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Thread: Critique routine. Just coming off cycle.

  1. #1

    Critique routine. Just coming off cycle.

    Maxes are around 315 bench, 515 deadlift, 465 squat parallel, 430atg. For those that don't know 5-3-1 is Jim Wendlers percentage based template... so week 1 5x3, week 2 then 3x3, then week 3 5-3-1.


    Flat Bench 5-3-1
    Flat Bench 3x10 down-sets
    Incline DB Bench 3x8-12
    Incline DB Flys 3x8-12

    Tuesday, Squat day -

    Squat 5-3-1
    Good Morning 3x8-12
    Glute Ham 3x10
    Rack Pull 10x3

    Thursday, Overhead Press day -

    OHP 5-3-1
    OHP 3x10 down-sets
    Face Pull 3x8-12
    Side Laterals 3x8-12
    Upright Row 3x8-12

    Friday, Deadlift day -

    Deadlift 5-3-1
    Chest support row 3x8-12
    Kroc Row 3x8-20
    Lats 3x8-12

    Saturday arms/calves/abs... just supersetting bi's and tri's with some dropsets.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Looks like a great routine for a powerlifter...not a BBer.

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