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Thread: Traps and Abs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Unhappy Traps and Abs

    I have only been working out for about three and a half months now.I have gained 15 pounds but half of it might be fat because my stomach has gotten pretty big.I am eating high calories and carbs and protein half which is from shakes.What do I do? Now heres one im sure you guys havent heard of.My traps are growing pretty good but my left arm is a lot smaller then my right which has left my left trap alot smaller than the right.How do I catch it up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    do one arm shrugs with dumbells. turn your head to the right, and raise your left trap...then turn it to the left and raise the right one. this hits each side by itself

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Your arms and traps are not the same size how much difference is there?

    Do excercises that involve using only one side at a time.This is what I do all set are of 3 and reps 8-10

    Upright row
    DB shrug (Heavy and use straps if your grip is not strong)

    EZ bar curl
    Seated DB curl.(You will lift a lot less than standing DB curls because there is no room to swing the weight)
    Concentration curl.(You can achieve complete failure by using the other hand to lift the weight)

    You should be able to bring them up to par pretty quickly

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Heavy deadlifts will help a lot followed by shrugs .But go lighter with the shrugs go more for feel .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks for the feedback.I will try what you said Dane.As for the size difference its not too bad.I just want to stop it from getting any worse.Once again thanks.

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