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Thread: too much training for a naturall ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Arrow too much training for a naturall ??

    training naturall ( at the moment )
    wanted to spice things up with my training and then came across this programme and fell in love, but i duno if im pushing the boat out abit to much.
    monday: chest & 2 tricep exercises
    tuesday: back & 2 bicep exercises
    wednesday: shoulders, traps and legs
    thursday: bicep and 2 back exercises
    friday: tricep and 2 chest exercises
    will be doing 3 or 4 sets per exercise and about 3 exercises for the main body part im training that day, going for that 12 rep range.
    would alot of you say way too much ?
    or some say looks good to get them gains abit quiker ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Don't like it, and where is the leg routine? You have to incorporate hams, quads and calves in there. I see you have legs in w/ delts and traps, but i prefer they have their own day. If you have a good leg routine down, you should simply be too tired to do any other bodypart.
    Why not try this?
    Thurs-Delts and arms
    Fri-Legs and Calves

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    Dont really like the routine, but 5 days weight training is fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Too much back and too much bicep/triceps in a week.

    5 days is fine natural, but you have to make sure only 1 bodypart per week and keep the workouts 45min and under.

    No cardio?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    DO THIS:
    Sunday – OFF

    Monday – Back & Bi’s
    4x8-12 Lateral Wide Grip Pull downs (to failure)
    3x8-12 Sitting V-Grip Rows
    3x8-12 Standing T-Bar Rows (to failure)
    3x8-12 Preacher Curls
    3x16-24 Alternating Dumbbell Curls (to failure)

    15-20 minutes of cardio

    Tuesday - Legs & Core
    3x8-10 Squats
    3x10-12 Leg Press
    3x12 Leg Extensions (to failure)
    3x12 Hamstring Curls (to failure)
    4x12 Calf Raises
    3xfailure Plank exercises
    3xfailure Ball Static Bridges

    Wednesday – Chest & Tri’s
    4x8-10 Bench Press (to failure)
    3x8-12 Dumbbell Bench Press
    3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
    3x8-12 Cable Cross Over (to failure)
    3x8-12 Rope Tricep Push downs
    3x8-12 Weighted Dips (to failure)

    15-20 minutes cardio

    Thursday – OFF

    Friday – Shoulders, Neck & Bi’s
    3x16-20 Front/Side Alternating Dumbbell Raises
    4x8-10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    3x8-10 Shrugs (to failure)
    3x8-12 Preacher Curls
    3x8-12 Isolated Dumbbell Preacher Curls (to failure)
    3x12-15 Weighted Neck Raises

    15-20 minutes of cardio

    Saturday – Legs, Forearms & Core
    4x8-12 Dead Lifts
    3x8-12 Abductor Machine
    3x8-12 Adductor Machine
    3x8-12 Wrist Curls (for forearms)
    3xfailure Plank exercises
    3xfailure Ball Static Bridges

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    nothing wrong with any of this, however, if you could post your age, height, weight, bodyfat and what your personal goals are I think you could get some "specific for you" advice. I personally disagree with the "one bodypart" a week program, since smaller muscle groups recover in shorter periods of time and it would be a missed growth opportunity to not traumatize that muscle tissue when it was ready to be traumatized. If you are 19 and eating properly and resting properly, your body is producing enough hormones to grow on any program, but you should maximize every opportunity, IMO. More stats and we will all be as helpful and encouraging as possible.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    im 20
    been lifting good for about 2 years
    and low b,f
    and also i dont like to dedicate a day training to legs as im happy with just doing squats or leg press.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    How tall are you? At your age I was on a High Intensity training program, I did an entire body workout three days a week every week for 6 months, when I began that program I gained 33 lbs in the first 8 weeks and wasn't even taking vitamins, let alone any other supplements, just ate and trained and grew. I would say you are under-training your body. About the leg thing, it is the largest muscle group in your body and your body produces chemicals to grow on when you exercise, not paying the proper amount of attention to legs can stall out your gains in your chest and other areas.

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