper training techniques to reach my goals

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    typical split that i do is as folows
    monday: back,biceps,shoulders
    wednesday: legs, lower back
    friday: chest, triceps, abs

    I never work out more than 60 minutes.. follow up with 15 minutes on the stairmaster

    Diet is as important if not more important than your time in the gym.. make sure you are consuming at least 270 grams of protien a day (1.5g per lb of weight)

    I strongly recomend that you always take a whey based protien shake right after your work out.. And one in the morning.. #
    also.. take a casien protien shake before bed time..

    be sure to add glutamine to all your shakes.. and be sure to have at least 3 if not 4or5 solid meals a day in addition to those shakes.

    When training, be sure that you do three exercises at 3-4 sets each for major body (i.e. quads, chest, back) parts and 2 exercises at 3-4 sets of minor (i.e. calf, bis or triceps.. ) you need to workout in the 8-12 rep range.. idealy sticking around 10.. if on your last set of your las workout for a specific muscle group you need to go to failure.. if the last set you can go to 12 reps than raise the weight the next workout.. if you can only go to 8 then drop the weight.. repeat this for a couple years and you will be ripped.

    i gained 20lbs of muscle in the past 12 months doing I am 27, 245lbs 5'10"

    i also recomend getting a Zinc and Magnesium supplement to take prior to going to bed.. it helps you sleep and it helps build muscle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    wow great info. i am getting around 4 or 5 solid meals a day, and i drink whey protein after every workout. (just ran out of whey today) i do have zinc and magnesium supp. no casein or glutamine, any recomendations on good inexpensive supplements. also, u said 8-12 reps, i read and have always been told (but you cant trust what you hear) that to get bigger and stronger, u do less reps with more weight, and to get cut u add reps and drop weight... is this completely wrong, because right now i am very very cut, i just have a small frame and would like to add on to my base. i am also thinking about starting a cycle soon but that is still up in the air

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    in all reality working your muscle to failure with one pound or 500 pounds is the same thing you need to find your best range that you feel comfortable with and remeber heavier is not always better, any injury that happens now due to extreme heavy lifting will affect you later so be aware of that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    yes but what i am looking for is low reps high weight or high reps less weight, and working out only 3 days a week is fine?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    work out one day take next day off dont go crazy heavy workout till failure 8 to 12 is fine as long as done proper. and weight based on what you can do with the 8 th or 12 being the very last one you can do not just do 8 and easily put them down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    ok thanks, so my working out one muscle group a day is a bad idea?

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